But what do they do for your lipids profile? You might feel great on them, but "feels" is not a solid metric when looking at long-term health outcomes.
Theyre good, total cholesterol has always remained under 120 even between blast and cruise as I would adjust the supplements based on anabolic dosage.
I admit I haven't done extensive enough testing to compare the effects off and on, but I am able to keep LDL and ApoB levels in control w/ year round DHTs, and have not been experiencing the adverse effects mentioned from the research above, so what I'm doing isn't hurting.
For Niacin, I have tested a total cholesterol of around 70 running a cruise dose of test and primo; most absurdly low lipids I've ever seen on bloodwork, I very HIGHLY doubt Niacin is adverse for your health; whenever I feel toxicity from Masteron, I always notice an improvement in well being when I increase my daily dosage of Niacin.
For Cardarine, I think it has an incredible effect on cardiovascular health; when I run it with Anavar I find I can run it for much longer w/ much less adverse effects on cardiovascular performance and overall wellbeing / toxicity. Its a very powerful, efficacious drug, and I personally find the cancer risk worth it.
My goal is to optimize the net effect of my health, focusing on every little detail just leads to confusion and is unnecessary. I understand the issue with going by feel, but in the end my cholesterol has checked out, I wouldn't consider myself blind and misguided w/ the bloodwork I've seen.
Can't tell you enough about the times that studies have contradicted my personal experience w/ things; once I threw science out the door and listened to my body, the process got infinitely better. Intuition is KING.