Which PCT Option Should I Choose?


New Member

I had bloods early last year that showed my test level to be low (6.1). Other blood tests indicated secondary hypogonadism. Rather than seek help from the NHS (foolish I know - waiting times are very long at my local hospital) I started self-medicating in June with Test Cyp.

This has been one long cruise-blast-cruise and have decided the time has come for me to stop the self-medication and seek help from the NHS. This is the only time I have used AAS.
The self-medicating cruise was 125 mgs Test Cyp once per week. The blast was 250 mgs Test Cyp twice per week.
Initial cruise started June and was quickly followed by the blast that finished at the end of August. Been on 125 mgs Test Cyp since September.

I have used HCG since June at 250 iu twice per week

Before I consider going to the GP, I need to do PCT and seek your guidance.
I see 2 options:

Option 1
4 weeks of:
Day 1 – 28 Nolva 40/40/20/20
Day 1 – 28 Clomid 100/50/50/50
NO HCG during PCT

Option 2
Power PCT of:
Day 1 – 16 HCG 1500 iu EOD
Day 1 – 30 Clomid 50 mgs * 2 per day
Day 1 – 45 Nolva 20 mgs per day.

  • My last pin of Test Cyp will be this week. Do I start PCT on day 18?
  • Do I continue with HCG up until starting PCT or stop with last pin of Test?
  • I had read that it is possible to reverse secondary hypogonadism with Power PCT. Has anyone any evidence of this?
  • Which PCT option is best for me?
  • If I start Power PCT do I need the HCG as I have been on it throughout.
Thanks in advance.
good question for @Michael Scally MD since its his protocol. Heres what I found if you havent seen it already.

Of course. Dont forget bloods post PCT. If for some reason you remain unresponsive, then you can try a different approach. But my forward thinking suggests to use as little compound, chemical, or drug as possible, to achieve the same desired results.

Most men are able to recover perfectly fine with the above protocol. This includes blasting for prolonged periods.