What do you recommend?


New Member
So i have a basic PCT built for after my cycle, but i would like to see what the community recommends.

Current cycle: 16 weeks (started week of 6/26/2016)
200mg/week test cyp will increase to 300 - 400mg on week 4
anavar 25mg daily then increasing to 50mg daily at week 4
will stack in winny at 50mgs a day at week 9
and clen 30 micrograms 3days on 3 days off starting week 10.
What part of this is PCT, let alone "basic PCT"?

As far as this cycle is concerned, since MOST who run AAS effectively (esp for FOUR months) have a reason or goal for doing so, what are yours?

Have you obtained precycle labs including LFTS?

Is the Winny oral?
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@Dr JIM i should have structured that post better.

It's not a PCT it's the current cycle I am running. The post is to see what the community recommends as a pct for the cycle stated above.
The goal is to increase my lean mass while also dieting down for a show.
I got labs done 3 weeks ago with all levels within normal range.

Winny is oral.
Running TWO oral AAS is just not a good idea esp for 12 weeks.

Post your LFT values if they were a part of the labs already performed, if not you NEED an established baseline if you insist on running this cycle.

Another somewhat less hepatotoxic option is Anadrol

Good luck
Running TWO oral AAS is just not a good idea esp for 12 weeks.

Post your LFT values if they were a part of the labs already performed, if not you NEED an established baseline if you insist on running this cycle.

Another somewhat less hepatotoxic option is Anadrol

Good luck
I had to read like 3X's but I believe he's only stacking winni and var on week 9 and 10? I could be reading it wrong though.

Also, Jim is correct that Anadrol is less toxic than most orals but only on a mg per mg basis. You usually have to run a higher mg amount to get desired effects. Therefore it's similar in toxicity in that regards. So always take that into consideration.

Running TWO oral AAS is just not a good idea esp for 12 weeks.

Post your LFT values if they were a part of the labs already performed, if not you NEED an established baseline if you insist on running this cycle.

Another somewhat less hepatotoxic option is Anadrol

Good luck

Point taken, can change the winny to
I had to read like 3X's but I believe he's only stacking winni and var on week 9 and 10? I could be reading it wrong though.

Also, Jim is correct that Anadrol is less toxic than most orals but only on a mg per mg basis. You usually have to run a higher mg amount to get desired effects. Therefore it's similar in toxicity in that regards. So always take that into consideration.

AST is 32 & ALT is 38 they are a bit on the upper range of normal. They should drop with my diet being cleaned up again.

I was thinking of changing Winny(oral) to Stanazolol(IM) but i would be stacking var with it for the last 6 weeks of cycle. Changing to Stanazolol would reduce toxicity, and possibly produce better results.

thank you both for your feedback by the way!
Point taken, can change the winny to

AST is 32 & ALT is 38 they are a bit on the upper range of normal. They should drop with my diet being cleaned up again.

I was thinking of changing Winny(oral) to Stanazolol(IM) but i would be stacking var with it for the last 6 weeks of cycle. Changing to Stanazolol would reduce toxicity, and possibly produce better results.

thank you both for your feedback by the way!
No evidence to support that IM winstrol is any less hepatoxic than orally administered (last I checked). Plus, the PIP from IM winstrol makes it damn-near undesirable for everyone.
what would you recommend instead?
Most orals are hepatoxic, with the exception of rarities such as primo ace (good luck finding real primo ace tabs).

If I can, I'd like to make a few suggestions:

- I don't like tweaking with the test level. Keep it constant, that's the one thing I don't like to play with on cycle. You can fuck with your other androgens as you wish, keeping test level constant is always best IME.

- You'll get more out of 500 test than 300, especially of cyp.

- Only do one oral, no need to overcomplicate.

How many cycles have you done prior to this one?
hmm i prefer Var over Primo since i stay around 9-10% BF. I agree with you about keeping test the same, but i find if i do a build up over 2 weeks i get less side effects. I will increase the dose to 400-500 for the duration with the cyp.
I have done 2 cycles so far over the past few years. Both low dose test cycles.

This will be the first stack cycle. so lets drop a oral. which would stack better var or winstrol? (obviously var would be better on the liver, but for the sake of questioning)
I like var, I like winstrol too. Either would be fine, truthfully. Whichever fits your budget and is easier to access I would go for. Winstrol is a bit harsher on your lipid vlaues in my experience.