What I replied "I have no words to explain how uneducated you fuckers are. Shut myself down? You fucking piece of shit realize that Clomid and Nolvadex are commonly used together in PCT to block the negative inhibition of estrogen? That causes the production of GNRH which causes LH to also be produced. Why you ask? Because the only way to produce Estrogen is by producing Testosterone in men so the body has no other choice but to make Testosterone. But Anti-Estrogens by themselves are not regarded by me as that good of a PCT and that's where HCG comes into play because Anti-Estrogen do not directly make LH and also because there is something called testicular atrophy and is when The balls shrink and are too small to produce enough testosterone. I advise to use HCG to directly target the testicles and force them to go back to normal. It took me fucking 15 minutes to write this so please read it and educate yourself you fucking piece of shit."