what else do you cruise with

I can tell for joints... Minor otherwise. Deca has been a godsend for me and joints. It seems to promote an environment less likely to be injured in and more likely to facilitate healing. It's helped me heal tremendously and lasting results.

Now... If you have permanent damage that cannot be healed... Yeah it just masks that for a while but anti-inflammatories can't help that either. This is where people get confused. If it's permanent or requires surgery.... by definition you won't heal that no matter what. Other than that I notice dramatic healing benefits and have used it to help several injuries over the years making dramatic progress in recovery.
I believe it helps
I don't know why you'd really want to add a low dose of primo to a cruise dose of test. Primo at even 800mg is relatively mild, at 200mg I would see it as a complete waste of money... Even possible negative effect on health markers with no added benefit.

Same goes for EQ and mast... Except you're just spending less. Deca might help joints, but I hope you exhaust other options first before you start cruising with it because long term use may give complications later on down the road.
@legendary cruised with Mast for a while there, if i recall correctly. He seemed to like it. He actually got me thinking of trying something similar at some point here.

Sorry for late reply. I been off here for a little. Yes I have used it long term and actually using it now at 100mg wk. I really do like it with a cruise. Just keep a eye on prostate.