What to dose my arimidex at?

So I aromatize fairly easily. On 150 mg test a week my e2 is around low to mid 40s. No ai. I plan on just bumping test to 300 mg. What should I start with as a dose? I will get bloods after a few weeks but need a good idea for a starting point. Usually with 300 I use 12.5 mg of aromasin twice a week. But never used arimidex.
So I aromatize fairly easily. On 150 mg test a week my e2 is around low to mid 40s. No ai. I plan on just bumping test to 300 mg. What should I start with as a dose? I will get bloods after a few weeks but need a good idea for a starting point. Usually with 300 I use 12.5 mg of aromasin twice a week. But never used arimidex.

Why switch from the superior AI to the other?
My trt clinic gives me a whole bunch of arimidex that I don't use so was planning on just using that.
My clinic also gives me a bunch of arimidex. I’d advise to only use it if needed, I am on the same dose as you and recently crashed my e2 and it suuuuucks. I’m trying to get it back up but the lethargy, lack of libido and irritability are killing me.
My clinic also gives me a bunch of arimidex. I’d advise to only use it if needed, I am on the same dose as you and recently crashed my e2 and it suuuuucks. I’m trying to get it back up but the lethargy, lack of libido and irritability are killing me.
Thanks bro. Yea I definitely need it when I run test to 300. Was taking .25 twice a week but feel like I may need a bit more
Dude, you have been here for a while. I don't get your basic questions like this one sometimes. You already have experience and know your body well. I remember your posts, you have been on 150mg TRT for as long as I remember. Why would you change anything, please explain. As I sometimes feel that you create threads cuz you wanna have a chat with guys more so than actual help.
My clinic also gives me a bunch of arimidex. I’d advise to only use it if needed
I've never used arimidex before. I've always used DIM.

How do you know if it is needed? I get hard nipples that show through my workout shirts when I take testosterone without DIM.

What other signs would I look for?
I've never used arimidex before. I've always used DIM.

How do you know if it is needed? I get hard nipples that show through my workout shirts when I take testosterone without DIM.

What other signs would I look for?
Wtf man, why did you jump on test without researching the most basic things. Start reading so you don’t hurt yourself permanently. DIM is not an ai.
Wtf man, why did you jump on test without researching the most basic things. Start reading so you don’t hurt yourself permanently. DIM is not an ai.
I usually run a test cycle and follow it with nolvadex or clomid.

Arimidex seems to be new. That's why I'm here reading about it.
What doses did you use to crash your e2 im in process of lowering mine and am having issues myself
My clinic also gives me a bunch of arimidex. I’d advise to only use it if needed, I am on the same dose as you and recently crashed my e2 and it suuuuucks. I’m trying to get it back up but the lethargy, lack of libido and irritability are killing me.

doses did you use to crash your e? Genuinely curious
I usually run a test cycle and follow it with nolvadex or clomid.

Arimidex seems to be new. That's why I'm here reading about it.
I moved to LA in 1999, was in the BB world and Arimidex was new then.

Brother you are 25 years behind, research and read more.
I wouldn't use adex over asin even if it was given to me in unlimited supply.

Just toss it and stick with the aromasin
Why switch from the superior AI to the other?
asin is actually ass for a lot of people
I think its good for guys that dont aromatize alot and just need to dose a little infrequently like once per week or just take the edge off

but adex is superior, and easier for noobs to dial in

I spent years trying to dial in asin because it became such a meme and supposedly everyone used it, and is better on paper and it never ever worked for me, either crashed or gyno, i switched back to adex, which was the a.i i used on my first cycles, no problems since.

asin is a very finicky a.i.

adex dosing is much more predictable and linear for me