What is your eGFR? Age? Blood pressure?

Don't go by that stupid fucking scale. What they say is stage 2 is actually normal kidney function. It naturally lowers with age, but mine is 70 and I'm 40 yrs old, however I'm also diabetic (which means I really need to watch this)

Be sure you keep that blood pressure under control, that can also contribute to a loss of function, just like high blood sugar can. From what I understand it's irreversible, it ain't like the liver
110/62 today. We'll see how well I can keep it there (since I have not seen blood pressure this low since I was probably, well, maybe never. Telmisartan and lowering my estrogen seems to have temporarily done the trick.
I never paid attention to eGFR.

It was 68 on my last test.

I know they say normal is 60 or above, but this is the lowest mine has been. In the last 5 years it has been as high as 80, dropped down to 70, went back up to 75, then recently was 68.

I am in my 50s. I understand the number typically trends lower with age, but without a database of numbers to look at, and precious little information to review, I do not know whether I should be concerned with the number at 68.

All my other kidney markers were within the normal range. Of course, eGFR is within the "normal" range, too, but I do not like seeing it at 68.

Should I be concerned?

I have had some issues controlling blood pressure. It has not risen to the extent I have seen some others post about, but it is frequently high even on telmisartan and never tends to go much below 135/80 or so. Diastolic sometimes drops into the 70s. I have, from time to time, isolated systolic hypertension, where the upper number will climb into the 140s and 150s. I do not know why this happens or why it goes back down. I monitor it on a wrist cuff automated machine (Omran).

Seeing Bostin Lloyd reveal he is on dialysis got me looking closer at this eGFR number, which I never really paid attention to before, since it was always "normal" and still is. But even Bostin Lloyd did not discuss what is eGFR was or his blood pressure numbers, and the same goes for Fouad Abiad, who dropped out of the Chicago Pro last fall due to kidney issues. He mentioned the kidney issues and out of control blood pressure, but he did not say what the numbers were that caused so much concern.

So I thought folks posting their numbers here would be a small database from which we could compare info.

What is your eGFR?

What is your age?

What is your blood pressure?

Come on, Meso nation! Share.

What is your eGFR?

What is your age?

What is your blood pressure?
Anyone own the omron 5? I’m thinking of returning it. It’s all over the place. I just had a 144/80 reading, followed immediately by a 129/75.
I take bp readings everyday, usually twice to make sure.
I am staying around 130/80 right now on 150 test c and 300 npp and 10mg cialis daily.
Anyone own the omron 5? I’m thinking of returning it. It’s all over the place. I just had a 144/80 reading, followed immediately by a 129/75.
Could be you were more relaxed on the second one. Just this morning, I had to pee, and my blood pressure was 164/99. Half in a panic, I went to pee. Got a cup of tea, sat down at my computer to read and relax a little, and took my blood pressure again. 139/78.

There were only a few minutes between these two measurements, but obviously needing to pee raised my blood pressure.

Relax, breath deeply, take your blood pressure when still.
Anyone own the omron 5? I’m thinking of returning it. It’s all over the place. I just had a 144/80 reading, followed immediately by a 129/75.
I get the same thing on urbest monitor. I do it at work, and sometimes people will come in and talk to me mid test, pisses me off and I always get a high reading. I close my door, take a breath and straighten my arm a little and do it again and always get a lower reading.
Could be you were more relaxed on the second one. Just this morning, I had to pee, and my blood pressure was 164/99. Half in a panic, I went to pee. Got a cup of tea, sat down at my computer to read and relax a little, and took my blood pressure again. 139/78.

There were only a few minutes between these two measurements, but obviously needing to pee raised my blood pressure.

Relax, breath deeply, take your blood pressure when still.
Seconds apart, got the first reading, hit stop, hit start, got the second reading
Come on, Meso nation! Share.

What is your eGFR?

What is your age?

What is your blood pressure?
I went to see a phrenologist yesterday on the very same issue.
Let me look up my numbers and I will share them later today with some advice.
For folks like us who carry more muscle mass than average person, cystatin-C is much better test...
Worf, over what period of time were the three separate readings of eGFR and BP?
The past 2 years. I actually dug up some more lab results after posting this. Found eGFR at 102,81,89. If I remember correctly those were pre TRT when I was about 31-33 and my blood pressure was about 12x/8x. bw has been up and down during that time 200-230
I went to see a phrenologist yesterday on the very same issue.
Let me look up my numbers and I will share them later today with some advice.
For folks like us who carry more muscle mass than average person, cystatin-C is much better test...
I meant Nephrologist visit above.
egfr is not directly measured from blood or urine instead it is calculated from creatinine, age, sex and race

As you can see from this calculator, egfr does not take into account muscle mass or anything else.

Nephrologist told me that creatinine levels can be higher for those who have more muscle mass since creatinine is a waste product produced by muscle metabolism. If there is not protein and other markers in the urine, then you are probably in a good spot.
He said cystatin-c is a better indicator of kidney health in this case. I am waiting on the results of cystatin-c. Can share the results if anyone is interested.

We all know BP impacts the kidney health. I have found the following 2 items help greatly with BP:
1) THC/CBD oil. Nephrologist told me when I asked him about the side effects of these on kidney that they are starting to use these for patients with severe kidney damage to improve the function. I take it 2 hours before sleep and I sleep much better. These are really useful when we are cycling and sleep is greatly impacted
2) Cialis which also has the benefits of pumps in the bed and gym

What I also learned is that baking soda can help with kidney health. I watched a couple of youtube videos by doctors stating the benefits. I started taking half a teaspoon of baking soda in water first thing in the morning for about 2 weeks between Jan and Feb of this year and creatinine levels improved significantly; see below. I have to bring this up with the Nephrologist to find out if baking soda might have falsified the creatinine test.





Influence of Muscle Mass and Physical Activity on Serum and Urinary Creatinine and Serum Cystatin C​

A multivariate analysis of covariance showed that lean mass was significantly related to serum and urinary creatinine but not with cystatin, even after adjustment for protein/meat intake and physical activity.

Conclusions: Cystatin C may represent a more adequate alternative to assess renal function in individuals with higher muscle mass when mild kidney impairment is suspected.

Influence of Muscle Mass and Physical Activity on Serum and Urinary Creatinine and Serum Cystatin C​

A multivariate analysis of covariance showed that lean mass was significantly related to serum and urinary creatinine but not with cystatin, even after adjustment for protein/meat intake and physical activity.

Conclusions: Cystatin C may represent a more adequate alternative to assess renal function in individuals with higher muscle mass when mild kidney impairment is suspected.
Very interesting. Thank you.
So females get a lower number and blacks get a higher number. So this raises the eGFR in women and lowers it in blacks (males only)? I read that this different number is used because of an assumption that blacks have more muscle mass and there is now a "social" justice movement to get rid of this differential, but that many kidney doctors are insisting it remain. The SJWs say it is racism, the docs say it is needed.

Can't find any in depth real discussion. Typical journalists, side A said this, and side B said this. Look! Fair reporting! No writer is really digging in beyond the surface.

If it is indeed due to an assumed greater muscle mass, then this would be very relevant to many of us. I have the largest muscles now I have ever had - AND the lowest eGFR (68).
I'm 68 and my eGFR has been hovering below 60 for a while. Last test it was 53. I supplement with creatine and lift 4 days/wk, plus I have a high protein diet. I have zero symptoms that could be related to compromised kidney function and am not worried in the least. BP recently has been pretty consistent around 120/80.
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