What is your perfect bulking cycle

Tank, I admit it's fun to try different things and sometimes throw everything into the pot and stir.
Good luck with your cycle.
MaxRep said:
Tank, I admit it's fun to try different things and sometimes throw everything into the pot and stir.
Good luck with your cycle.

Thats the ticket Max, i can't believe how much ridiculous crap people come up with. exotic combinations of this and that, i never use anything other than test/deca or test/eq, possibly some tren every now and then. The truth is lately i have decided to make it even simpler and do nothing but Test, albeit at 2 grams per week. I am at my best size and condition ever and i don't even have to think about my "cycles". I am not recommending anyone do 2 grams of trest a week to start, i have been at this for juice game for over 10 years and bodybuilding for 20. But i guarantee these guys spend 4-5x what they have to for a cycle, just forget the bullshit and run a gram of test a week with 4oo of deca or eq and forget about it.
MaxRep said:
Tank, I admit it's fun to try different things and sometimes throw everything into the pot and stir.
Good luck with your cycle.

Yes... its quite interesting... Im just curious I guess... and please no one say "Curiosity killed the cat". I do a lot of research... both on the boards, and off the boards on medline and in some of my Exercise Phisiology Textbooks and Other Medical texts... So when you end up getting the whole picture of how all these hormones work together... Its honestly beautiful... hope that doesnt sound creepy :eek: ... As far as cost effectiveness goes we will see if the results I reep will be worth the money I have put down on all of this... but in all truth you can get awsome results from just a good diet, training, and sleep... Tossing in AAS of any sort with those three things in place will alow you to get very very good gains... Thanks for wishing me luck on my cycle... It should be interesting :rolleyes:

take care man,
Stick with the basics.
It's always worked for me. One of my favorite cycles is Test/Deca/D-bol (4 weeks with the D-bol only)
Now in my case I perfer the Deca over EQ because of joint problems. This is mostly because of my age and the amount of cycles I've done.
This will be my winter bulker.

Throw in some anti-est, and Proper PCT, and Wham!!!Big like moose.

PS. I gotta say though lately, I love the Tren E. I've been using it at the end of my cycles to get even harder.

Basics my Brothers. :cool:
Hopefully it will be my one coming up test, tren e, eq and dbol--

But so far it was off 750mg of test and 400mg of deca--
Pharmacy gear mainly :

Deca or Equipoise ( Norma )
Sustenons or Testoviron ( Organon / Schering )
Dbol ( B.D.)
Primobolan ( Schering Turkey or Spain )

12 weeks total.
kent1 said:
Pharmacy gear mainly :

Deca or Equipoise ( Norma )
Sustenons or Testoviron ( Organon / Schering )
Dbol ( B.D.)
Primobolan ( Schering Turkey or Spain )

12 weeks total.

Thanks for all the feedback. I am surprised someone said that a basic cycle should be enough or your training and diet are wrong. I was thinking that but I always see so many exotic formulas on here. That's why I started off by saying "the basic Arnold".


I guess, I was on track. I seem to gain a good 15-20lbs every time. So, I shouldn't complain. Just wanted to see what some of the pros on here thought..

Giovanni said:
Thanks for all the feedback. I am surprised someone said that a basic cycle should be enough or your training and diet are wrong. I was thinking that but I always see so many exotic formulas on here. That's why I started off by saying "the basic Arnold".


I guess, I was on track. I seem to gain a good 15-20lbs every time. So, I shouldn't complain. Just wanted to see what some of the pros on here thought..


yeah... its amazing what a mild cycle and correct training, sleeping, and eating will do... YOu dont need a super complex, psycotic cycle to get good gains :-)

well I hope that helps man,


I've seen a lot of you boys use Deca instead of EQ which I find a little surprising. In the past, I've seen many more people prefer EQ over Deca.
KTCKSports said:
I've seen a lot of you boys use Deca instead of EQ which I find a little surprising. In the past, I've seen many more people prefer EQ over Deca.

IYO what would be the benefit of using EQ over Deca? I have always used Deca and have not used EQ yet. I have considered it but don't see the need to switch over.
With EQ, less water retention and increased appetite and as we know too many of us consume enough AAS but don't eat enough. With less water retention you have the ability to keep your gains since with Deca you are more bloated.

I just hate blowing up and then have lose it. EQ is better in this instance.


Giovanni said:
IYO what would be the benefit of using EQ over Deca? I have always used Deca and have not used EQ yet. I have considered it but don't see the need to switch over.
all i know is they use EQUIPOISE on horses... and have you looked at show/race horses latley??? RIPPED SOLID SLABS OF MEAT! crazy... thats enough to make me wanna use it :p

no but really.. .yeah... less water retention... you get enough of that on test (which is what most people use eq with)... so why toss in more water retention
