Wife needs a boost pt141 vs oxtocin?

I don't really consider anything less than 2mg with MT-2 to be a sex enhancement dose, but lower doses do increase spontaneous erections.

.025mg / kg is a good starting dose for both, imo. MT-2 has some additional pleasurable effects PT doesn't, but I'll just keep getting darker and darker on it so I have to limit it.
Good to know thank you
In fact i only tried low dosages (max 0,5mg), now i will ramp it up.
Good to know thank you
In fact i only tried low dosages (max 0,5mg), now i will ramp it up.

I don't even really get better tanning below .75, 1mg even better. That dose and 10 minutes in the sun provides visible light bronzing of skin tone the next day. I keep repeating until desired color is reached, then use .5mg once a week for maintenance, though I'm not sure if that's ideal, it still fades away over the next 3 months. Maybe more would allow it to last longer. Only downside is moles turn near black and a large birthmark goes from invisible to prominent.

Thank you and thank you for putting up with me messing around with you.
You being so frank and direct sharing your personal experiences is really sweet.
But it was also fun and so you know you gave me ammo for some banter...
Lsd, I have never taken, not sure I would like to.

So you had the lsd tested. Lol. How many people on the planet can say that?
Your attitude and adventurous spirit are quite something.
But also how painstaking you are with your recreational drugs, lol.
Harm reduction, u are bossing it.

I don't know if @Ghoul was on a high horse with his opinion on acid stuff.
I don't want to think so.
I have learnt on Meso that all drugs can elicit different responses in people.
However, I also think that we all tend to speak in absolutes, especially when it is to do with very close, private things, like the ones you guys are discussing here.

It's all good.

You should give Ghoul some of your precious lab tested lsd and then you can go to Fabric, in London, to party together until 8am, lol.

while prodrug 'analogs'(1p LSD, LAD etc) of LSD have been available they offer nearly identical effects and infact some need LSD as a precursor(and because of that are sold for higher prices than real LSD), available but anything sold as LSD is 99.9% likely to be LSD. there was SOME weird/dangerous drugs found on blotter that are similar, but were harsh and only found in small amounts for a small time 12 years ago or so. LSD is very available ESP in the past decade more than ever, for VERY cheap so any weird XTC drugs from china at any scale dont make sense economically.

I think ghoul got sold a" GNOME " tab 15 years ago and thinks every tab is that now. and even though fentanyl has also been sold on tabs it does not dominate what is sold as LSD either.

on a side note LSD causes so much XTC it makes 10s of thousands people follow around shitty bands and eat grillcheeses to survive just to partake. but yes everyone is different but MOST people find LSD to be the SMOOthest of the classical hallucinogens. mushrooms and mescaline tend to cause more discomfort both physically and mentally as does ayahuasca, and of course LSD preferred for social settings concerts sex etc for vast majority of people.

Thank you and thank you for putting up with me messing around with you.
You being so frank and direct sharing your personal experiences is really sweet.
But it was also fun and so you know you gave me ammo for some banter...
Lsd, I have never taken, not sure I would like to.

So you had the lsd tested. Lol. How many people on the planet can say that?
Your attitude and adventurous spirit are quite something.
But also how painstaking you are with your recreational drugs, lol.
Harm reduction, u are bossing it.

I don't know if @Ghoul was on a high horse with his opinion on acid stuff.
I don't want to think so.
I have learnt on Meso that all drugs can elicit different responses in people.
However, I also think that we all tend to speak in absolutes, especially when it is to do with very close, private things, like the ones you guys are discussing here.

It's all good.

You should give Ghoul some of your precious lab tested lsd and then you can go to Fabric, in London, to party together until 8am, lol.

I don't like party settings when I do my drugs, I like to be at contact with nature or the ppl I love.

He was on a high horse because he spoke in absolutes and any real psychonauts that has delve into the world of psychedelics know well that even so these drugs have some commonalities and some very distinctive effects, it is really subjective how your ride will be and so how you will feel on it and the reaction you will have.

He probably hasn't done any of the molecules he spoke because if he DID he wouldn't put DMT and sex in the same sentence.
How can you have SEX on DMT when you are out of your body when you smoke pure dmt and you are completely catatonic? if you do ayahuasca (still DMT but with MAOI in the mix) you can have anything happens, from nothing to the universe exploding inside and around you but a common trait is you will probably puke your guts out and if you will have an experience yeah you will be again mostly catatonic.
Only thing that could illicit a more human response and experience is if you were to smoke the DMT with the MAOI as the mixture that we call: Changa.

The MAOI slow down the DMT effect and so it will allow you to partake in thoughts, talk, move and well have a more grounded experience but from my personal experience and the one around me, not once I have seen ppl getting aroused during a session of smoking Changa, it's still too visual, too strong on the visions, colors and on how it melts the world around you, still I don't deny that there is probably someone around that will love to fuck after smoking changa, rare but as psychedelic are so personal and subjective you can't disregard the possibility.

That's the difference between a person that has explored this world a fair bit and has opened his mind at least enough to understand that there are no rules set in stone and someone like whatever Ghoul is, one that comes and shoot blank statement and while he does it... he shows he has no clue of what he is talking about and he looks a fucking retard doing it and not happy he tells me I have probably never experienced real LSD, I'm not gonna even go into the details (for my own online safety) on HOW this statement is not only a sad joke but a clear display of not having a fucking clue with who you are talking with and how you believe to be so smart to just assume everyone that you are talking with is a retard when in reality... the vendor machine of extra chromosomes has been you here.

You choose the wrong person to argue about this things my man, next time you will do better, maybe.
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while prodrug 'analogs'(1p LSD, LAD etc) of LSD have been available they offer nearly identical effects and infact some need LSD as a precursor(and because of that are sold for higher prices than real LSD), available but anything sold as LSD is 99.9% likely to be LSD. there was SOME weird/dangerous drugs found on blotter that are similar, but were harsh and only found in small amounts for a small time 12 years ago or so. LSD is very available ESP in the past decade more than ever, for VERY cheap so any weird XTC drugs from china at any scale dont make sense economically.

I think ghoul got sold a" GNOME " tab 15 years ago and thinks every tab is that now. and even though fentanyl has also been sold on tabs it does not dominate what is sold as LSD either.

on a side note LSD causes so much XTC it makes 10s of thousands people follow around shitty bands and eat grillcheeses to survive just to partake. but yes everyone is different but MOST people find LSD to be the SMOOthest of the classical hallucinogens. mushrooms and mescaline tend to cause more discomfort both physically and mentally as does ayahuasca, and of course LSD preferred for social settings concerts sex etc for vast majority of people.
Anyone that has taken any psychedelics knows that low dose of LSD can be taken almost by anyone as a first experience something you can't do with DMT for example, as even the smallest dose will punch you in the guts and shoot you into the cosmo without even giving you the time to know what is going on (fucking awesome btw), or mescaline that will keep you on a mad trip for hours and instead of having you catatonic will probably have you move A LOT without having sometime a clue on what is going on tho.
Mushrooms are the one in between, can be chaos can be smooth, depends.

The easiest one will always be MDMA, the drug of love and music, never met anyone that didn't like real pure MDMA or had a bad experience with it... the come down however... and the brain toxicity... no to be abused :)
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You are right blaming the guys on this tread for diverting from the title:
"Wife needs a boost pt141 vs oxtocin?"

... I am still waiting for some inputs from your part beeing the one that could bring the best knowledge...

Sir, I understand you wanted women to tell you about using PT141, but I have not (not yet).

Maybe you just skimmed through a few of the posts here, but there is a certain amount of jest and banter about it that I was engaged with (and sorry about starting it, if it bothered you).

I have just looked into what Ghoul et al were sharing and then got curious about it, so asked a few questions that everybody was very kind to answer.

Please note that Ghoul, Sampei and Narta all had partners that used it an wrote about it.
If you have any questions, post them here and I am sure they will be happy to answer.

You are right saying that often things go off at a tangent or a bit off topic, pretty much in every thread, but it is not always a bad thing.
I guess talk of prodigious sex marathons and hard ons go hand in hand with this topic...

100% feel free to steer the discussion towards where you would like it to go.
Everyone will follow (or try to)
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never met anyone that didn't like real pure MDMA or had a bad experience with it.

Checking in. BITD the only pure stuff I could come by I got by the gram. Would drop 1g in a 1L bottle of water, give it a shake and dole out 100ml "cocktails" at various parties. On at least two occasions I became introspective, lonely, and incapable of making connections with people. Very effing weird. Everybody else on the same stuff were having a great time.

Always had a decent experience with tabs or pills, I suspect because they were often combined with methamphetamine. The combo of a serotonergic and a dopaminergic lit me up in a way that felt pretty awesome. Dabbled quite a bit with straight methamphetamine as well, which is taboo in most circles. Transformed me from a straight asshole to the friendliest person you've ever met.

On the topic of LSD and sex, an old hippie couple at Burning Man once thanked me for helping 'em out with something by giving me a pill bottle full of LSD tablets. It was old, they said, but still worked fine. I had maybe 100 or so and each one felt like a 25mcg dose, so probably 2 to make things start to get sparkly and then titrate up from there. I had several positive sexual experiences on that.

It's been a long time since I had the time and energy to do such things, but I'm reflecting on some pretty interesting experiences in which the combo of tadalafil and PT141 would've been amazing. Iunno, at this point I'm probably closer to death than to being in a scene like that again, but maybe...

As I mentioned, for me, 1mg PT141 yields good results. Short burst of nausea that passes quickly, a bit more libido, and lots of spontaneous erections. I tried 3mg based on this thread. The initial wave of nausea was a little more intense, but not too bad. However, I had a lingering throbbing headache the entire day following. Checked BP and it's not elevated. Took acetaminophen which didn't help.

Sensitivity was maybe slightly better? I still had difficulty finishing which is likely the product of some other hormonal imbalance. I'm still waiting on bloods which are delayed for some reason.

I went from having great erections to having even more great erections. Walking around in polite society has been difficult.
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Sir, I understand you wanted women to tell you about using PT141, but I have not (not yet).

Maybe you just skimmed through a few of the posts here, but there is a certain amount of jest and banter about it that I was engaged with (and sorry about starting it, if it bothered you).

I have just looked into what Ghoul et al were sharing and then got curious about it, so asked a few questions that everybody was very kind to answer.

Please note that Ghoul, Sampei and Narta all had partners that used it an wrote about it.
If you have any questions, post them here and I am sure they will be happy to answer.

You are right saying that often things go off at a tangent or a bit off topic, pretty much in every thread, but it is not always a bad thing.
I guess talk of prodigious sex marathons and hard ons go hand in hand with this topic...

100% feel free to steer the discussion towards where you would like it to go.
Everyone will follow (or try to)
If someone feels the conversation is veering off track, it's always helpful to guide it back towards the core topic even if it’s not surprising that discussions can sometimes take a playful or humorous turn, given the nature of the topic. It's good to see that everyone is respectful and willing to share their experiences, which helps create a collaborative and informative environment.

I’ve been following the conversation closely because I’m genuinely interested in learning how PT-141 might be able to help my wife. I want to approach this with her well-being in mind and was hoping to get a better understanding of how it has worked for others especially females.

Thank you all for sharing your insights and experiences
If someone feels the conversation is veering off track, it's always helpful to guide it back towards the core topic even if it’s not surprising that discussions can sometimes take a playful or humorous turn, given the nature of the topic. It's good to see that everyone is respectful and willing to share their experiences, which helps create a collaborative and informative environment.

I’ve been following the conversation closely because I’m genuinely interested in learning how PT-141 might be able to help my wife. I want to approach this with her well-being in mind and was hoping to get a better understanding of how it has worked for others especially females.

Thank you all for sharing your insights and experiences
Female response is very personal, my wife didn't like it much as she said her clit became too sensitive and she couldn't enjoy much the direct stimulation of it. She wasn't too fond of the nausea as well, she is not really the adventure kind on substance exploration tho.

I tried it with a lady friend and she didn't have any issue except maybe the same too much sensitivity on the clit, the arousal wasn't really assessed as she is a little nympho so hard to tell if it did anything.

I suggest you to try it few times and see how it goes. I mean the worse it can happen is that she doesn't like it and after few tries you just drop it and use it only for yourself.
Female response is very personal, my wife didn't like it much as she said her clit became too sensitive and she couldn't enjoy much the direct stimulation of it. She wasn't too fond of the nausea as well, she is not really the adventure kind on substance exploration tho.

I tried it with a lady friend and she didn't have any issue except maybe the same too much sensitivity on the clit, the arousal wasn't really assessed as she is a little nympho so hard to tell if it did anything.

I suggest you to try it few times and see how it goes. I mean the worse it can happen is that she doesn't like it and after few tries you just drop it and use it only for yourself.
Thank you so much for sharing your experience! I really appreciate the honesty.

It’s helpful to know both perspectives—your wife’s and your friend’s—especially since everyone reacts differently. I’ll definitely take your advice and approach it with patience, trying it a few times to see how my wife feels.
The last thing I want is for her to feel uncomfortable especially because she is under treatment for depression and anxiety.

Thanks again for the helpful input.