What do you think of this stack?


New Member
Doing some research and messing with AI tools. I've come up with this as a possible stack. Tell me I'm an idiot if you think this is a bad idea:

DayMorning (Daily TRT)Post-WorkoutEvening
Monday21.4mg TRT + 1 IU HGHIGF-1 (20-30mcg)1 IU HGH
Tuesday21.4mg TRT + 1 IU HGHIGF-1 (20-30mcg)1 IU HGH
Wednesday21.4mg TRT + 1 IU HGHIGF-1 (20-30mcg)1 IU HGH
Thursday21.4mg TRT + 1 IU HGHIGF-1 (20-30mcg)1 IU HGH
Friday21.4mg TRT + 1 IU HGHIGF-1 (20-30mcg)1 IU HGH
Saturday21.4mg TRT + 1 IU HGHIGF-1 (20-30mcg)1 IU HGH
Sunday21.4mg TRT + 1 IU HGHIGF-1 (20-30mcg)1 IU HGH

Just say the weekly or daily amounts in the future to make it easier for everyone to read.

As far as opinions on it? Well, it is safe at least.
This is so mild it's practically just HRT.
What is your end goal exactly?
Trim off belly stubborn belly fat, minimize side effects, put on a little muscle mass. Always been a hard gainer. Did TRT before but weekly shots and it sucked for mood, so fell off. Worried about messing up insulin sensitivity and mood. Not looking to compete or anything.

For reference, lift 4 days a week, bike regularly, and compete in spartans a couple times a year for fun.
I'd focus more on learning to eat right if you think you're a 'hard gainer' and try to hit the gym at least 5x a week.

150mg of test is fine. Personally I love pinning ED but you could probably get away with a MWF pin schedule instead. I usually don't bother ED pinning when I'm on 150mg test.

Also 2iu of HGH daily, just take it as a single shot at night, not really worth pinning that small of an amount into 2 shots. I'd try to ramp that to 4iu over time and you got yourself a solid permacruise. (insulin resistance happens more around 10iu ime).
Just say the weekly or daily amounts in the future to make it easier for everyone to read.

As far as opinions on it? Well, it is safe at least.
This is so mild it's practically just HRT.
What is your end goal exactly?
Testosterone (TRT) 150mg
Human Growth Hormone (HGH) 14 IU
IGF-1 LR3 210mcg
HCG 1,000 IU


Also, for ref, free test is 50, total 350.

*edit - E2 32

Not looking for the fountain of youth here, just a leg up as I've been lifting with trainers for years and feel like I'm getting nowhere. Latest trainer recommended looking into TRT again. Having had side effects before, just trying to be cautious and minimize downsides.
Also on a pretty regimented diet but probably over relying on protein shakes. Gave myself gout in my 30s and can't take allopurinol because of other medical conditions (crohns) hence perhaps the overly cautious approach. On the sorta upside, totally used to needles with the crohns meds.
Yeah don't eat protein shakes. Eat real food. That combined with your hard gainer comments, I don't think you need steroids. I mean, none of us really do, go for it, but sounds like your problem is not lifting enough, not eating enough.

It took me a few cycles to realize that why blast compounds when you can eat perfectly with zero added sugars and carbs, only fresh vegetables, fruit, and lean meats,, and lift hard for over an hour 6x a week, and you should see gains.

If you still can't, then go ham, but chances are you aren't doing that. Even Sam Soolac isn't doing that.
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The biggest struggle for me is not being able to eat meat as it sets of gout attacks. Substituting but probably poorly. Can try moving to beans or tofu or something else, but chicken, fish, beef all take me out of commission for up to 14 days. :/ On the upside, I guess, no beer or drinking at all to mess me up.

Generally eat well aside from that. Not a huge carb eater, track everything in macrofactor.
The biggest struggle for me is not being able to eat meat as it sets of gout attacks. Substituting but probably poorly. Can try moving to beans or tofu or something else, but chicken, fish, beef all take me out of commission for up to 14 days. :/ On the upside, I guess, no beer or drinking at all to mess me up.

Generally eat well aside from that. Not a huge carb eater, track everything in macrofactor.

Hm, not sure what I can really say for that. Maybe quality of meat or how it's cooked? It's hard to get protein needs without meat. What about milk, or soymilk?
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I can still do dairy and eggs. Been getting most protein outside of shakes that way. Nuts, beans, milk, cheese, etc.

But yeah, makes it tougher and quite frustrating for sure.
I can still do dairy and eggs. Been getting most protein outside of shakes that way. Nuts, beans, milk, cheese, etc.

But yeah, makes it tougher and quite frustrating for sure.
If you can not meet your protein needs from food,shakes will work just fine.
The biggest struggle for me is not being able to eat meat as it sets of gout attacks. Substituting but probably poorly. Can try moving to beans or tofu or something else, but chicken, fish, beef all take me out of commission for up to 14 days. :/ On the upside, I guess, no beer or drinking at all to mess me up.

I can still do dairy and eggs. Been getting most protein outside of shakes that way. Nuts, beans, milk, cheese, etc.

But yeah, makes it tougher and quite frustrating for sure.

If you can not meet your protein needs from food,shakes will work just fine.

Hm, not sure what I can really say for that. Maybe quality of meat or how it's cooked? It's hard to get protein needs without meat. What about milk, or soymilk?

There are so many different protein shakes; whey, hemp, rice, vegan blends, etc., etc.

It's impossible to not be able to find one that works for you unless you're Jack Sprat's wife.
As long as you're getting a complete load of essential and semi essential amino acids, it doesn't matter where your protein comes from.

Amino acids are amino acids no matter the source.

I have issues eating enough after years of dealing with my own medical bs, I get easily 100g of my daily protein from shakes/Greek yogurt/milk. Another 25ish from beans and lentils, and another 25ish from eggs. The rest is usually fish.

I guess about 6g from a mix of Brazil nuts, walnuts, and pecans daily as well.
I've found protein shakes to just be lacking. I've always had way more results with real food.

That said, it seems well documented that even the best protein brands are only ~60% of their advertised protein, so with that in mind maybe you can eat enough. I think those who do best with protein shakes are those who are way overshooting their protein needs, as in they got enough from real food to be effectively enough and then just cramming in protein shakes on top.

It may also be a food issue, you're gonna bulk more with more calories, so maybe it can work. The only time I ever take protein shakes anymore is when I'm on vacation or partying all day and just didn't eat protein all day, so like once a month or something.

I see so many people spin their wheels in the gym, never growing, and it's food. Those who really get results are those who are truly bulking and putting on that mass while lifting heavy, and in that respect, protein shakes aren't a bad way to just cram calories. Probably just better to do mass gainer but whatever.