What did you inject today?

12iu hgh pre bed

8iu novo with first meal

125 Test E 0,5cc
300 EQ 1,5cc
200 Mast E 1cc

100mcg T4
80mg Telmisartan
20mg Cialis

think its time to switch to E2D Injections, no painfull pumps anymore... need that feeling.. so 300mg/week up from 1450 to 1750 soon mostly of that gonna be from masteron
Day 15. Any questions are appreciated

-Morning weigh in: 275.4bs

Split between left and right biceps.

-150mg Test E
-157.5 Nand PP
-120mg Tren A
-120mg Trest A

Split every 3 hours, taken with a meal:

-100mg Oxymetholone
-100mg Methandrostenolone