Where do you get your brewing equipment in Europe?


Hi, guys

Question for those brewing in Western Europe: where do you get the equipment and non-gear ingredients (excipients) from, on Europe?

Skippable context (irrelevant to the question) : after being a long-time customer and, still, getting 5 underdosed test enanthate vials and fake exemestane from a good-reputation seller from meso-rx (it was a black friday promo, but, still, fuck them. Don't make fools out of your customers. You need us, assholes), I'm absolutely done with ULs and I'm gonna start to brew testosterone myself (and possibly assemble the freaking exemestane tablets as well).

TL;DR: a good-reputation lab has cheated me. I'm done giving money to these fuckers. Where do you get your brewing equipment and excipients for testosterone injection from?

Thanks guys,
And fuck labs who try to cheat on customers - it, hopefully, will lose them money on the long term, as this pushes otherwise-customers to brew themselves.
When I was residing in the Old Albion I used Ebay and Aliexpress for the equipment (heating plate with steering, glassware etc) and Amazon for the solvents.

And on the topic of home brewing, it's definitely a win on so many fronts if you exclude the initial investment. Find a raw source you can trust, stock up and forget about gear. Food and trainig will be your only problems
You guys buy the bb and ba and oil and the filters from ebay? Okay. I thought they should be medical grade, but, as I was not sure, I came here and asked. You guys seem not to be joking, so I'll research it a little more in the direction you pointed out. Thank you for your help.
You guys buy the bb and ba and oil and the filters from ebay? Okay. I thought they should be medical grade, but, as I was not sure, I came here and asked. You guys seem not to be joking, so I'll research it a little more in the direction you pointed out. Thank you for your help.
Personally, since I have access to USP grade bb, ba and oils I buy from there. But most people don't have that kind of access (on the cheap at least) so Amazon or ebay are good alternatives.