Wife asking me for help.


Hope there is some females or male experts on women’s health. My wife is 53 and about 2 years a go she started what she says is menopause. And about then her sex drive has went way down and she has very little female lubricant that she produces. We have to use lubricant to even start. And then it still gets dry in that area. It really don’t feel very good for her as it use to. She don’t even like me talking sexy to her in fact it kinda irritates her most the time. She does get snappy at me for little things but not angry. But to keep this a little shorter she knows I’m here and she does my injections for me and has seen how I feel when I’m on cycle. Energy feeling more confident and more go to me. For the first time she asked me about my stuff for women. And as I know very little about female hormones I told her I don’t know. So she actually asked me ( which I was very pleased from her to want to know more and possibly help with her sex drive and better mood) so I told her I would check because there are women on this forum and they could have some simple answers that may help. She has tried all the so called natural over the counter stuff and nothing. I call them just marketing gimmicks. But can anyone chime in on what would be a good start with I guess would be her hormones.
Hope there is some females or male experts on women’s health. My wife is 53 and about 2 years a go she started what she says is menopause. And about then her sex drive has went way down and she has very little female lubricant that she produces. We have to use lubricant to even start. And then it still gets dry in that area. It really don’t feel very good for her as it use to. She don’t even like me talking sexy to her in fact it kinda irritates her most the time. She does get snappy at me for little things but not angry. But to keep this a little shorter she knows I’m here and she does my injections for me and has seen how I feel when I’m on cycle. Energy feeling more confident and more go to me. For the first time she asked me about my stuff for women. And as I know very little about female hormones I told her I don’t know. So she actually asked me ( which I was very pleased from her to want to know more and possibly help with her sex drive and better mood) so I told her I would check because there are women on this forum and they could have some simple answers that may help. She has tried all the so called natural over the counter stuff and nothing. I call them just marketing gimmicks. But can anyone chime in on what would be a good start with I guess would be her hormones.
You won't get much help at the typical PCP. I'd get in touch with Defy or other competent HRT clinic. Run hormone panels plus regular bloods. If blood work supports treatment, Testosterone cream applied to labia or anus 2 to 3x per day can dramatically improve symptoms mentioned above. Life changing in some examples.

Testosterone is not FDA approved for women so regular PCP will pat you on the shoulder and write Rx for antidepressant. Meanwhile, the androgen (potentially estrogen and progesterone as well) deficiency is never addressed.

Best wishes.
Don't really want to mess with women's hormones without blood work/doctor help.

1.Get blood work done. Full hormone panel, thyroid, liver, kidneys etc.
2.Find a good Hormone Replacement Therapy clinic for women.
3.They'll probably prescribe some combination of test/estrogen/progesterone
and possibly thyroid meds.
Yea I forgot to mention what her Dr. said. Kinda pissed me off. He told her that she would have to just let everything run its course. Never asked to do anything but give her an anti depressant which her Dr had tried many times to give her. He passes them out as they are a cure for everything. Plus not never referee her to any dr that helps in this area. But is the kind of Dr that I can give you the vax would you like it. I sure do recommend it. Yea that type of Dr. there’s not much around here for hrt Dr. I have mine and that’s about it. The only one around and he is stingy as you can get on having hrt prescribed. He wants below 200 before he will do anything. So what kind of Dr should she see
My wife has the same exact issue. We went through Defy and they found her testosterone to be very low. During the doctor consultation, the doc said that hormonal birth control causes a rise in SHBG and thus lowering free test in a woman's body. My wife has been on 10mg/week of test cyp for the past 3 years and has never been better. Lubrication, energy, and sexy drive all increased dramatically.

HOWEVER, she is now going through the change the the sex drive has dipped a bit and the constant PMS attitude that fluctuates weekly is getting old.
Hope there is some females or male experts on women’s health. My wife is 53 and about 2 years a go she started what she says is menopause. And about then her sex drive has went way down and she has very little female lubricant that she produces. We have to use lubricant to even start. And then it still gets dry in that area. It really don’t feel very good for her as it use to. She don’t even like me talking sexy to her in fact it kinda irritates her most the time. She does get snappy at me for little things but not angry. But to keep this a little shorter she knows I’m here and she does my injections for me and has seen how I feel when I’m on cycle. Energy feeling more confident and more go to me. For the first time she asked me about my stuff for women. And as I know very little about female hormones I told her I don’t know. So she actually asked me ( which I was very pleased from her to want to know more and possibly help with her sex drive and better mood) so I told her I would check because there are women on this forum and they could have some simple answers that may help. She has tried all the so called natural over the counter stuff and nothing. I call them just marketing gimmicks. But can anyone chime in on what would be a good start with I guess would be her hormones.
I’m a woman and posted info in this thread that may help



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