Post your Controversial Opinions here

Shouldn’t be controversial but probably is:
If you have someone in your life that you can’t absolutely rip a fart while in their presence, then they shouldn’t be present in your life.
Shouldn’t be controversial but probably is:
If you have someone in your life that you can’t absolutely rip a fart while in their presence, then they shouldn’t be present in your life.
My azz is banned by the Geneva Convention for the restriction of weapons of mass destruction, so if I rip one, they wouldn't be present in my life for sure.
Depiction of @egruberman flirting
Is there any other way to flirt or did I miss something?
Nobody cares about this, (by the glp/de minimis/endotoxins look of things), but here it is:

Nick Walker announces he is out of this year's Olympia.
Last year he got injured, unfortunately.
This year, you tell me why.
He says he was "relaxed" and feeling OK, but did not look right and was not ready. But then, the coach says he had problems and turmoil in his life.
Look at him in the video.
He really looks off and not like his usual energetic, combative self.
Idk. I feel sad for him.
He must be crushed, with this happening again.
I imagine there is all sorts of weird speculation going on online about this.
Not sure I want to hear it.
This guy must be really low, now...
But, with the event so close, why he was looking like that and why he waited until now to make the announcement, it is anyone's guess.
Someone please give him a hug.

If anyone follows this, who do you think is going to win?

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Nobody cares about this, (by the glp/de minimis/endotoxins look of things), but here it is:

Nick Walker announces he is out of this year's Olympia.
Last year he got injured, unfortunately.
This year, you tell me why.
He says he was "relaxed" and feeling OK, but did not look right and was not ready. But then, the coach says he had problems and turmoil in his life.
Look at him in the video.
He really looks off and not like his usual energetic, combative self.
Idk. I feel sad for him.
He must be crushed, with this happening again.
I imagine there is all sorts of weird speculation going on online about this.
Not sure I want to hear it.
This guy must be really low, now...
But, with the event so close, why he was looking like that and why he waited until now to make the announcement, it is anyone's guess.
Someone please give him a hug.

If anyone follows this, who do you think is going to win?


Now we have 2 years in a row. At least last year he was black and blue and the decision to bow out made complete sense. This year he had all the time in the world and zero injuries to contend with. I think he knows damn well he is not in top 3 condition, and maybe not even top 5, but with the decision to not step on the stage at all, does it really even matter at this point?
Now we have 2 years in a row. At least last year he was black and blue and the decision to bow out made complete sense. This year he had all the time in the world and zero injuries to contend with. I think he knows damn well he is not in top 3 condition, and maybe not even top 5, but with the decision to not step on the stage at all, does it really even matter at this point?

Idk, obviously there is something there.
I mean, he is not an amateur who just turned pro and things may have not gone to plan just because.
Like, if you look at him, would you think it is "normal" he should be like that, at this point?
They just said he is not ready. We can all see that.
But one would not expect it to be quite like that.
Now we have 2 years in a row. At least last year he was black and blue and the decision to bow out made complete sense. This year he had all the time in the world and zero injuries to contend with. I think he knows damn well he is not in top 3 condition, and maybe not even top 5, but with the decision to not step on the stage at all, does it really even matter at this point?
Thought I saw someone on another forum say kratom addiction. Not sure though. I don’t follow the competitors or competition and haven’t for a decade.

But I can understand how a bad kratom addiction could easily cause this. That shit is nasty and will eventually turn on anyone’s dependent on it. May take 10 years or maybe only one. But it will happen eventually and withdrawals are awful from using large amounts for extended periods. Which is easy to do with kratom. Especially folks with addictive tendencies. Do not recommend!
I think he knows damn well he is not in top 3 condition, and maybe not even top 5, but with the decision to not step on the stage at all, does it really even matter at this point?
when I watched the video he looked like he was on a bulk not a cut. So maybe he got his drugs mixed up. "You sure that shit is clen bro, oh crap, that was dbol!"
Thought I saw someone on another forum say kratom addiction
Hopefully that's not the case. Be sad to get a second chance at the O and have something like Krtom throw a monkey wrench in your goals.
Idk, obviously there is something there.
I mean, he is not an amateur who just turned pro and things may have not gone to plan just because.
Like, if you look at him, would you think it is "normal" he should be like that, at this point?
They just said he is not ready. We can all see that.
But one would not expect it to be quite like that.
Not to be too hypercritical, but for a pro whose entire life revolves around training, and with his ample capabilities, that he is not ready for the prime time when the chips are down speaks volumes to his determination level.

There is no excuse for not being ready to go IMO.

I had not heard of the potential addiction issues. God knows those of us in this life are overly susceptible to this type of thing. It would certainly explain why he looks like hammered dog shit right now.

In any case, I do wish the guy nothing but success and happiness. His personality rubs many people the wrong way, but I for one have loved following along on his career and social presence.

Here’s to hoping he gets his shit together and we see him at Arnold.
Some say he got bad gear (at his level? STRONG doubt)
Some say he is suffering addiction as mentioned
Maybe he had a health scare? He went from 0 to 100 in a few years, something has to give eventually.

This sport (lol) is killing its athletes quicker than bullets kill people in the hood. Something has to fundamentally change.
when I watched the video he looked like he was on a bulk not a cut. So maybe he got his drugs mixed up. "You sure that shit is clen bro, oh crap, that was dbol!"

Hopefully that's not the case. Be sad to get a second chance at the O and have something like Krtom throw a monkey wrench in your goals.

What do we think about the coach, then?
This is also a bad reflection on him, obviously.
Maybe they are not a good match.
If I were Nick, I would consider looking somewhere else.
If I were Nick, I would consider looking somewhere else.
Like who? Aceto is not a good match, he doesn't like mutants like Nick. That leaves Chad. Sure he is going to make an Olympian out of him, but at what cost? A kidney, a liver and unable to breath? Nah, f that.