What is your eGFR? Age? Blood pressure?

This is a great thread. I need to spend more time and read everyone's responses. I only read the first two pages.

I just turned fifty and my eGFR is 66. I take my blood pressure at home. It can vary but it's been around 132/75, give or take. When I go to the doctor it measures around 140/90. But that could be due to stress and anxiety while being at the doctor's office.

I started taking 300mg of tren as of three weeks ago in addition to my weekly 200mg of test. I'm gaining some weight and will be keeping an eye on my blood pressure daily. I don't want kidney damage. I really can feel the negative effects of eating a high sodium meal while taking tren so I'm taking steps to reduce my sodium.

By the way, you might want to try a keto style diet. I also remember while doing that type of diet that my blood pressure went down. Eating a lot of carbs results in glycogen in the muscles holding more water. They swell and fill with water and give you that pumped up look. On a keto diet you lose a lot of that water. Some say that's all you lose and not so much, in terms of fat, but as you keep up the diet you start to drop fat, too. About two years ago, I was doing the old Dan Duchaine Body Opus diet where I did Keto Monday through Friday afternoon and then carbed up all weekend long. I looked my best ever and lost fat so fast the skin around my abs started to crinkle up and almost sag (unless I stood perfectly straight). I went from having a 36" to a 32" waist in record time.

The thing is, I really like that big muscled pumped up look. Whereas with the ripped keto look I looked my best naked but in clothes I just looked athletic and kinda flat.
I'm 33,

Non African: 107
African amer:125

I'm half black so eh, happy they're working well!


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I'm 33,

Non African: 107
African amer:125

I'm half black so eh, happy they're working well!
Jesus how do you guys have such good egfr. Mines friggen 59. My cystatin c is 90 which is more accurate they say so that's good at least. They say the more muscle mass and low bf you have the lower your egfr can be hence why it's not a very good measurement. But how the hell do you guys who workout have such a high one?
Jesus how do you guys have such good egfr. Mines friggen 59. My cystatin c is 90 which is more accurate they say so that's good at least. They say the more muscle mass and low bf you have the lower your egfr can be hence why it's not a very good measurement. But how the hell do you guys who workout have such a high one?
Curious the whole spectrum there as well. Age is probably a factor, diet, how much fluids, etc
Just had another blood test Friday.

Gfr is lower but I was a little dehydrated and stressed from forgetting my wallet, being in traffic, and whatnot.

Gfr: 94
African Amer: 109
33 yr old
i am slighty dehydrated most time because of medical condition.
43yr old

Bostin's eGRF is in single digits and he had very high uncontrolled bp for years.

My eGFR (Crea, CKD-EPI) is over a hundred and that is on a heavy tren cycle. My blood pressure is rather low than high. I'm on 80mg telmisartan, 5mg nebivolol and 10mg tadalafil daily.
Latest eGFR - 95, much higher than last time which was 75 I think.
Blood pressure is normal for me. 123/65. My blood pressure is always amazing. It's probably because I eat so much peanut butter XD
Latest eGFR - 95, much higher than last time which was 75 I think.
Blood pressure is normal for me. 123/65. My blood pressure is always amazing. It's probably because I eat so much peanut butter XD
Wow, that is a big change.

Do you weigh less that when it was 75?
Wow, that is a big change.

Do you weigh less that when it was 75?
I have lost about 10 lbs due to not being able to lift as much due to an elbow injury. I basically turned it into a super mild cut so I've lost about 50/50 fat/muscle. Doing a lot of cardio and eating lean very high protein diet. Was 226, now about 216. But I'm 6'2 so it's not like I was ever dangerously huge to begin with...?

Also if was 78 not 75, just checked back. My bad. my first post on this thread from page 6:

All are the "Others" (non African American) number: Units mL/min/1.73
June 2021- 78
March 2021 - 79 (was on Test/Tren A/Anavar at the time - 500/280/350/week
January 2021 - 94 (was on Test/NPP/Anavar at the time 500/350/350/week)
November 2020 - 94 (not on cycle at all)
November 2019 - 102 (not on cycle

Blood tests ages between 29 and 31.

My average blood pressure since I started taking it in February (while on the Test/NPP/Anavar cycle and also experimented with MENT and Tren in there) is 125/68--most of my readings are on cycle. Lately while off cycle it has been closer to 120/63ish. The highest it's been is 139/72 (that doesn't even count because it was when I was having a blood sugar crisis after a fasted blood draw). otherwise the highest number for systolic is 132/68 and for diastolic it is 128/81.

The downward trend was worrying, but it seems I've shot right back up to near where I was originally at. Idk what to say about it. Can't on down a specific factor that would be at play there. The anavar maybe? But then even after doing for almost 3 months it went down from 79 to 78. Nowit randomly went back up.

I haven't studied what things impact GFR. I was quite stressed at that time of the lowest reading. My diet hasn't changed at all though.
Your experience lends a lot of credence to the theory that muscle weight is a huge factor in the eGFR calculation.

More muscle = lower number.

Less muscle = higher number.
Your experience lends a lot of credence to the theory that muscle weight is a huge factor in the eGFR calculation.

More muscle = lower number.

Less muscle = higher number.
Yeah but I've only maybe lost 5 lbs of muscle? To have a 20% increase in GFR from 5 mealy pounds is crazy.

I will be gaining that muscle back again. So as I bulk up one this fucking tennis elbow is healed I will be back up to the 225-230 range (and leaner than before :), so all I can say is:

*1950s radio host voice*: "What a season finale from MFAAS! Up 21% on the final blood test of the year! Be sure to tune in next season to see how his bulk affects these awesome Kidney Gainzz!!"
I would be interested in hearing updates from you about your eGFR as you lose or gain muscle.
Well losing more muscle ain't on the table ;)

I will for sure keep you updated though as the months go by my man! Just got a cortisone shot today and will hit it with some BPC-157 to counteract tendon weakness from the cortisone, hopefully this elbow heals up and I can get back on it. It has been so depressing not to REALLY lift.

I've been off completely for almost 6 months now. Prior to that I was blasting test and anadrol/superdrol mostly as well for 3-4 years with a few weeks to a month break in between. I've had quite a bit of stim abuse in my 20s so I'm surprised at my kidney levels tbh.

I was never a big drinker though. To be fair the stims probably damaged my heart more than anything but my ecg test came back normal so that's a good sign as well.
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