What is impacted when taking testosterone on blood work?


Hey guys, at the moment I’m on a cycle 600 test and 10mg dbol. Was wondering if taking it effects these on your blood work:
FBC, EUC, GH, IGF1, iron studies, vitamin D, TSH , fT4.
Would these specific things be impacted by taking testosterone and dbol?
unlikely to a significant degree that im aware of
iron studies,
vitamin D,
TSH , fT4.
unlikely, unless you had existing thyroid disfunction as far as im aware


unlikely to a significant degree that im aware of



unlikely, unless you had existing thyroid disfunction as far as im aware
Thanks bro, do they effect dramatically enough to tell you’re taking something? Say after around 6 months of testosterone usage?
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Thanks bro, do they effect dramatically enough to tell you’re taking something? Say after around 6 months of testosterone usage?
I wanted to dm you but for some reason I can’t, or can’t figure out how lol.

Just wanted to ask you how your experience is with qsc’s test e?
I’ve read through 100s of pages. I’m on my phone all day at work 10 hrs a day 4 days a week. And searched this website, Reddit, Google, other source forums etc. . It’s literally looking for a needle in a haystack. Have you looked at that fucking thread?

Sorry that I asked one person what their personal experience is with a product. God forbid a simple answer like “it was good, my blood levels are xxx” or “it wasn’t good, my labs say xxx”
@LuceAniss, you only work 40hrs a week?
I’d work half that if I could keep my job. Lol.

You ask that question like you think working your life away is some badge of honor. Yikes

Also I Don’t need some captain obvious telling me to go search for an answer when I asked the person who’s used their product a specific question about their personal experience. Would’ve been way easier to just answer my simple question instead of trying to send me on a wild goose chase. Too bad they don’t sell raw IQ powders
I’d work half that if I could keep my job. Lol.

You ask that question like you thinking working your life away is some badge of honor. Yikes

Also I Don’t need some captain obvious telling me to go search for an answer when I asked the person who’s used their product a specific question about their personal experience. Would’ve been way easier to just answer my simple question instead of trying to send me on a wild goose chase. Too bad they don’t sell raw IQ powders
What we’re trying to do is encourage new members to do a bit of research, put in some effort. It’s not about what you think. You’re sub-10 posts in looking for handouts, or at least that’s what it looks like to anyone who been here a minute and sees this constantly.

If you’ve read 100’s of pages, should be an easy decision. Even without these IQ powers you mention.
Omg a handout! Lmao I asked a simple question about some injectable oil.

Obviously if my question was answered in their thread (which I can’t even comment in) I wouldn’t be asking some random dude on the internet.

I did enough research to place a successful order, you think I didn’t research the quality of their product before I asked this person what their experience was?

You’re encouraging new members to realize how cringe and entitled most of the users on here are.


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Also smart guy, you realize that bicep guy didn’t mention using qsc products at all in this thread right? So obviously I researched elsewhere and saw that he actually uses/used their product and I can’t comment on the thread where he mentions it, and I can’t dm him. So this was my best option, to ask him here in this thread, as far as my research goes. Mind blowing I know
If you’ve read 100’s of pages, should be an easy decision. Even without these IQ powers you mention.

And I didn’t mention any IQ “powers”

I said raw IQ powders, a sarcastic joke that you were clearly not bright enough to understand. Lol

Forbid me if I’m talking to a person that can’t read. I can point you to a resource to where they teach adults that. It’s pretty straight forward too
I’ve read through 100s of pages. I’m on my phone all day at work 10 hrs a day 4 days a week. And searched this website, Reddit, Google, other source forums etc. . It’s literally looking for a needle in a haystack. Have you looked at that fucking thread?

Sorry that I asked one person what their personal experience is with a product. God forbid a simple answer like “it was good, my blood levels are xxx” or “it wasn’t good, my labs say xxx”

i understand where you are coming from too. some of these bitches that been on here for a while think they are too good to help the new guys out. although i am new to meso rx as well i am not new to testosterone. its the same toxic hospitality from discord and reddit on here. its almost the same people. in another thread i commented for help as well because like you said you have to filter thru a bunch side chatter just to hopefully read something worth a shit
Hey guys, at the moment I’m on a cycle 600 test and 10mg dbol. Was wondering if taking it effects these on your blood work:
FBC, EUC, GH, IGF1, iron studies, vitamin D, TSH , fT4.
Would these specific things be impacted by taking testosterone and dbol?
im better star trek GIF