Wife wants to recomp - will she just be spinning her wheels?


Well-known Member
My wife is about 5'5, 124lbs. She's slim, but she doesn't have the best body composition in her upper body (mainly her arms). She wants to get rid of that flabbiness. Obviously she needs to lost fat and build muscle. But she's in that awkward position where she may be too slim to really cut properly, but her bf % may be too high to bulk. In any case, she does not want to bulk. She is relatively untrained so I figure if protein is highish (0.8 - 1g/lb of body weight) and she trains with some intensity, she'll be able to recomp somewhat. Just to be clear, she isn't interested in taking any AAS.

Do you think she'll just be spinning her wheels?
If she’s not already a gym bro chances are high she’ll make great progress in bodycomp just by hitting the weights consistently.

Hell even if she was a gym regular she’ll probably make great changes without adding weight/fat.

I’ve noticed it with my wife, I’m not sure if it’s because they don’t need much muscle to look muscular for a female vs what a man needs to look muscular or just something unique to women.. but she’ll make great progress without gaining an ounce, even losing actually.
If she’s not already a gym bro chances are high she’ll make great progress in bodycomp just by hitting the weights consistently.

Hell even if she was a gym regular she’ll probably make great changes without adding weight/fat.

I’ve noticed it with my wife, I’m not sure if it’s because they don’t need much muscle to look muscular for a female vs what a man needs to look muscular or just something unique to women.. but she’ll make great progress without gaining an ounce, even losing actually.
Couldn't have put it better
She is relatively untrained
Since she is "relatively untrained", she could do practically any type of serious training on a consistent basis and make progress. If she has the guidance of someone with experience, she should make great progress.
Since she is "relatively untrained", she could do practically any type of serious training on a consistent basis and make progress. If she has the guidance of someone with experience, she should make great progress.
I agree with all posts here. Research studies looking at women just walking on the treadmill & minimal resistance training had increase in muscle tissue. Moral of the story, she will recomp with consistency and the increased protein will greatly help as most people, those outside of the bodybuilding and nutrition community, massively under eat protein. I hope her journey is going well!