What do you feel like on first PCT? Did you feel bad or normal?


New Member
So say you take a good PCT cycle after your cycle of gear ends. How does PCT normally make a person feel? I know it all depends on the person but overall from your experience, what did it feel like the first time you did a proper PCT?

I'm currently running a 12 week Prop cycle and will be using Clomid and Nolva. No other compounds have been used during this. I have never ran any type of gear before in my life as this is my first time cycle and a basic mild one at that. Will I really notice anything at all out of the norm? Is there a chance I will feel pretty normal throughout PCT? If you were to guess will it even take me a full 4 weeks to recover? What should I expect?

PCT will be.....

Clomid : 50/50/50/50
Nolva : 40/40/20/20
I felt pretty normal my first cycle was test 500mg and dbol 30Mg 4 weeks. Gained 20lbs I recovered fine back then later on it became an issue
I felt pretty normal my first cycle was test 500mg and dbol 30Mg 4 weeks. Gained 20lbs I recovered fine back then later on it became an issue

Thank you for the reply. Since its my first cycle of my life and I chose to run test on its own without any other compounds, I was getting the feeling that recovery will be much easier and quicker than if I was running multiple compounds.
PCT can be distressful time for many but it's really a mental game tho. The problems that I often see comes from folks who lacks a solid foundation (training/dieting) and using AAS for the wrong reasons. But If your diet and training's on point before you hop on the AAS then you'll be fine.
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