When to increase injection frequency on cycle?


Right now I'm running 600 test c 480 Deca 300 mast e split into 2 shots a week. In a few weeks I'm looking to bring the test up to 800, plan is to stick with 2 shots a week. Feeling great on cycle no issues, BP in check all good. My e2 is well controlled, I aromatize a lot even when lean but arimidex keeps me dialed in. I've previously tried 3x a week pinning with my TRT before and noticed 0 difference in e2 levels.

I'm just curious when you guys would decide to move to 3x a week dosing? I'm already using 2 syringes since total shot volume is over 3ml so I still have plenty of room.

Theoretically I could go up to 1200mg a week before I would need to increase my pinning. So 800, 1000, 1200? When's the time to increase pinning frequency, and why?
Btw I have no interest in ED pinning
Something you will find as you grow and season in this game. Overthinking is a killer of momentum.

Benefit of < changes in planned cycles > benefit more changes.

Those compounds won’t benefit from 3x per week. Short esters perhaps.

The challenge here is we are all inherently a bit OCD. It comes with the territory. This works against us in many ways.

We can achieve minimal results with all the finagling we do. Choose a solid inj interval and stick to it.

Worry more about high return adjustments like sleep, diet, training intervals. Etc.
Something you will find as you grow and season in this game. Overthinking is a killer of momentum.

Benefit of < changes in planned cycles > benefit more changes.

Those compounds won’t benefit from 3x per week. Short esters perhaps.

The challenge here is we are all inherently a bit OCD. It comes with the territory. This works against us in many ways.

We can achieve minimal results with all the finagling we do. Choose a solid inj interval and stick to it.

Worry more about high return adjustments like sleep, diet, training intervals. Etc.
Honestly that's how I feel about it, I have no interest in complicating things just for the sake of it. I just wasn't sure if I was missing something logic wise.
Don’t think so. 99.9% of us don’t need all the adjustments. We just aren’t operating at a caliber where the minuscule incremental gains make any real world difference.
Volume of injection dictates frequency. I tolerate up to 4cc per shot in big muscle groups 3cc in smaller. If I had to administer 5cc 2x week I would split to 3x week etc