When Should I Start PCT


New Member
Today is the last day of my 8 week's Anavar only cycle.
I have chosen Nolvadex as PCT.
Should I start PCT tomorrow onward?
How much Nolva should I take ED?
Yes test is always the best to start with bud, any form of test is ok I prefer test e or tesr cyp your first go so your not injecting eod. With test e or test cyp it would be ideal to do two shots a week typically Monday and Friday. But with just orals you won't hold much of your gains. Testosterone should be the base of any cycle.
Injections are something I am scared of. That is the reason I had chosen oral cycle of anavar. I know orals are hard on liver, may be with time I will move on to injectables. ;-)

On the other hand, I have started with nolva this morning.
20 mg morning and 20 mg evening for a week and next three weeks 10-10 mg morning-evening.
Anavar is a very weak steroid and very mild on the liver. Alcohol will probably have a more harmful effect on the liver than anavar. Side effects are almost non existant and gains the same. Do test and there is no going back.
Anavar is a very weak steroid and very mild on the liver. Alcohol will probably have a more harmful effect on the liver than anavar. Side effects are almost non existant and gains the same. Do test and there is no going back.
undoubtedly anavar is a week AAS, but when you take heavy dose, it does affect your liver and a PCT is required for that
Bodycraft i understand it's effect on the liver and that pct is needed but like anything if you do excessive amounts then damage to the liver is a reality. However when dosing with the general amounts between 40mg and 60mg daily hardly any damage will occur unless you have a pre disposing condition on your liver. Bloods is required pre cycle for this reason. If you AST and ALT enzymes are elevated i recommend to hold off on cycling until that has been looken into by a physician. Good day.
Injections are something I am scared of. That is the reason I had chosen oral cycle of anavar. I know orals are hard on liver, may be with time I will move on to injectables. ;-)

On the other hand, I have started with nolva this morning.
20 mg morning and 20 mg evening for a week and next three weeks 10-10 mg morning-evening.

If you're "scared" of needles, then IMHO, you have no business doing steroids. Anavar, or any other steroid that shuts down your HPTA, should always be accompanied by some type of testosterone to replace your endogenous testosterone that will invariably be shut down. Arguably this is a mans most important hormone and cornerstone for proper and normal function. Why would would you intentionally not include this in your cycle? Plain foolish, IMO. And yes, anavar shuts you down just like anything else. Off is off. There is no such thing as lightly turning off a light switch.
@Northern Nutrition , i couldn't have said that better. Classic Misconception on orals. Come on fellow meso brother read and learn about how we our bodies work. My own brother made this same mistake with var. he thought well how bad could it be if its oral, yikes. Read read and read. He now knows better than to do that again.
If you're "scared" of needles, then IMHO, you have no business doing steroids. Anavar, or any other steroid that shuts down your HPTA, should always be accompanied by some type of testosterone to replace your endogenous testosterone that will invariably be shut down. Arguably this is a mans most important hormone and cornerstone for proper and normal function. Why would would you intentionally not include this in your cycle? Plain foolish, IMO. And yes, anavar shuts you down just like anything else. Off is off. There is no such thing as lightly turning off a light switch.
I did not include testosterone in my anavar cycle. Now I an on PCT, taking tamoxifen citrate (Nolva). Will this PCT help me raising my test level back to normal or I'll need some other cure?