When to donate blood?

I've seen this posted a few times but no specifics given, just a sort of 'your good' response. Curious what exact levels are a problem sort of thing.

Been cruising for a few months, bloodwork came back normal, lipids all good (except LDL-Cholesterol is 104/100 but that seems okay. LDL/HDL ratio is 2.2 which is far below the below average risk, Total is 170, HDL is 47).

Except my RBC, Hemoglobin, and hematocrit are all high. I haven't donated in over a year because my iron/ferritin were always low, but current bloodwork shows them very good.

HMC over 54 i would find troubling but then i would still not donate blood its not a good solution to the problem imo.
were you well hydrated when getting bloods?
I've seen this posted a few times but no specifics given, just a sort of 'your good' response. Curious what exact levels are a problem sort of thing.

Been cruising for a few months, bloodwork came back normal, lipids all good (except LDL-Cholesterol is 104/100 but that seems okay. LDL/HDL ratio is 2.2 which is far below the below average risk, Total is 170, HDL is 47).

Except my RBC, Hemoglobin, and hematocrit are all high. I haven't donated in over a year because my iron/ferritin were always low, but current bloodwork shows them very good.

You will have different answers to this and it’s up to you to make an educated decision.

Even doctors have varying opinions/recommendations. Many believe donating is an archaic band aid and won’t fix the problem but will cause more issues just like crashed ferritin/low iron stores.

Some will say it’s not even that dangerous unless you have a genetic clotting disorder as well as skewed platelets.

Many vets like Dante have released protocols, even the youtube influencers have their own guidelines which includes arbs and different supplements.

However, I think in the end of the day as responsible ped users our main concern should be addressing the culprit which is most likely compounds used, dosage and duration of use. If you have been blasting for months already then maybe its the clue to stop, if you’re using anadrol or eq which drives rbc and is made to help in anemic patients maybe stop using those.

I have natural high rbc just like the rest of my kin since we were born and raised in a highly elevated part of the world,I tend to have high blood rbcs even if my hematocrit and hemo is normal, hence I avoid eq, anadrol; nandrolone I run npp short term only and never blast past 12 weeks, this brings it back down to normal within 3 months.

Don’t forget to hydrate before blood tests and avoid eating organ meats.
being even more hydrated. there aren't many good solutions to high HMC methylene-blue might be a possible solution or reducing whatever compound that is causing the high HMC you can also try to eat less red meats or try to reduce the iron uptake from the meat. how much water do you think you drink a day?
You will have different answers to this and it’s up to you to make an educated decision.

Even doctors have varying opinions/recommendations. Many believe donating is an archaic band aid and won’t fix the problem but will cause more issues just like crashed ferritin/low iron stores.

Some will say it’s not even that dangerous unless you have a genetic clotting disorder as well as skewed platelets.

Many vets like Dante have released protocols, even the youtube influencers have their own guidelines which includes arbs and different supplements.

However, I think in the end of the day as responsible ped users our main concern should be addressing the culprit which is most likely compounds used, dosage and duration of use. If you have been blasting for months already then maybe its the clue to stop, if you’re using anadrol or eq which drives rbc and is made to help in anemic patients maybe stop using those.

I have natural high rbc just like the rest of my kin since we were born and raised in a highly elevated part of the world,I tend to have high blood rbcs even if my hematocrit and hemo is normal, hence I avoid eq, anadrol; nandrolone I run npp short term only and never blast past 12 weeks, this brings it back down to normal within 3 months.

Don’t forget to hydrate before blood tests and avoid eating organ meats.

My RBC has always been in range before, now it's quite a bit above it. My hematocrit and hemoglobin have never been out of range either.

I have been cruising for maybe 3+ months now on just test, and my bloodwork at the end of a cycle showed those values normal. So interesting this happened out of cruise.

My iron and ferritin have generally always been a bit low and were low on last bloodwork, I've made sure to take iron supplementation and now they are good.

I have maybe 1.5gallons of fluid a day? A gallon of milk a day or so, and a few liters of water.
being even more hydrated. there aren't many good solutions to high HMC methylene-blue might be a possible solution or reducing whatever compound that is causing the high HMC you can also try to eat less red meats or try to reduce the iron uptake from the meat. how much water do you think you drink a day?

Wait a sec brother, so the answer here is to manipulate the CBC test and get the green light to blast? Sure, if he drinks a gallon of water it might dilute his blood that much he maybe get to 50..but this is just nonsense to me since you can't be always THAT hydrated. The point is not to go water fasted for 10-12 hours like many general doctors and GPs advise, not to drink as much as you can. It doesn't fix the problem, it just masks it. Just my thought..

Methylene blue could help though.
Wait a sec brother, so the answer here is to manipulate the CBC test and get the green light to blast?
that's not what i'm saying at all LOL. i'm saying in general if you're not well hydrated you're gonna have high RBC. im not telling you to manipulate it to get the green light. blood test is a moment recorded in time so if at that time you haven't drank enough water bc it's in the morning for example (for fasted testings) you are gonna get scewed results.
that's not what i'm saying at all LOL. i'm saying in general if you're not well hydrated you're gonna have high RBC. im not telling you to manipulate it to get the green light. blood test is a moment recorded in time so if at that time you haven't drank enough water bc it's in the morning for example (for fasted testings) you are gonna get scewed results.

Spot on. It seems we don't disagree, i just wanted to understand this better because lately i see that trend of "drink plenty of water" etc.

If you're the type of person who neglects to stay hydrated all day long and by that i mean obviously maintaining a good electrolyte balance, then walking around with a true HCT of 56+ it's not a good idea.

And it's still not a good idea if you go to draw blood after you drink a lot of water and get a false positive on a good HCT and then return to your daily habit of being as much hydrated as before. That's what i wanted to point out.
Yes. Try it and see how you feel afterward. Don’t do it more than every 90 days. I personally feel great 2x per year. Be your own guide.
So... Uh.... Do I donate blood?
I understand where you’re coming from, my best readings were when I wad deep in a blast using tren too, so there’s that. The only difference wad I was using my cpap machine religiously.

You can supplement with IP6, eat grapefruit and get checked for sleep apnea, since if you have it and don’t wear a cpap machine, it forces your body to create more oxygen rich blood cells to compensate.

You can donate if you’re not comfortable with having those numbers but expect that it can make you feel like crap if you crash your ferritin levels. Or you can ride it out and rely on the supplements for another few more months. More cardio doesn’t hurt too.
My rbc/hematocrit/hemoglobin have never read weird, though last blood work for the first time hematocrit was out (50.4/50 I believe so just barely).

I used to donate blood every few months and then I realized it was crashing my ferritin and iron, so that's why it's been over a year since I last donated. Tbh this is the first time my iron/ferritin has been back to green