Whats up

Moved to the boons recently and need a place to chat about gear, training, and the lifestyle. Pretty much just the high school football team and wrestlers that are at the gym. I won't be that guy for them..

I ran my last cycle last year. Test/primo/mast but was cut short from an injury. Then I fucked my shoulder falling. In retrospect, I made the mistake of not just coming off but deciding to cold turkey, no PCT my way off gear not long after this. Had solid diet and exercise routine, but definitely lost more mass and definition than I am happy with. After 3ish months MD tested me at just over 200ng/dl, wrote a script for 120mg/week, and we are back to cruising. Drying out, dicks hard as a rock again, lets go gents.

Any how... there is a level of accountability when you are in an environment surrounded by people doing the same thing as you with same or similar goals. I was blessed with an old school gym. Trophies everywhere, pictures of bodybuilders, mirror on every wall, 24/7 hours, stories of people dying from cardiac arrest, the good shit. I am just happy the place I am at now has free weights and a cable machine I like.

Hoping to feed off the positive motivation of others here!