Which of the following steroids was sold as a pharmaceutical *oral* delivery drug?

Which of the following steroids was sold as a pharmaceutical *oral* delivery drug?

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from what i read 3 of these drugs had oral pharmacutical derivatives marketed. I was going to spend a bunch of time and dig for more info about obsolete drugs, but then i just continued living my life.
from what i read 3 of these drugs had oral pharmacutical derivatives marketed. I was going to spend a bunch of time and dig for more info about obsolete drugs, but then i just continued living my life.
You’re reading bad info. There might once upon a time have been another oral 19-nor (not nandrolone) progestin drug for women who can’t achieve orgasm that’s bout it
Werent most steroids initially developed for oral consumption to bring them easier on the market? I remember Vig. Steve talking about Primo regarding that