What is your eGFR? Age? Blood pressure?


Well-known Member
I never paid attention to eGFR.

It was 68 on my last test.

I know they say normal is 60 or above, but this is the lowest mine has been. In the last 5 years it has been as high as 80, dropped down to 70, went back up to 75, then recently was 68.

I am in my 50s. I understand the number typically trends lower with age, but without a database of numbers to look at, and precious little information to review, I do not know whether I should be concerned with the number at 68.

All my other kidney markers were within the normal range. Of course, eGFR is within the "normal" range, too, but I do not like seeing it at 68.

Should I be concerned?

I have had some issues controlling blood pressure. It has not risen to the extent I have seen some others post about, but it is frequently high even on telmisartan and never tends to go much below 135/80 or so. Diastolic sometimes drops into the 70s. I have, from time to time, isolated systolic hypertension, where the upper number will climb into the 140s and 150s. I do not know why this happens or why it goes back down. I monitor it on a wrist cuff automated machine (Omran).

Seeing Bostin Lloyd reveal he is on dialysis got me looking closer at this eGFR number, which I never really paid attention to before, since it was always "normal" and still is. But even Bostin Lloyd did not discuss what is eGFR was or his blood pressure numbers, and the same goes for Fouad Abiad, who dropped out of the Chicago Pro last fall due to kidney issues. He mentioned the kidney issues and out of control blood pressure, but he did not say what the numbers were that caused so much concern.

So I thought folks posting their numbers here would be a small database from which we could compare info.

What is your eGFR?

What is your age?

What is your blood pressure?

Mine was 71 in October, end of December 54......Wut? Creatinine is always high. I asked the endo about it. He said it’s really unreliable for kidney function, especially when you’re a “muscle guy.” It’s still something that giving me underlying anxiety, which I plan on addressing as soon as I’m able to drive again.
"The eGFR is a good test, but it’s not right for everyone. For example, this test may not be accurate if you are younger than 18, pregnant, very overweight or very muscular."

Hmmmm . . .
Mine was 71 in October, end of December 54......Wut? Creatinine is always high. I asked the endo about it. He said it’s really unreliable for kidney function, especially when you’re a “muscle guy.” It’s still something that giving me underlying anxiety, which I plan on addressing as soon as I’m able to drive again.
Interesting. See what I posted while you were posting.
I guess I have a lot more reading to do, but please share your eGFR, age, and blood pressure like Bumpygooch and me.

Good, bad, or normal, it all helps us learn. Thank you in advance.
Im 19, my eGFR was 114 last month. I dont really track my bp but my highest was at the end of 2019 while bulking and eating a shit ton in the states 120/80, pretty sure its lower now. Btw im fucking small.
eGFR - 56
BP - 135/85
Age - early 50’s

I’ve got bloodwork from the last 10 yrs or so, I’m going to review that and look for trends.
Is your doctor concerned about it being lower than 60? As for the trend, I thought I had kept all my bloodwork from in my 40s, but I can't find it, so the only "trend" I know about right now is in the first post. Are you on any blood pressure medication?

As for you younger guys, wow, I did not even know the scale went over 100!
Is your doctor concerned about it being lower than 60? As for the trend, I thought I had kept all my bloodwork from in my 40s, but I can't find it, so the only "trend" I know about right now is in the first post. Are you on any blood pressure medication?

As for you younger guys, wow, I did not even know the scale went over 100!
No he didn’t really mention it, he’s a great doctor and he was more focused on cholesterol and liver enzymes being slightly out of range. Like you I didn’t really monitor it until the Boston Loyd concerns...
I guess I have a lot more reading to do, but please share your eGFR, age, and blood pressure like Bumpygooch and me.

Good, bad, or normal, it all helps us learn. Thank you in advance.
Come on, guys. It's Tuesday. If you are reading, then respond and post 'em up!