Why would masteron/primo lower libido?

Agreed, that was a pretty nonsensical statement.

An AI might be superior to masteron simply because masteron is not an AI lol. However if you need to run e2 higher to make use of your HGH maybe you want the estrogen beta receptor stimulation of masteron to keep gyno in check but reap other benefits to running e2 slightly elevated out of range.

Primo does have a metabolite that acts as an AI, how would running an AI be better than another anabolic that can act as an AI?
None of these compounds are inherently better or worse than one another. They are all different. What's important is understanding each compound so that you can make the right choice for your situation and your goal.
It works very well for me.It is good to take cialis or viagra regularly
How does viagra and cialis improve the desire to have sex? it just increase blood flow then?
You keep spitting out a lot of nonsense.

Makes 0 sense again. Plenty of people have increased sex drive while on DHT derivatives that throw their SHBG into single digits.

Sensitize? Desensitize? lol
The way to increase SHBG is frequent application of TST and addition of HCG. DHT derivatives should be completely excluded and not used. It works very well for me.It is good to take cialis or viagra regularly

HCG sends my sex drive through the roof, but also makes my deltoids explode in acne. Even accutane doesn't help.

Like OP, primo destroys my sex drive, even worse than deca. I could see the usefulness of it if you're blasting a lot of test and can't risk gyno.
Nothing wrong with taking your testosterone twice a week like you're doing now. You could try 3x/week like that one person said earlier but if you can't tell a difference twice a week is just fine plus less injections
I added Masteron to my cycle for the first time and felt incredible !! My libido and mood shot through the roof. 1:1 ratio. I'm going to try Primo again with a higher dose of Test this time. See how that goes.
I've been doing TRT off and on for a few years now, and every time I take Masteron or Primo, it kills my libido. While the reported effects are supposed to raise libido, for me, it swells up my prostate, gives me a good feeling, and dries me out, but no libido increases. Whereas, if I take an AI, like Anastrozole, at .25mg once or twice a week, the old penis gets friendly and happy. I am in my early 40s, taking about 120mg of test cyp a week, two injections every 3.5/4 days. 6'1", 220 pounds. Depending on my feelings, I lift and run about 3-5 times weekly. I
My last test results (with some Masteron mixed in there, probably 10mg three times a week. I was taking p5p, but I stopped that since my prolactin was low. I sometimes take 3mg of boron.):
Test Total: 1444 ng/dl
Test Free: 358 pg/mL
SHBG: 16.3 nmol/L
prolactin: 4 ng/mL
Estradiol (non-ultrasensitive): 21 pg/mL

That's not a typo. 10mg of mast prop three times a week. MWF. I have tried 1:1 ratios (so, 120mg a week) and almost nothing.

I am running 100mg test e5d at this point. Gonna run that for six weeks and do bloods. I am already feeling better. And libdio is better.

I am having trouble trying to figure out what your goal is, here.

Why were you taking Masteron and primo?

If you want to gain some muscle, just increase the test to 500 for 2.5 to 3 months of dedicated nutrition and training, or, if you are more advanced, increase the test and add primo, but like 500 test, 900 primo, lol

For sex drive, you say an AI increases your sex drive. I would say that if that is the goal, try decreasing your testosterone. Seriously. Try it. You are high outside the human reference range at 1444 ng/dL

Lower your dose.

The average healthy human male produces roughly 7mg of testosterone a day.

Humans don't like needles, so we don't take TNE once a day in the morning dosed at 7mg.

If you are using an ester, you have to subtract out the weight of the ester, but you can still easily see that you are way over what you produced when you were 16 years old. Did you have libido at 16 years old? Yes? Well, I guarantee your total testosterone was not 1444 mg/dL

Maybe try lowering it to 800ng/dL, more representative of a healthy teenager's testosterone level, toward the upper middle range.

A bonus is that at that range no AI would ever be necessary for any purpose whatsoever.