Why so many Erectile Dysfunction threads despite normal T and E levels?

Idk man I got a buddy that has ED. He's 39. He's about to get his blood tests done to see if it's low test. But I think I remember Doc Jim saying that there are many different reasons why someone could have Ed even with normal test levels. So idk.
He is aware of what he's doing. He's trolling all of us with a minimal effort to look sincere. I am baffled people are responding even after so many useless threats with no follow-up comments or a purpose for the question. I have very little doubt that he's a teenager
Yep. He'll start a thread, ask a stupid question, then abandon ship and start another one.
I've mentioned many times there should be a minimum post count or something before being able to make threads but we do get a lot of new members that will start a thread genuinely needing help and I wouldn't want them getting burned because this space cadet thinks he's the center of the universe. So, instead, I'm going to flame him hard every time he does it. I hope others will join in the fun
he reminds me of my son at 3 .
why does the moon come out at nite ?
what makes blue berries blue ?
why do you drink coffee ?
of course like I said he was three.
Idk man I got a buddy that has ED. He's 39. He's about to get his blood tests done to see if it's low test. But I think I remember Doc Jim saying that there are many different reasons why someone could have Ed even with normal test levels. So idk.

Id say dozens if not more