What should I choose as hairloss prevention?

I just ordered KX-826 from china. Will let you know how it goes. Using RU and minoxidil at

It's psychosomatic. Stop fin, 14 days later DHT returns to baseline and symptoms are gone.

The problem is you can "think" yourself into psychogenic erectile dysfunction and depression. PFS has been tested in the courts and by countless studies, Its just that when your dick stops working, and stoping the med doesn't fix the problem after a day, or a week, without understanding the impact of crashing DHT (just like AIs can crash E2), men panic and psychologically cripple themselves. I speak from first hand experience.

That said, stay away from dutasteride if this is a concern, since it takes 6 weeks to recover from a dutasteride DHT crash,

You can avoid this by starting with a .25mg microdose every other day for a week, if all ok, .25mg daily. If you still feel nothing, you can increase to .50mg daily, You'll still get 60-90% of the same protection 1mg offers.

Most men use 1mg or 5mg daily without issue. But by slowly titrating up you can avoid crashing your DHT.
Im sorry to disagree, or at least this Analyse of empiric evidence does

Just take a look into it
1. dont dive too deep into hairloss forums they are mostly neurotics
2. ORAL minoxidil and dutasteride
3. measure DHT levels before and during so you don't fall into the trap of thinking you have some permanent DHT problem like all the forum people from places in the world that still believe in witchcraft or the medicinal benefits of cow urine
ive taken a ton of dutasteride and i believe I had some side effects (mainly brain fog) but they are temporary like the other smart people on this forum say, similar to when you crash your estrogen., it comes back just like the other hormones, you just wanna tamper down the DHT a bit to give your hair a break/buy yourself more time/perhaps be below the threshold that causes hairloss.
Im sorry to disagree, or at least this Analyse of empiric evidence does

Just take a look into it

I appreciate you citing research.

My issue with that outlier study is that they conflate the very real potential effects of finasteride that we, in the AAS community understand to accompany low "crashed "DHT (and low estrogen) and the claim that they're permanent, of which there's no evidence whatsoever.

They're saying if you don't believe in the permanence of PFS, you don't believe in the side effects of finasteride at all, which is simply false,

My point was that the initial onset of these very distressing side effects, and the fact they "linger" for weeks after the medication is stopped, leads the average person, unfamiliar with the dynamics of hormones, to believe they'll never recover and are "broken".

All the symptoms of "PFS" are able to be psychogenically induced, and there's not a shred of physical evidence that there's a permanent effect. Then when someone falls into the rabbit hole of the PFS movement, they become convinced even more.

50 years of use, hundreds of millions of users, hundreds of court cases dismissed (or paid small nuisance payments), not a recall anywhere, no call for the drug to be removed by any medical association (as they have with many other drugs).

And like I said, I get it. Before PFS was even a thing, I thought I had it after 1mg a day for a few weeks had me near suicidal, I stopped, then I thought the effects were permanent. My doc kept saying "just give it a few weeks", and I did recover. The doctor then said "you should try a smaller dose". But by that time I was warning everyone to stay the hell away from that "poison".

Many years, and needlessly lost hair later, I finally did inch back in with a small dose. And while I felt it, a little, it wasn't that bad. I eventually increased the dose to try and recover more hair, and the familiar effects came back. Full ED, depression, etc. This time I didn't panic. Within 2 days of stopping I began to feel better, and like clockwork, by day 14 I was back to normal.
Well i meant raw powder when i was talking about the chinese sources. But the problem none of the more established vendors here on the underground offers it.

So the problem is: how could i even be slightly sure im getting what i ordered? Of course this risk is always there with black market but while most of the vendors on thw underground section offer RU as its widly used, Pyr and Fluridil is rather rare and as i said no eatablsihed vendor.

And sadly i cant find any seller in the EU. An import could be an option, i have to see if tze cost will be tolerable.

And about everything going systematic: at least witg Fluridil this isnt a concern as its hydrohobic

Yes i meant raw powder. I make my own hair stuff, I'm convinced the pre-made stuff...doesn't last as long as they always claim it to be..

You buy from a source you are comfortable with, and you get it tested. It does not matter how reputable they are, or what COA or what they promise you or what document or "proof" they send you. Everything is so easily faked these days. On top of that, even the most reputable vendors on this forums make mistakes.

Even if the vendor you bought from sent you a legit 10mg sample, how do you know that when you purchase a good 100g that half of it is not fake? You buy, you find a lab, you pay, you get it tested. Same goes for any vendor on this forum, just cause someone beside you gets something legit, does not necessarily mean yours is. Isn't this just exciting?!;)
Im sorry to disagree, or at least this Analyse of empiric evidence does

Just take a look into it

its notable these PFS guys spend all day talking about it but never get the DHT bloodwork or take any other meds/steroids to try and solve it.

Psychosomatic doesn’t mean the side effects are in your head, it means your belief in them causes measurable changes to your body, mostly in the form of anxiety which has a whole host of other downstream effects like skin rashes, chest pain, and ED

People saying PFS is bunk are also taking boner pills daily and saying it's for blood pressure control.
People saying PFS is bunk are also taking boner pills daily and saying it's for blood pressure control.

Little surprise the same guy who insists injecting cloudy growth hormone is safe would believe in a syndrome with reddit as its primary source, but not the FDA, a single professional medical organization, or an army of highly motivated trial lawyers with tens of millions in damages on the line for this "crippling lifelong injury" substantiating it as anything but psychosomatic.
There is good evidence supporting weekly microneedling and daily topical minoxidil.

And since everyone is citing personal anecdotes, I have shit hair genetics but have maintained a full head of hair with that protocol after years of gear use.

***I started before any signs of hair thinning, so my advice is to start now even if you're just considering it
***I started before any signs of hair thinning, so my advice is to start now even if you're just considering it

This is the best general advice.

The time to take steps to protect your hair is while it's worth preserving.

The billions of dollars made by the hair loss industry are almost entirely spent by men trying to restore what was lost, with results that are mediocre, at best.
People saying PFS is bunk are also taking boner pills daily and saying it's for blood pressure control.
aren't the guys with PFS claiming that ED meds don't help or aren't even taking any at all?
I also read someones comment recently that they believe some of them just have some fetish for talking about their dick on the internet, i wouldn't be surprised.
Like there was one guy that came out of the woodwork on here to spaz about PFS he has been dealing with for years, and throughout that time never got a DHT or even testosterone test.
it just seems like these people suddenly notice hairloss, google frantically for 5ar inhibiitors, start taking them, and then freak out whenever they hear about PFS because its the first medicatin they've ever self prescribed, are emotionally vulnerable regarding their hairloss/self worth and then have this background thought of "fuck fuck fuck, i took this finasteride to not lose hair so i can be more attractive to women, but now my dick isnt going to work even if im attractive again, i cant win! im doomed i knew it!"
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I've done well with duta + 2.5mg minox per day.

Is it worth risking side effects for more gains @ 5mg minox per day?

Since I'm asking stupid questions, is there anything proven to reverse greys?
Melanotan II turned my hair from ginger red to dark brown. I’m also 35 and not a single grey and I’ve been using melanotan II since 22 years old nonstop. It’s the only thing I know of that can actually darken your hair
aren't the guys with PFS claiming that ED meds don't help or aren't even taking any at all?
I also read someones comment recently that they believe some of them just have some fetish for talking about their dick on the internet, i wouldn't be surprised.
Like there was one guy that came out of the woodwork on here to spaz about PFS he has been dealing with for years, and throughout that time never got a DHT or even testosterone test.
it just seems like these people suddenly notice hairloss, google frantically for 5ar inhibiitors, start taking them, and then freak out whenever they hear about PFS because its the first medicatin they've ever self prescribed, are emotionally vulnerable regarding their hairloss/self worth and then have this background thought of "fuck fuck fuck, i took this finasteride to not lose hair so i can be more attractive to women, but now my dick isnt going to work even if im attractive again, i cant win! im doomed i knew it!"

If you look at the ardent PFS believers on Reddit, they also claim Minoxidil causes PFS symptoms.

A blood pressure drug that couldn't be further from finasteride, is also inducing irreversible ED and depression.

The connection is "It's a hair loss drug, therefore it likely causes the same horrible damage as finasteride.". And if they dare try it, I'm sure for them, it will.
Melanotan II turned my hair from ginger red to dark brown. I’m also 35 and not a single grey and I’ve been using melanotan II since 22 years old nonstop. It’s the only thing I know of that can actually darken your hair
Wow. Would you have any before/after pics?

If you look at the ardent PFS believers on Reddit, they also claim Minoxidil causes PFS symptoms.
I wish Duta killed or lessened sex drive.

I've been on it for about 12 years now.

They have "post X syndrome" for nearly every innocuous drug. It's only a matter of time before we see "post semaglutide syndrome".
Wow. Would you have any before/after pics?
Not willing to post up pics like that on here but I did briefly come off of it for about 6 months and my hair went red again. Got back on and my hair went dark again. Was kinda wild. Added benefit is it’ll help you tan which will protect from sun/uv damage and it’ll also increase boners lol
Melanotan II turned my hair from ginger red to dark brown. I’m also 35 and not a single grey and I’ve been using melanotan II since 22 years old nonstop. It’s the only thing I know of that can actually darken your hair
Have you also noticed pimples or other brown marks or other skin reaction?
This is the best general advice.

The time to take steps to protect your hair is while it's worth preserving.

The billions of dollars made by the hair loss industry are almost entirely spent by men trying to restore what was lost, with results that are mediocre, at best.

Not willing to post up pics like that on here but I did briefly come off of it for about 6 months and my hair went red again. Got back on and my hair went dark again. Was kinda wild. Added benefit is it’ll help you tan which will protect from sun/uv damage and it’ll also increase boners lol

Have you also noticed pimples or other brown marks or other skin reaction?
The only guy I know of who was 50+ and confirmed using MT2 was "Big Lenny" on youtube.

He died from obvious reasons, but we can see his grey part partially black during different periods of his youtube videos.

Psychosomatic doesn’t mean the side effects are in your head, it means your belief in them causes measurable changes to your body, mostly in the form of anxiety which has a whole host of other downstream effects like skin rashes, chest pain, and ED
Dude please at least just look.into the studys, there is plenty of evidence