What did you inject today?

Coach gave me the go ahead to up the doses. Going to start loading eq now for the rebound. Should be 700 test ace, 1000 eq, 300 NPP. Starting at half of that, rebound ready at 7% bf in the next 6 weeks or less. I might dedicate my rebound to this thread stay tuned.
Day 11. Any questions are appreciated

Split between left and right ventro glutes.

-150mg Test E
-157.5 Nand PP
-120mg Tren A
-120mg Trest A

Split every 3 hours, taken with a meal:

-100mg Oxymetholone
-100mg Methandrostenolone
I saw your bloodwork, look fine for all that gasoline.

How is your Blood pressure daily ? How is your appetite with all that Oral since a very long time ?

How are your emotion and your mind ?

There is a lot of question dude.

Bp sits 110-120 morning and night. During lifts it caps out at around 130.

Appetites never been an issue, always hungry regardless of what I run and how much clean food I’m eating.

Mentals well. Only ever had issues with e2 in me.
Day 12. Any questions are appreciated

-Morning weigh in: 269.6lbs

-Pretty sure my trens been crashed past couple pins. Cinnamon clouds in vial ands been causing bit more pip than usual.

-switching the npp and tren and trest ace out for deca and tren and trest e shortly. Less oil volume per active mg, cheaper and keeps levels more stable, especially with daily injections. Will switch back to npp and trest ace before the cut so the nandrolone and trest can clear quick once the cut would start.

Split between left and right delts.

-150mg Test E
-157.5 Nand PP
-120mg Tren A
-120mg Trest A

Split every 3 hours, taken with a meal:

-100mg Oxymetholone
-100mg Methandrostenolone
Day 12. Any questions are appreciated

-Morning weigh in: 269.6lbs

-Pretty sure my trens been crashed past couple pins. Cinnamon clouds in vial ands been causing bit more pip than usual.

-switching the npp and tren and trest ace out for deca and tren and trest e shortly. Less oil volume per active mg, cheaper and keeps levels more stable, especially with daily injections. Will switch back to npp and trest ace before the cut so the nandrolone and trest can clear quick once the cut would start.

Split between left and right delts.

-150mg Test E
-157.5 Nand PP
-120mg Tren A
-120mg Trest A

Split every 3 hours, taken with a meal:

-100mg Oxymetholone
-100mg Methandrostenolone
What's a rough estimate of your BF? Huge man..
12iu hgh pre bed

6iu novo on wake up (106 Bloodsugar in morning, idk if i should use 10-20iu lantus or 6iu NOVO on waking and mayb on my high carb meals?)

125 Test E 0,5cc
300 EQ 1,5cc
200 Mast E 1cc

100mcg T4
80mg Telmisartan
20mg Cialis

Soo 3cc in my right quad 1h before I hit legs in gym.. hope it works.. im excited for pendulum squat
12iu hgh pre bed

6iu novo on wake up (106 Bloodsugar in morning, idk if i should use 10-20iu lantus or 6iu NOVO on waking and mayb on my high carb meals?)

125 Test E 0,5cc
300 EQ 1,5cc
200 Mast E 1cc

100mcg T4
80mg Telmisartan
20mg Cialis

Soo 3cc in my right quad 1h before I hit legs in gym.. hope it works.. im excited for pendulum squat
Whats the weekly mg load?