When to run HCG


New Member
I came across a forum online when researching HCG

"Don't waste your money...

As for hCG, I don't understand why anyone would want to create another level of suppression in their HPTA? There is really no use for hCG, it desensitizes leydig cells in your testes to Leutinizing hormone so that when you eventually cease using hCG it takes a while for your testes to become sensitive to your own body's natural LH, thus prolonging your recovery. The use of hCG in males is limited to increasing fertility in HRT such that guys have enough viable sperm for their partners to conceive. When you are "shut down" your testes actually become more sensitive to LH due to receptor up-regulation. All that hCG will do is prolong your recovery.

Enclomiphene citrate increased testosterone and sperm counts. Concomitant changes in LH and FSH suggest normalization of endogenous testosterone production and restoration of sperm counts through the hypothalamic-pituitary-testicular axis."

I was under the impression to start HCG before PCT to get the testies producing again and then move onto a clomid/Nolva PCT

Would one be better skipping the HCG and going straight into a PCT once the steroids have cleared from ones system?
I’d probably discount this persons article, unless he had referenced legitimate studies that back his claims up, and legitimate studies doesn’t count bro science. Wtf is another level of suppression, hCG will prevent the gonads from being suppressed, that’s less suppression. You can find studies re hCG as an alternative to trt for hrt.

