Proud Pangolin
New Member
I just ordered KX-826 from china. Will let you know how it goes. Using RU and minoxidil at
Im sorry to disagree, or at least this Analyse of empiric evidence doesIt's psychosomatic. Stop fin, 14 days later DHT returns to baseline and symptoms are gone.
The problem is you can "think" yourself into psychogenic erectile dysfunction and depression. PFS has been tested in the courts and by countless studies, Its just that when your dick stops working, and stoping the med doesn't fix the problem after a day, or a week, without understanding the impact of crashing DHT (just like AIs can crash E2), men panic and psychologically cripple themselves. I speak from first hand experience.
That said, stay away from dutasteride if this is a concern, since it takes 6 weeks to recover from a dutasteride DHT crash,
You can avoid this by starting with a .25mg microdose every other day for a week, if all ok, .25mg daily. If you still feel nothing, you can increase to .50mg daily, You'll still get 60-90% of the same protection 1mg offers.
Most men use 1mg or 5mg daily without issue. But by slowly titrating up you can avoid crashing your DHT.
Just take a look into it