When to truly start PCT


For example, testosterone cypionate, being half-life 7-8 days, once you have been about 10 days without injection, your test levels in the blood should be very low taking into consideration the cycle suppression. Does it matter the dosage? I mean, if the half-life of the drug is 7-8 days, 1000mg per week will work for that time as well 250mg.

Normally I read 2 weeks after last injection and 3 weeks if you are using deca, bolde or susta.

Is this right? Thank you.
PCT "starts" by injecting HCG during the cycle.
Even a low HCG dosage like 200 or 250 IU per week can make a clearly noticeable difference.
At least, besides the ester you still have loads built up in muscle slowly working its way out. A gram of test a week, anything else? Prepare to get your estro in check
Thanks for all replies.

I am using 500mg testC per week and some anavar, I am in my 8 week. Will be 10 weeks total.

Started using HCG a week ago. 450ui 2 times per week, with the test injections.

I think 15 days from last injection will be reasonable to start a 4 weeks run of nolva+clomid.
Thanks for all replies.

I am using 500mg testC per week and some anavar, I am in my 8 week. Will be 10 weeks total.

Started using HCG a week ago. 400ui 2 times per week, with the test injections.

I think 15 days from last injection will be reasonable to start a 4 weeks run of nolva+clomid.
15 days isnt even a full 2 half lives which still has your exo test at more than a TRT dose.

You also started HCG way too late in your cycle.
You also started HCG way too late in your cycle.

I consider HCG 4 weeks prior to PCT is conservative, about 1000ui per week in two times is sweet and enough, in addition, I see my balls bigger than ever from the last week. The less shit, the better. I don´t even think is something too relevant in my case, I was off from more than 1,5 years and it´s just a test cycle of 10 weeks.
as I said in my first post, isn´t TestC active half-life about 7-8 days?
No the half life of test c is 10 days.
So think of it like this, you always add half of the remaining half to the next week. So that would be 500mg + 250mg
So that’s 750mg -10days =375mg - 10days = 187.5mg - 10days =97.5mg.
Yeah even my math was off. So you would start pct ruffly 21-25 days after last pin. 1000mg week would be much longer!!!
I will testosterone blood work after 15 days of no steroids and then will see. This is an scientific experiment
I will testosterone blood work after 15 days of no steroids and then will see. This is an scientific experiment
You’re a moron. There is no experiment. You asked for advice and now blatantly ignoring known facts about the period between last pin and appropriate PCT timing. You will not be ready for PCT after 15 days on A FUCKING GRAM of test. You get results back before its time for PCT.
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I will testosterone blood work after 15 days of no steroids and then will see. This is an scientific experiment
Also remember hcg is not going too make or break your pct. Cats have been running pct without hcg for a long time.
What’s more important is making sure the steroids have totally cleared and just as important using “PHARMA”grade nolva and clomid..
i know a lot like to take serms during cycle to prevent gyno. Besides it being a waste of drugs what is so bad about starting a serm a little early at the end of a cycle?
You’re a moron. There is no experiment. You asked for advice and now blatantly ignoring known facts about the period between last pin and appropriate PCT timing. You will not be ready for PCT after 15 days on A FUCKING GRAM of test. You get results back before its time for PCT.

I never said I am using 1g of Test. I am using 500mg. It was just an explicative example.

Don´t be jealous because I am the real wild cat.
i know a lot like to take serms during cycle to prevent gyno. Besides it being a waste of drugs what is so bad about starting a serm a little early at the end of a cycle?

Can’t imagine it causing any problems if the early start is just extra time on pct, so if he started now and still did the 4 weeks at the right time. Regardless dudes 23 years old he’ll probably recover just fine without pct but he’ll lose whatever gainz he made quicker without pct