What drugs at what dosages for PCT?


New Member
Hi I will be doing my first cycle but am overwhelmed with information. I just want to know what PCT drugs I should be using at what dosages for what lengths. I read the stickied guide, it says

PCT start

1-35 clomiphene 50mg morning and night
1-45 tamoxifen 20mg morning and night

1-45 low dose of exemestane 12.5mg E3D (Optional)
What does 1-35 and 1-45 mean? Those can't be weeks. What am I supposed to take at what intervals and dosages. Also please don't reply 50/20/20/20 because I do not know what that means.
Hi I will be doing my first cycle but am overwhelmed with information. I just want to know what PCT drugs I should be using at what dosages for what lengths. I read the stickied guide, it says

What does 1-35 and 1-45 mean? Those can't be weeks. What am I supposed to take at what intervals and dosages. Also please don't reply 50/20/20/20 because I do not know what that means.

When you see this format, X/X/X/X it is dose per day by week. 50/20/20/20 would mean 50mg a day for week one, 20mg a day for week two and so on for a total of 4 weeks.
Hi I will be doing my first cycle but am overwhelmed with information. I just want to know what PCT drugs I should be using at what dosages for what lengths. I read the stickied guide, it says

What does 1-35 and 1-45 mean? Those can't be weeks. What am I supposed to take at what intervals and dosages. Also please don't reply 50/20/20/20 because I do not know what that means.
It appears those are the mg per day and days 1-35 and 1-45 accordingly. I would say them dosages are high depending on the cycle as clomid 50/50/50/50 and nolva at 20/20/20/20 (per day dosages for 4 weeks total) is usually good unless an abnormally long or high dosage cycle is ran.
The 50/20/20/20 I wrote was an example I made up in thin air.

What should the real PCT dosage be for this

Hi I will be doing my first cycle but am overwhelmed with information. I just want to know what PCT drugs I should be using at what dosages for what lengths. I read the stickied guide, it says

What does 1-35 and 1-45 mean? Those can't be weeks. What am I supposed to take at what intervals and dosages. Also please don't reply 50/20/20/20 because I do not know what that means.

And your doing your FIRST CYCLE at age 26 and have such a limited fund of knowledge, NOT likely!

That's bc most 26 yo are mature enough to know or have at least been in the gym or on PED forums long enough to KNOW, you darn sure don't start a cycle and ask about PCT, after the fact, as its ALL PLANNED BEFOREHAND!
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