What is your eGFR? Age? Blood pressure?

"Reasons not to use telmisartan could include unwillingness to accept the risk of possible side effects, or unwillingness to shift the balance of fat loss towards visceral fat loss versus subcutaneous fat loss. In general, if dieting and training achieve only the same bodyfat percentage despite the positive effects of telmisartan, appearance could be smoother due to the same amount of bodyfat being present but with less of it stored as unhealthful visceral fat. On the other hand, if taking advantage of improved loss of visceral fat with telmisartan to achieve a lower bodyfat percentage, then there’s no smoothness penalty. However, when aiming for contest condition there’s a certain amount of fat that the body must retain: theoretically, reducing visceral fat in this case might force retention of a greater amount of subcutaneous fat. So I wouldn’t advise telmisartan use in the last few weeks before a bodybuilding contest."

"While it’s not required and telmisartan users in general do not do so, when using this drug I suggest supplementing with oleuropein 200-400 mg/day and Vitamin D 5000 IU/day. These are to reduce or perhaps eliminate two activities of telmisartan that I would not consider desirable for physique or performance enhancement, though they add to its medical use."

"Telmisartan also is a partial agonist of PPAR-gamma, which while useful for those with diabetes, I would not choose for a physique-enhancing drug because activating PPAR-gamma works towards enhancing fat storage. Telmisartan has so many activities working against fat storage that overall it’s unlikely to gain bodyfat from the PPAR-gamma mechanism, but still I would prefer to minimize this activation. Oleuropein supplementation can work towards blocking this activation, so it’s a suggested supplement to use in combination with telmisartan. The other undesired activity is partial blocking of the 1,25-dihydroxyvitamin-D receptor. I would address this with supplementation of Vitamin D"

"Telmisartan has a biochemical effect on muscle cells which is very similar to the effect of exercise. A consequence of this is increased oxidative capacity of Type II muscle fibers, which may be called “switching” from Type IIb to Type IIa. It’s possible that such switching could be a significant concern for powerlifters, Olympic lifters, shotputters, or other extremely explosive athletes. On the other hand, ordinary resistance training also induces the same effect, and any such effect is likely reversible in any case."

Last one is to not use telmisartan with diuretics.

Thanks for find it. Well, I came in cut to shreds on telmisartan, so my own personal experience does not jive well with the quote in the first paragraph about not using it in the "last few weeks before a bodybuilding contest." I also do not find I put on fat easier when taking it. Don't know about vitamin D.
Thanks for find it. Well, I came in cut to shreds on telmisartan, so my own personal experience does not jive well with the quote in the first paragraph about not using it in the "last few weeks before a bodybuilding contest." I also do not find I put on fat easier when taking it. Don't know about vitamin D.
Well putting more fat while using it is not a side effect Srsly taken I believe he even say it. The visceral fat Vs subq fat who knows... Maybe you could have been even more shredded? Ahahha I'm just guessing here

Anyway started telmisartan 40mg daily for my tren/masteron/test cycle. Will report back with impression. I like to test thing on my own :)

For now Metformin is the best supplement I'm using since I started cycling, who knows if telmisartan will be a new addition to the cocktail :)
Had mine checked November of 2020 my value was 64, blood pressure was 140 range over 80 for some time. I esurance kicked in and on bystolic now it's great 120/ over 75 ,70 range. I'm 31 . Need to prob get checked again.
30 years old. Original test egfr cane back at 57.

Got the cystatic c test and egfr now 88.
Slightly hypertensive been able ti bring it down to 130/80 but plan on doing a small cycle of test npp and var. So feel like i should have a bp med on hand.

Dr. Prescribed me lisinopril but the cough side freaks me out. Have not taken it uet though. Like the idea of telmesartan. Should i mention it to my doc.
Every one should look into bystolic . It's new blood pressure med. Rather expensive 200$ without insurance but just one 5mg pill brought my 150 range over high 80s down to 120 range over 70 . Doc said take two if needed but don't need it . There are no generics out yet
That's a beta blocker, but it apparently also has a vasodilation effect.

I have always been a little freaked out at the thought of exercising while using a drug that slows the heart.
I did have high heart rate too. But man does it work I can check it after work or after a work out and it's still good . Even tried it after a cup of coffee . Doesn't phase
Hello mofos, I checked my BP today after starting clen at 80mg
Already on tren/masteron/test (second week)
Fuck me BP is high...

After two days of clen went from 120/75 to 140/85 measured in the afternoon.

Started 40mg telmisartan. Will come back with impression in 1 week time more or less
Probably best option would be to just drop the clen... I'll see what to do, after 1 week, if 40mg telmisartan will not help it I'll cut the clen, don't want to use 80mg of telmisartan. Unless I need it for aas use. Not worth for just fucking clen
Hello mofos, I checked my BP today after starting clen at 80mg
Already on tren/masteron/test (second week)
Fuck me BP is high...

After two days of clen went from 120/75 to 140/85 measured in the afternoon.

Started 40mg telmisartan. Will come back with impression in 1 week time more or less
Probably best option would be to just drop the clen... I'll see what to do, after 1 week, if 40mg telmisartan will not help it I'll cut the clen, don't want to use 80mg of telmisartan. Unless I need it for aas use. Not worth for just fucking clen
140/85 is fine bro
No it's not. Long term it will created kidney damage and other stuff. 140/85 at 32 years old is not fine in my opinion.

No it's not. Long term it will created kidney damage and other stuff. 140/85 at 32 years old is not fine in my opinion.
Eh I mean years and years possibly. But during duration of a clen cycle not going to have that much impact. Kudos to you wanting to stay on top of it though
Eh I mean years and years possibly. But during duration of a clen cycle not going to have that much impact. Kudos to you wanting to stay on top of it though
Yeah man I would like to do AAS for a long time, so I really try to stay on top of anything that could impact my health badly. But if you think about it a clen cycle is around 6 weeks for me. So that's already one month and a half of possible high BP then I will be in the middle of my tren cycle so probably BP could keep being high so that's another 6 weeks, there you go easily 3 months of high BP. No good no good.

Let's see how it goes with the telmisartan. Anyone had diarread from it? I got the first pill today and I fucking shit my ass after dinner lol
looking at a recent blood test. it says eGFR is
116 mL/min/1.73

33 y/o. im assuming this is good?

BP I forget, buts its low. way below 120/80.. I think like 90-something / idk the other one
Last edited:
All are the "Others" (non African American) number: Units mL/min/1.73
June 2021- 78
March 2021 - 79 (was on Test/Tren A/Anavar at the time - 500/280/350/week
January 2021 - 94 (was on Test/NPP/Anavar at the time 500/350/350/week)
November 2020 - 94 (not on cycle at all)
November 2019 - 102 (not on cycle

Blood tests ages between 29 and 31.

My average blood pressure since I started taking it in February (while on the Test/NPP/Anavar cycle and also experimented with MENT and Tren in there) is 125/68--most of my readings are on cycle. Lately while off cycle it has been closer to 120/63ish. The highest it's been is 139/72 (that doesn't even count because it was when I was having a blood sugar crisis after a fasted blood draw). otherwise the highest number for systolic is 132/68 and for diastolic it is 128/81.

I have all this stored in the app Bearable, when I take my blood pressure, I store the number in there. Along with my pulse and my weight. Not every day, but very often. I also track what substances I and can make notes on the reading, like the one where I had the blood sugar crisis--I never would've remembered that had I not noted it in the app.
Every one should look into bystolic . It's new blood pressure med. Rather expensive 200$ without insurance but just one 5mg pill brought my 150 range over high 80s down to 120 range over 70 . Doc said take two if needed but don't need it . There are no generics out yet
Brother thats nebivolol you can buy it on alldaychemist very cheap :).
Anyone own the omron 5? I’m thinking of returning it. It’s all over the place. I just had a 144/80 reading, followed immediately by a 129/75.
I used to be worried about my blood pressure and then I learned from the American Heart Association to take it three times at once. If you take it three times at once you're going to get three different readings in your supposed to go with the lowest one. That's straight off the American Heart association's website. I used to get high blood pressure readings but then I would take three and breathe real deep breaths and then you will get a lower one. So I think mine was just caused from being nervous.