What ICE Allows You To Bring Back Into The US


If you are heading to Canada or Mexico (or anywhere else, for that matter) here is the most recent list from ICE detailing what you are allowed to bring back across the border.

*Note that they specifically name testosterone cypionate. Border Agents have never asked me for a script, and have never hassled me about ancillaries. They’re looking for opioids and nasty stuff like that. If you had testosterone enanthate instead of cypionate, for instance, I don’t know if they’re going to be sticky about it or let it slide. Probably depends on the agent. You’re only going to be able to bring back one bottle of test or a small handful of ampules or redijects, anyway.



Getting busted by BP is no joke, and no fun. However, that was me crossing on foot and with narcotics.

This is how I get away with bringing scheduled steroids back into the USA:

Since I had a prescription of Testosterone Cypionate from my doctor, I always keep one of my vials empty. I never throw my prescription vials away. Even if I do not have an empty one, I take the remaining contents of the vial and inject it into a sterile vial, thereby leaving me with an empty prescription testosterone cypionate vial, and a sterile vial with the remnants of my good gear. Then, I mix my gear together in the proper ratio (Test + Primo for example was my trip to Colombia last time) and inject them into the Testosterone Cypionate prescription vial.

My rule of thumb is to take the amount I need for my trip and add 10%, which generally just ends up being an extra injection (if I have space for it left in the vial).

As @TexasT said, they are only looking for Heroin, Fentanyl, Meth, Cocaine, and the like. They care ZERO about steroids. Most of the BP do steroids themselves. Also, they will never test your steroids. You would probably have the same luck as a person winning the lottery for them to go through something like that. Not unless you are super sketched out, freaking out, sweating, and when they come upon your bags of medications you yell out "I DONT HAVE ILLEGAL STEROIDS HIDDEN IN MY STUFF"

Anyway, I saw this post and thought it was interesting, and since I've both been arrested by BP crossing from Mexico into USA, AND successfully brought Anabolics to and from multiple countries, I figured I'd chime in with my 2cents and give you an ex smuggler's account of how I bring anabolics to and from the USA it if I don't want to bother with getting arrested. If I do want to get arrested I just bring narcotics instead.
Getting busted by BP is no joke, and no fun. However, that was me crossing on foot and with narcotics.

This is how I get away with bringing scheduled steroids back into the USA:

Since I had a prescription of Testosterone Cypionate from my doctor, I always keep one of my vials empty. I never throw my prescription vials away. Even if I do not have an empty one, I take the remaining contents of the vial and inject it into a sterile vial, thereby leaving me with an empty prescription testosterone cypionate vial, and a sterile vial with the remnants of my good gear. Then, I mix my gear together in the proper ratio (Test + Primo for example was my trip to Colombia last time) and inject them into the Testosterone Cypionate prescription vial.

My rule of thumb is to take the amount I need for my trip and add 10%, which generally just ends up being an extra injection (if I have space for it left in the vial).

As @TexasT said, they are only looking for Heroin, Fentanyl, Meth, Cocaine, and the like. They care ZERO about steroids. Most of the BP do steroids themselves. Also, they will never test your steroids. You would probably have the same luck as a person winning the lottery for them to go through something like that. Not unless you are super sketched out, freaking out, sweating, and when they come upon your bags of medications you yell out "I DONT HAVE ILLEGAL STEROIDS HIDDEN IN MY STUFF"

Anyway, I saw this post and thought it was interesting, and since I've both been arrested by BP crossing from Mexico into USA, AND successfully brought Anabolics to and from multiple countries, I figured I'd chime in with my 2cents and give you an ex smuggler's account of how I bring anabolics to and from the USA it if I don't want to bother with getting arrested. If I do want to get arrested I just bring narcotics instead.
LOL. That’s a unique perspective for certain. Thanks so much for sharing it.

The other part of the equation is that I’m over 50, I dress like a middle aged tourist and do not look anything at all like a bodybuilder when I go to Mexico. They are so accustomed to snow bird retirees going to Mexico for cheap dental work and bringing back cheap medicine that they don’t even look twice at me.

The Customs agent who checked my passport card last time joked that I look like I used to be a WWE wrestler.

I’ll take that as a compliment at my age. Especially since I was wearing fairly loose jeans, cowboy boots and a loose fitting Pearl snap shirt (the Texas uniform) so I just looked like a local corn fed rancher who probably was a defensive lineman 30 years ago on his high school football team.

While the information on that list is not real useful for steroids, it’s very helpful for ancillaries. I just brought back two 100 count bottles of tamoxifen citrate, 10mg tabs for $4.95 each. That is just under a nickel a piece for Nolvadex tabs instead of $2.00 a piece from a source. Plus shipping.

Telmisartan is $3.95 a bottle for thirty 40mg tabs.

Clomid is about $15 for 30 tabs.

You can get well stocked up on the stuff you need during your cycle and for your PCT for very little money. And not have to worry about catching charges and a court date from federal law enforcement officers.
If you cross illegally you can apparently bring whole ass people without them doing much so. I'd recommend that route.
BWAAAAAAA HA HA HA HA HA HA HA!!!! Very true. Sad, but very true.
Good info. Thanks for sharing. If I ever go down there, I'll have to remember that and take a look at that pdf you shared.
They actually say its pretty dangerous right now with the cartels and shit o_O.

I would put a 'like' on some posts but I don't have an option.
Can you help with my emoji's reactions @Millard or @MESO-Rx Administrator?

Thanks for any help.