Who's your team in College b ball?

Lol smart man! K fuck it I'm in straight up bet. You know what Avi you gonna be reppin if I win brother :D AMERICA'S TEAM
Lol smart man! K fuck it I'm in straight up bet. You know what Avi you gonna be reppin if I win brother :D AMERICA'S TEAM
no you canadian fuck you always try to sneak this in there haha! It's the two teams playing, that's what is relevant. The idea is to get everyone reppin Carolina Avis till the end of the tournament as their team gets eliminated. NC TAKEOVER. I had it going pretty good in the NFL playoffs, that's what you get for starting so many threads ;)
Guess their on too me :( hahahha k will you atleast rep the Zags Avi if indy wins? Cuz that is my team :D
Edit- just realized that doesn't help Seven lol k indy or unc Avi it is....
How do I do that if Seven comes in?
Avis are reserved for head to head showdowns.
You just want to bet just to bet....so put the $$$ up.
how many points you give me on Syracuse for $20 bet???
Avi's weren't only head to head for nutpuncher & I remember the hawks gm ? lol I'll give ya 3.5 for $20 on the Zags gm