Why Nolva?


New Member
Ok this is a question I've always wondered, why do people use nolva as their primary PCT drug? I understand using nolva on cycle and also during your PCT to avoid gyno, but, from what I understand nolvadex is a selective estrogen receptor modulator that acts on the breast tissue, it is selective for the receptors on that tissue specifically. Is this an over simplification?

The idea of PCT is to get the gonads producing endogenous testosterone again, and a drug like clomid or AIs or HCG all seem to make sense because clomid acts on the receptors in the brain, giving the brain the impression there is no/low estrogen in the body and therefore low/no testosterone which stimulates the signalling hormones leading to production of testosterone. AI's more or less the same except the receptors aren't being blocked, the enzyme that converts testosterone to estrogen is destroyed, resulting in the brain not seeing estrogen so again, signals testosterone production. But with Nolva, shouldn't the brain see the same amount of estrogen, meaning that testosterone production will continue to be suppressed, and then meaning that until all the exogenous testosterone is depleted endogenous testosterone will be suppressed, which is no different than just coming off and not doing and PCT at all.

What am I missing here? Am I wrong about how nolva acts on the body, or is it just more complicated than that?
I see, well that explains things, but in what way is it selective then?

I'm assuming that all the references to it acting on the breast tissue is just because that is the drugs intended purpose? IE that it is acting on all the estrogen receptors in the body, brain included, but people taking nolvadex for its intended purpose are more or less only concerned with its antagonist action on the receptors of the breast tissue?
Nolva is alot like clomid only MG 4 MG stronger.

"In hypogonadic and infertile men given nolvadex, increases in the serum levels of LH, FSH, and most importantly, testosterone were all observed (2)(3). The best (rough) estimate I can give you from my research is that 20mgs of Nolvadex will raise your testosterone levels about 150% (5)...and this would of course greatly aid post-cycle-recovery. "
Nolva is an oral... Research companies normal make it a liqiud but u still take it orally. Dose depends on length of cycle and number or aas use for say test E 500mg EW for 12 weeks I'd do and have done nolva @ 20/20/10/10 along w/ a test booster & exemastane (Personal choice and optional)
You haven't started a cycle yet right?

Ya i actually have im taking Test E and Dbol on 2nd week.. so just looking into whats the best pct after my cycle.. Sorry new to this just really got into it and studying it.Thank u for ur input this forums very helpful!
Ya i actually have im taking Test E and Dbol on 2nd week.. so just looking into whats the best pct after my cycle.. Sorry new to this just really got into it and studying it.Thank u for ur input this forums very helpful!

I'm not going to hijack this man's thread. Start a new one in the pct section if you need assistance. I must forewarn you, you are probably going to get flamed. Studying after introducing drugs to your system is moronic. You can also just use the search function. I'm sure whatever questions you may have are already answered.