What is estrogen's role in converting HGH to igf-1?

I based that on what Kurt Havens said about the metabolites of Masteron acting more like a serm than an AI.

I have seen bloodwork posted from people running Mast that shows lower E2, that would indicate aromatization inhibiting effects but other people seem to not get this effect so I thought it was possible that it might actually act as a serm as serms do not lower serum estrogen, correct?
Ah, the olllll’ cyberstalk — classic.
Im no stalker but I was not talking about you outside of my first paragraph.
I was genuine in my respect for your knowledge in this realm and for your writing.

Its obvious you know how to write and you dont fill your writing with subjective phrases worded as objective fact. That is one of the traits I can't stand in some so-called writing I see.

I may not agree with all of what you write but I respect that you act like an adult on this forum and you can handle when people don't agree with you.

I sincerely hope that some others can take notes/learn from you with regards to how you deliver your messages in your writing and also how you handle yourself when commenting in response to others on this forum.

I can so picture you jumping around just because a stranger on the internet has temporarily validated you, and trying as hard as you can to channel that excitement into a small burst of laugh "lmao" while pretending to look forward to the future while all you care about is your small present "victory" ;)
Im no stalker but I was not talking about you outside of my first paragraph.
I was genuine in my respect for your knowledge in this realm and for your writing.

Its obvious you know how to write and you dont fill your writing with subjective phrases worded as objective fact. That is one of the traits I can't stand in some so-called writing I see.

I may not agree with all of what you write but I respect that you act like an adult on this forum and you can handle when people don't agree with you.

I sincerely hope that some others can take notes/learn from you with regards to how you deliver your messages in your writing and also how you handle yourself when commenting in response to others on this forum.

Still a far cry from @ChestRockwell who was the reference on here.

@mands and @CensoredBoardsSuck remember ;)
So if the process of amortisation increases the igf-1 production, using boldenone along with testosterone should enhance this effect without causing estrogen sides since it convert to estrone.
So if the process of amortisation increases the igf-1 production, using boldenone along with testosterone should enhance this effect without causing estrogen sides since it convert to estrone.


igf-1 is mostly increased through e2 not e1 ;)
So if the process of amortisation increases the igf-1 production, using boldenone along with testosterone should enhance this effect without causing estrogen sides since it convert to estrone.

Don’t listen to this dipshit Gigantic. I’m pretty sure he has TNE induced brain damage the way he talks at himself like he’s an expert in anything beyond being obnoxious. Rather, listen to the actual experts in here talking,

You sure as hell don't know my budies, we go back

You don’t have to lie bud, we all know no one likes you ;)