Why not just bank transfer?


New Member
If my name/address is going to be on the parcel why not just pay with bank transfer?
Will my bank block the transaction?
On a scale of 1-10 how far am i from missing the point?

I think being a beginner in all this is very confusing. There's obviously a lot of info on here but trying to piece together bits of info from all over the place is an absolutely bloody nightmare haha
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If my name/address is going to be on the parcel why not just pay with bank transfer?
Will my bank block the transaction?
On a scale of 1-10 how far am i from missing the point? loll

I think being a beginner in all this is very confusing. There's obviously a lot of info on here but trying to piece together bits of info from all over the place is an absolutely bloody nightmare haha

US based?

10 / 10

You forgot your new member intro.
US based?

10 / 10

UK based mate
It is yeah, I should have said in my post about the uk. Cheers for getting back appreciate it!

ps sorry just saw whats the new member intro?
nice one cheers for sending over!
If my name/address is going to be on the parcel why not just pay with bank transfer?
Will my bank block the transaction?
On a scale of 1-10 how far am i from missing the point?

I think being a beginner in all this is very confusing. There's obviously a lot of info on here but trying to piece together bits of info from all over the place is an absolutely bloody nightmare haha
I thought the same thing but then I thought again & figured if I was a fed I'd love the sound of that
I’m in the UK. Everything I get is either domestic (and therefore legal) or non-controlled (and therefore also legal). I still pay by crypto.

The vendors prefer crypto as it’s safer for them, and I want them to stay in business.

With a bank transfer you can’t prove they got the money. With crypto you can. If their bank account is frozen before they get your money, who eats the bill? You or them? Either way, someone isn’t happy. Good luck getting your bank to help you if anything goes wrong.

You also never know if the police will accuse you of dealing. Separating yourself from your transactions as much as possible is always a good idea.

I have raw drugs that should last me 100 years. I bought that much because it was dirt cheap and now I never have to worry about running out. If the police intercepted it and said “1 kilo of raws is not for personal use”, I dunno how much “I bought a kilo because it cost peanuts and I hope to live for 100 years and use it all” is gonna help me.

The UK government puts people in prison for naughty memes and lets loose rapists. So don’t think abiding by the law will keep you safe lol
I’m in the UK. Everything I get is either domestic (and therefore legal) or non-controlled (and therefore also legal). I still pay by crypto.

The vendors prefer crypto as it’s safer for them, and I want them to stay in business.

With a bank transfer you can’t prove they got the money. With crypto you can. If their bank account is frozen before they get your money, who eats the bill? You or them? Either way, someone isn’t happy. Good luck getting your bank to help you if anything goes wrong.

You also never know if the police will accuse you of dealing. Separating yourself from your transactions as much as possible is always a good idea.

I have raw drugs that should last me 100 years. I bought that much because it was dirt cheap and now I never have to worry about running out. If the police intercepted it and said “1 kilo of raws is not for personal use”, I dunno how much “I bought a kilo because it cost peanuts and I hope to live for 100 years and use it all” is gonna help me.

The UK government puts people in prison for naughty memes and lets loose rapists. So don’t think abiding by the law will keep you safe lol
Bank transfers are also way more detailed, documented and tracked these days. And that information is very easily shared with LE and Gov's incl. other Banks.
I’m in the UK. Everything I get is either domestic (and therefore legal) or non-controlled (and therefore also legal). I still pay by crypto.

The vendors prefer crypto as it’s safer for them, and I want them to stay in business.

With a bank transfer you can’t prove they got the money. With crypto you can. If their bank account is frozen before they get your money, who eats the bill? You or them? Either way, someone isn’t happy. Good luck getting your bank to help you if anything goes wrong.

You also never know if the police will accuse you of dealing. Separating yourself from your transactions as much as possible is always a good idea.

I have raw drugs that should last me 100 years. I bought that much because it was dirt cheap and now I never have to worry about running out. If the police intercepted it and said “1 kilo of raws is not for personal use”, I dunno how much “I bought a kilo because it cost peanuts and I hope to live for 100 years and use it all” is gonna help me.

The UK government puts people in prison for naughty memes and lets loose rapists. So don’t think abiding by the law will keep you safe lol
Bank transfers are also way more detailed, documented and tracked these days. And that information is very easily shared with LE and Gov's incl. other Banks.
Very good points. I thought that crypto was really confusing but as soon as i did it i was like damn this is actually way easier and more efficient than bank transfer/other methods.

And haha yeah i dont think there's even any point even thinking about could the police come knockin, the laws so muddy around it all, and the uk gov is an absolute joke lol.

I've only recently started with a lot of this so have only bought from china so far, tempted to order test c from china cause of the price. Gonna try and build up a stock of things like you said so i can just relax haha
I've only recently started with a lot of this so have only bought from china so far, tempted to order test c from china cause of the price
Be careful with that. AAS is a controlled substance, and its importation is illegal. You can get it domestically legally, but from abroad? I wouldn’t. But that’s just me. Americans take on just as much risk when merely possessing AAS.

The only time I’d consider buying AAS from abroad is if I couldn’t get AAS domestically.
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