When to get blood test done


New Member
If I pin test e on monday and thursday evening, at what day would it be the best do get blood test done?

My lab does morning blood tests (10 am) only thursdays. All other days you can get your blood drawn starting from 1:30pm.
Just do it Thursday then, fasted. You dont need to time pins to the minute to get a result that confirms your gear/response. The number a dose produces is mostly irrelevant. More important is the health markers as a result of the drugs you’re on.
If you're checking natural test levels you'd want them in the AM before 10am. On a cycle or TRT it doesn't matter as much.

Doing them Thursday when your lab allows it is fine. If you really want, you can always switch to Monday night and Thursday morning for pin. Not necessary though
I would do it Monday morning if i wanted to see what my lowest trough was. Which is what i usually do. Wednesday or Saturday morning if i wanted to see the highest level i would likely have. which i do once in a while to have a better picture of what is going on.
Just do it Thursday then, fasted. You dont need to time pins to the minute to get a result that confirms your gear/response. The number a dose produces is mostly irrelevant. More important is the health markers as a result of the drugs you’re on.
Whats also important to me is to know if my e2 is too high/low so I can adjust my aromasin dose

Wouldn‘t my e2 be too low then if I do the blood test 3,5days post injection?
I would do it Monday morning if i wanted to see what my lowest trough was. Which is what i usually do. Wednesday or Saturday morning if i wanted to see the highest level i would likely have. which i do once in a while to have a better picture of what is going on.
He mentioned he can't get tested Monday morning based on his lab schedule. I'm assuming he pins between 8-10, Monday at 1:30 isn't a good idea for trough levels, right? Thursday morning or better yet in the afternoon would be ideal.

Not sure if finding a different lab even an option, but you can still make it work imo.
Whats also important to me is to know if my e2 is too high/low so I can adjust my aromasin dose

Wouldn‘t my e2 be too low then if I do the blood test 3,5days post injection?
Estrogen won’t be fluctuating massively enough to matter that much. Don’t sweat the little stuff. You can’t dial e2 into a single digit anyways so if the numbers high, add some estrogen management
He mentioned he can't get tested Monday morning based on his lab schedule. I'm assuming he pins between 8-10, Monday at 1:30 isn't a good idea for trough levels, right? Thursday morning or better yet in the afternoon would be ideal.

Not sure if finding a different lab even an option, but you can still make it work imo.
The only reason to get a morning draw is if fasted glucose is wanted. When i am not concerned about that i go in any time of day i want. The farther away from when a person pins themselves the lower the trough will be. With cyp i peak about 40-48 hours after i pin then my blood levels go downhill from there.
The only reason to get a morning draw is if fasted glucose is wanted. When i am not concerned about that i go in any time of day i want. The farther away from when a person pins themselves the lower the trough will be. With cyp i peak about 40-48 hours after i pin then my blood levels go downhill from there.
Disagree, good for more than that. Fasted, 3L of water is ideal for assessing most of your markers before stress and food manipulate them.

Cortisol, insulin, glucose, lipids, etc etc
Disagree, good for more than that. Fasted, 3L of water is ideal for assessing most of your markers before stress and food manipulate them.

Cortisol, insulin, glucose, lipids, etc etc
Well i am just talking about my experience. And as most fasted blood work is done in the morning from my understanding, the ranges for the blood work would be based off of people that may likley be slightly dehydrated as most do not knock down the water the way bodybuilders do. I typically loose 1 liter of water at most during the night and take in that amount at least before i get my blood work done. and am up for a few hours as i don't jump out of bed run to have my blood tested as i haven't totally rehydrated at that point.

Fasted would include insulin, glucose as they are interrelated etc. Dr. do not regularly require insulin on my blood tests that i have had done over the last few decades so that was not a consideration in my reply as i was speaking in general about most blood tests i have had which tends to be basic blood work. . My cholesterol levels change maybe 2-4 points from fasted or not so that little bit i don't find important either. Things like cortisol can be effected by time of day as well as some other markers.
If i am having more then just the basics done then i go in fasted