What to pair with Trestolone?

Probably primo or eq would be what I’d try out. I was lucky with ment and had very few high e2 sides and ran it a long a bunch of other gear when I was experimenting with it but I was already running mast and eq so that probably offset the sides.
Mimimi stfu
neil degrasse tyson we got a badass over here GIF

I 'd smack the stupid out of you but that would be a waste of energy, it will fill up in mimimilliseconds
I've done trest at 20mg/week. Bit of bloat but nothing like some say.
I think 10mg anavar long term would be reasonable.
Primo and mast never tried but heard they are bad for hair.
EQ also never tried. 150mg NPP made my heart beats feeling extra pumped. Thick blood? EQ does the same right? I might see if I can get some in enanthate or shorter ester.