Wife needs a boost pt141 vs oxtocin?

8-10 doses a month or something like that so you don't end up with a tan, right?
That’s just what big pharma recommends as a max dose frequency. Idk if it’s based on any actual science or if it’s just “we know it’s safe at 8 doses per month, so we can’t recommend more than that”.
  • PT-141 can cause nausea, pain at the injection site, headache, and darkening of the skin.
?????????? It's literally a different version of mt2

Ooh, loooook, since you cannot read:

Never got noticeable skin tone change with PT-141 despite frequent 2.5mg doses, and the dose range...sounds a lot more like MT-II than PT-141.

The entire point of PT-141 is that it's MT-2 with the melatonin intensifying cleaved off the peptide.

Developing focal hyperpigmentation if they have darker skin and with daily dosing. Resolution of the focal hyperpigmentation was not confirmed in all patients after discontinuation of VYLEESI. Consider discontinuing VYLEESI if hyperpigmentation develops."

Hyperpigmentation does not mean a tan.
So now you can take all those question marks you' ve thrown at us and stick them somewhere
Ooh, loooook, since you cannot read:

Hyperpigmentation does not mean a tan.
So now you can take all those question marks you' ve thrown at us and stick them somewhere
So ghoul's N=1 personal anecdote is somehow an argument now for general guidance?

Hyperpigmentation is tanned skin localized, I'm not sure what's there to argue about, but I guess you like feeling very smart big boy.