What ten SARM cycles can do for your body

The Inedible Bulk

New Member


I'm very impressed.

Almost two years, and *10* SARM cycles(Osta, LGD and RAD), and he appears to be the exact same size. What's even more amazing is he's trying to affiliate market this stuff. When he himself is living proof that SARMS won't get you anywhere beyond what natural lifting will yield.
So ostarine is actually pretty good.... I liked it anyways. Unless what I took wasn't ostarine :confused:
I ran it with 250mg test/wk and felt I had more of a strength bump then just test alone.

But really.... this guy could probably have ran a test tren cycle and came out looking the same. 2 years worth of exercise and the guy looks literally NO different. Jesus Christ I'm 40lbs heavier than I was 2 years ago....
this guy has no business doing anything.
im fascinated by sarms and would like to see more studies and long term effects. I enjoy talking about the topic. Except when Dylan gets involved then I become annoyed and irritated haha.
im fascinated by sarms and would like to see more studies and long term effects. I enjoy talking about the topic. Except when Dylan gets involved then I become annoyed and irritated haha.
"Hey guys, Dylan Gemelli here..."
Most annoying voice ever. guy belongs on a muppet show, along with that rick guy and his gang.
They haven't been around long enough to study long term effects. I think they were first invented in the late 90's and first studied in the early 2000's.
In theory sarms would be great if they delivered on the promise of solid gains with no side effects, but it hasn't worked out that way. I tried them once and blood pressure shot up to 150/100 after a couple days, far worse than steroid I've ever used. Just not worth it to me.
You mean isarms?

As for evo, I forget, didn't log on there for ages now. I posted some coupon codes for myprotein dot com and was messaged by the owner telling me I've got an official warning as the sponsors were upset because people wouldn't buy whey from them if they could get it cheap from somewhere else. I laughed and logged out, never to return.
You mean isarms?

As for evo, I forget, didn't log on there for ages now. I posted some coupon codes for myprotein dot com and was messaged by the owner telling me I've got an official warning as the sponsors were upset because people wouldn't buy whey from them if they could get it cheap from somewhere else. I laughed and logged out, never to return.

I'm just fucking with you, man. Yes, calling him an AIDS patient has been done before, but he does look like an AIDS patient.

Being lean is great and all, but not when you're the size of a teenager.
Yeah, he needs mass and he needs it asap. Those implants in his side delts have slowly drooped down his arms too

