Which is worst for prolactin issues?


New Member
Which of the 19nors cause this to skew badly the most?
Tren or nnp/deca?
I’m aware it’ll be person dependent and/or dose dependent but I’d like to get a good idea of what effects the majority of us the most.

I’m yet to use any of the three so still looking into pros and cons.

Is caber the only way to keep it in check and how much do you run weekly?

Cheers guys
Can control prolactin with caber/pramiplexole/ or some other compound called p5p or something.

I'd reccomend caber. I get the least sides from it personally. Never used p5p, and pramiplexole was hell in terms of sides

As for which compound causes it the most. That's a great question that I don't necessarily have the answer to. I will say that prolactin scales off estrogen, so If you have high estrogen, then your chances of getting prolactin sides increase drastically. I like to keep my test dose low-ish (250-375/week) and my estrogen on the lower side to avoid prolactin sides.
P5p is a supplement you can buy from Amazon that worked for me to keep prolactin on the lower end of the range when I did bloodwork with zero side effects. It should be the first thing you use as the others are much stronger medications
Keep your estrogen in check and prolactin shouldn’t be a problem. I prefer caber or bromocriptine. The nausea from prami is horrendous.
P5P is nothing more than a bio-active form of vitamin B-6. And I've always doubted it, by itself, could solve an overt prolactin situation.
P5P is nothing more than a bio-active form of vitamin B-6. And I've always doubted it, by itself, could solve an overt prolactin situation.
What Ive heard is once prolactin is high p5p ain't doing nothing but something like 200-300mg divided a day can help keep it down before it's a problem. And it shouldn't cause the nerve issues that b6 can cause.

I've tried it can't say for sure whether it worked or not but I think it did, my prolactin didn't go high running on 500 test w e2 in the 80s and running Ment where as before on TRT my prolactin would be just a bit high sometimes.
Keep your estrogen in check and prolactin shouldn’t be a problem.
Having run both trenbolone and nandrolone at very high doses, and produced milk with crashed estro from both, I can tell you that this statement is now and will forever be false.
Having run both trenbolone and nandrolone at very high doses, and produced milk with crashed estro from both, I can tell you that this statement is now and will forever be false.
Yeesh. I’ve never produced milk or had high prolactin while running either. To each his own.
Having run both trenbolone and nandrolone at very high doses, and produced milk with crashed estro from both, I can tell you that this statement is now and will forever be false.
I mean obviously if you're running high doses of tren AND nandrolone, then you're just asking to be milked, even if your estrogen is in the garbage

The relationship between estrogen and prolactin is well known, although complex

"Estrogen Feedback Mechanism: Elevated estrogen levels in men can disrupt the hypothalamic-pituitary-gonadal (HPG) axis. This disruption can lead to alterations in the regulation of various hormones, including prolactin. Estrogen can exert negative feedback on the hypothalamus and pituitary gland, which may result in increased secretion of prolactin."

"Prolactin Regulation: Estrogen can influence the regulation of prolactin secretion. While the exact mechanisms are complex and not fully understood, estrogen can modulate the activity of prolactin-releasing hormone (PRH) and prolactin-inhibiting hormone (PIH), both of which are involved in the control of prolactin secretion from the pituitary gland."

so for most people running moderate doses of one or the other, with controlled estrogen, they're not likely to experience problems (but it is still possible which is why it's recommended to have caber on hand). Running both, at high doses, you're just asking for nipple leakage and sides.

It's kind of like one person running 250 test/week and saying " i didn't have any bad estrogen sides", then another person chimes in "well I ran 1-2g of test/week and had horrible estrogen sides."

well yeah... sides scale with dosages. *insert surprised face*
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I mean obviously if you're running high doses of tren AND nandrolone
I wasn't running them both together. And I never actually said how high the doses were. The point is that elevated prolactin and it's side effects can be completely independent of estrogen. We've already been over this with @baxter0312

Also, I have no idea who you are quoting. Use citations.
All I got to say is prami is a hell of a drug. Personally I take 3mg 365 days of the year
Why do you like it, if you don't mind me asking? Probably the first positive review I've seen on it. My experiences on it were nightmarish, but it affects everyone different
Why do you like it, if you don't mind me asking? Probably the first positive review I've seen on it. My experiences on it were nightmarish, but it affects everyone different

I have to be on it if i want to use test. Some other drugs too, my body just has a weird prolactin thing.

I don't get the nausea thing a lot of people get. I take the extended release most of the time, but if i take the regular the most that might happen is i have to go lie down for a bit.

It's the gold standard for pro-sex drugs, along with caber. And as far as the sex, gambling, and shopping addictions the drug is known for, all of it is true. I spent almost $20,000 on a bunch of shit i didn't need in less than a year. It also permanently wrecked my sleep. I only take cat naps now.
I have to be on it if i want to use test. Some other drugs too, my body just has a weird prolactin thing.

I don't get the nausea thing a lot of people get. I take the extended release most of the time, but if i take the regular the most that might happen is i have to go lie down for a bit.

It's the gold standard for pro-sex drugs, along with caber. And as far as the sex, gambling, and shopping addictions the drug is known for, all of it is true. I spent almost $20,000 on a bunch of shit i didn't need in less than a year. It also permanently wrecked my sleep. I only take cat naps now.
Yeah it screwed my sleep too (only temporarily) and I also got horrible nausea from it, like Reallyy bad.

I didn't know it could potentially fuel all those other things though, thats kind of wild.

Appreciate the anecdotal experience report though. Always like hearing of different people's reactions with compounds, since it's often very individualized
Yeah it screwed my sleep too (only temporarily) and I also got horrible nausea from it, like Reallyy bad.

I didn't know it could potentially fuel all those other things though, thats kind of wild.

Appreciate the anecdotal experience report though. Always like hearing of different people's reactions with compounds, since it's often very individualized

It also probably depends on if you are taking anything else dopaminergic which is a recipe for mania.