What is your eGFR? Age? Blood pressure?

I'm 48 6.1" 240-280 pounds current weight 270
My eGFR measured multiple times from 2017-2022
eGFR 60 64 70 65 63 58 L 61 72 62 55 L
Creatinine 1.30 1.23 1.13 1.21 1.25 1.33 H 1.28 1.10 1.24 1.39 H
BUN 20 18 15 12 18 17 12 25 H 17 28 H

Age 43 44 44 44 44 44 45 46 47 48 48

Blood pressure has been good with medication 120/80. Except since my 1st cycle. Last 14 weeks 140-155. I finnished my cycle 3 weeks ago and starting to get BP readings that are lower 125-140
Creatinine from 2011-2021 has been between 1.21-1.31. Started TRT in may of 2013. 2 years ago i switched PHCP and the new dr. didn't like my slightly elevated creatinine/BUN. Really scared the crap out of me. I've always had slightly elevated bp at the drs but normal at home. I have both Omron wrist and sleeve and a RN wife who takes it.

She referred me to nephrology at the start of the pandemic. My eGFR was 58-60 from the creatinine/bun/b.p combo they use to determine such, as well with age and weight.

That's where these findings can be flawed. As we know extra muscle combined with training can falsely elevate your numbers. PHCP had me thinking im in stage 3 kidney failure! Thankfully my s.o is not only a nurse but a dialysis nurse, so she helped quell my worries until i met the specialist.

We ran a cystatin c, lipids, blood sugar, urine, you name it, we ran it. Cystatin C came back at 0.7 with a ref range of 0.5-1.2.- Urine perfect, all other tests perfect. She combined all tests to give a true GFR of 110. My kidneys are in great shape, and i was SO relieved. I literally thought i'd end up on my wife's unit awaiting a transplant..worry much..yeah just a tad!

Point is gents, run your bloods, check BP, get under control if elevated, and always ask to see a specialists if you even THINK there may be a renal issue. Not everyone with more muscle has elevated creatinine, so dont think it's just cause im jacked and ignore it. It's a vicious circle and left unchecked will certainly cause issues. Almost ALL of my wife's patients started with high bp, then type 2 diabetes, renal insufficiency ,and heart issues. Here's to being strong, healthy, and long living motherfuckers!
We ran a cystatin c, lipids, blood sugar, urine, you name it, we ran it. Cystatin C came back at 0.7 with a ref range of 0.5-1.2.- Urine perfect, all other tests perfect. She combined all tests to give a true GFR of 110

What's this?
What's this?
Cystatin C is protein that the cells in the body produce. When your renal function is doing well the levels of this will be in range. When your having issues it will go out of range and indicate renal insufficiency. Dr's are studying this protein more and more as unlike creatine its not influenced by weight, muscle mass or breakdown. Moreover it gives a clearer picture of how well your kidney's are functioning as a whole.

Creatinine/Bun is still the first test do's will go for. Like i mentioned in the original post not everyone with more muscle or who works out hard will have elevated creatinine/bun. It's definitely a good idea to try to keep those values within range, and if they're not, find a avenue to get additional tests run to asses your renal function. Hope that helps a bit.
Cystatin C is protein that the cells in the body produce. When your renal function is doing well the levels of this will be in range. When your having issues it will go out of range and indicate renal insufficiency. Dr's are studying this protein more and more as unlike creatine its not influenced by weight, muscle mass or breakdown. Moreover it gives a clearer picture of how well your kidney's are functioning as a whole.

Creatinine/Bun is still the first test do's will go for. Like i mentioned in the original post not everyone with more muscle or who works out hard will have elevated creatinine/bun. It's definitely a good idea to try to keep those values within range, and if they're not, find a avenue to get additional tests run to asses your renal function. Hope that helps a bit.
No, I mean what is the formula for a "true GFR" that "combines" are these test results?
No, I mean what is the formula for a "true GFR" that "combines" are these test results?
From what the kidney specialist told me yes. We ran a litany of tests and after everything was done she calculated a true GFR based on those findings. She took urine analysis along with bun/creatine ratio, cystatin c, blood pressure/age and calculated the GFR from that based on all the data. From what she told me the fact that my cystatin c was low and no protein in the urine she wasn't concerned about my creatinine being 1.34 as it was likely driven up by muscle mass/breakdown. She also ran a few other tests that would show elevated markers if the kidneys were in trouble, which thankfully wasn't the case. Hope this helps a bit.
I never paid attention to eGFR.

It was 68 on my last test.

I know they say normal is 60 or above, but this is the lowest mine has been. In the last 5 years it has been as high as 80, dropped down to 70, went back up to 75, then recently was 68.

I am in my 50s. I understand the number typically trends lower with age, but without a database of numbers to look at, and precious little information to review, I do not know whether I should be concerned with the number at 68.

All my other kidney markers were within the normal range. Of course, eGFR is within the "normal" range, too, but I do not like seeing it at 68.

Should I be concerned?

I have had some issues controlling blood pressure. It has not risen to the extent I have seen some others post about, but it is frequently high even on telmisartan and never tends to go much below 135/80 or so. Diastolic sometimes drops into the 70s. I have, from time to time, isolated systolic hypertension, where the upper number will climb into the 140s and 150s. I do not know why this happens or why it goes back down. I monitor it on a wrist cuff automated machine (Omran).

Seeing Bostin Lloyd reveal he is on dialysis got me looking closer at this eGFR number, which I never really paid attention to before, since it was always "normal" and still is. But even Bostin Lloyd did not discuss what is eGFR was or his blood pressure numbers, and the same goes for Fouad Abiad, who dropped out of the Chicago Pro last fall due to kidney issues. He mentioned the kidney issues and out of control blood pressure, but he did not say what the numbers were that caused so much concern.

So I thought folks posting their numbers here would be a small database from which we could compare info.

What is your eGFR?

What is your age?

What is your blood pressure?

I've been looking into this quite a bit tonight as my GFR has been pretty low lately and ironically creatinine has been high at the same time - Every time I have had my bloods taken it has always been first thing in the morning after training late at night the night directly before. Training causes creatinine levels to shoot up same as creatine kinase levels. Taking actual Creatine also raises creatinine levels - so as seen as I have always been on 10g creatine per day during previous bloods I can't imagine this has been too great for it either. I have bloods due to be taken this thursday so for the 3 days before no training and I also haven't used creatine in months - I am very interested to see if these 2 things have an impact on GFR!
My most recent blood work says my EGFR is “>90”, I’m 34 and my average blood pressure is 114/60. I’m still what I would consider new enough to this still in that I’m supposed to be on TRT, but I disagree with the way it’s done here in Ireland. So I do it myself with my endocrinologist’ help.

My weekly dose of 175mg test u keeps me around 977ng/dl. 175mg e10d keeps me around 830. And I’m waiting to find out what 100mg test u once a week gets me at as my next bloods and consultation is in July.

I’ve had two blasts over 2.5 years, both were 600mg testosterone. I tried blasting with trenbolone just a few months ago, and it failed as a blast but it was the most drastic and unintentional cut I’ve ever done.

My time ‘off’ is probably over double my time on. Starting to question if I should even bother blasting again as I just come down to natural levels and I lose a fair bit of my gains frequently.

Yes, I’m kind of gone off topic. But health markers and future blasts or PED use is all related.