Will Deca Give Me Relief?


New Member
I need some direction. I’m currently 47 years old, and after a trip to Asia in 2016 the tendons all over my body are becoming extremely week. I’m assuming some sort of hard to detect autoimmune disease. I basically get hurt very easily and then I never heal.

No one can figure out what’s going on… The medical industry has pretty much given up on me. No doctor will help me without the direct diagnosis. Trust me I have seen a lot! I get a lot of sympathy but no help.

The tendon of my left knee ultimately gave out two months ago, and I am now in a wheelchair as I can’t put any weight on it. This is the second time this has happened to me. The first time was in 2018, where I spent six months in a wheelchair before somebody on this forum recommended SARMS, I took it, and I couldn’t believe within two weeks I was walking again!

I tried SARMS again immediately, but this time to no avail. I almost got there, but it wore off. My body gets use to things that work and then they don’t work so good anymore :(

So to make a long story short, I’m looking to try Deca. When I read what Deca can do, it’s like the exact thing I’m looking for. I’m a little scared of erectile dysfunction, though, as it’s the only thing left on me that still hundred percent works. This would be especially bad as my girlfriend is hot! Sometimes I shocked she has stayed with me…

So I’m hoping someone here can recommend a way for me to do Deca without the negative side effect.

I’m not trying to become ripped. I just want to be able to walk again. If I could use my right arm again too, that would also be a great bonus! But the not walking thing is completely unbearable.

I’ve done plenty of research, and to do Deca, you have to do all this other stuff too:
  • Deca
  • Testosterone
  • Cabergoline
  • Proviron
  • HCG
  • Arimidex
  • Nolvadex

That seems like a hefty list just to do Deca!

Some people do one thing and not others, so I was hoping anybody be able to simplify what is needed, which things I shouldn’t mix together, as you may not need one thing if doing another. But I don’t know the answer to that. And a low dose stack just for healing that will also have the best chance to keep me safe from erectile dysfunction?

I just can’t take this anymore any direction would be highly appreciated!
Deca isn’t going to restore tendons and ligaments. Highly doubt it will provide the relief you’re after.

but your research has also misguided you in the list of stuff you definitely do NOT need all of to run Deca.

I would be looking at GH over anything else.
Thank you for your suggestion. I tried GH before I tried sarms and didn’t do anything for me. I assume it was probably fake, but if I can’t get it through the doctor I don’t want to go that route again.

I think Deca will work because sarms worked. After reading the research reports I see that Deca binds to androgen receptors, which is what causes one to heal.

Part of my problem is I’m too weak to do the physical therapy, I just need temporary strength so I can actually do the physical therapy.
Deca isn’t going to restore tendons and ligaments. Highly doubt it will provide the relief you’re after.

but your research has also misguided you in the list of stuff you definitely do NOT need all of to run Deca.

I would be looking at GH over anything else.
What's the daily # of iu's people use to see the 'freaky' gains, so often mentioned regarding gh?
What's the daily # of iu's people use to see the 'freaky' gains, so often mentioned regarding gh?
Couldn’t tell you. Not sure GH is capable of that without insulin along side it. I promise GH isn’t the secret pill everyone thinks AAS is before they get on and realize it isn’t.
sounds verry fishy i dont think deca will help and you shouldnt just experiment all willy nilly, you can need to be on for life. Ive heard of deca giving temporary relief of joints while in but thats different then regrowing stuff. Ive used peptide bpc 157 when my knees hurt from a bad squat and years in the army and it did heal them up like very well, so i would suggest bpc157 if i were to suggest something.
Which sarm did you use? your body doesnt "become used to it" and it stops working also ay otherwise trt wouldnt be a thing.
When you say your knee tendon "gave out", I'm not sure what exactly you mean by that... That sounds very diagnosable. I don't quite understand how you could have a tendon "go out" in any way but just have doctor's give you sympathy instead of any answers as to the state of you connective tissue that's left you wheelchair bound. That doesn't quite add up to me.

Your symptoms are all a little vague, and they only sort of align with the first post you made on the forum back in 2014. You blamed it on a botched surgery back in 2014 but now you think your problems are related to a trip you took to Asia two years later?

Regardless, it sounds highly likely you have rheumatoid arthritis based on what you've posted, aside from the arm thing. A rheumatologist will be a lot more helpful than a steroid forum, fella.
sounds verry fishy i dont think deca will help and you shouldnt just experiment all willy nilly, you can need to be on for life. Ive heard of deca giving temporary relief of joints while in but thats different then regrowing stuff. Ive used peptide bpc 157 when my knees hurt from a bad squat and years in the army and it did heal them up like very well, so i would suggest bpc157 if i were to suggest something.
Which sarm did you use? your body doesnt "become used to it" and it stops working also ay otherwise trt wouldnt be a thing.
I used MK-2866, LGD-4033, and MK-677. It worked great the first time I took it, the second time it felt like it was working, I just did not get there.
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When you say your knee tendon "gave out", I'm not sure what exactly you mean by that... That sounds very diagnosable. I don't quite understand how you could have a tendon "go out" in any way but just have doctor's give you sympathy instead of any answers as to the state of you connective tissue that's left you wheelchair bound. That doesn't quite add up to me.

Your symptoms are all a little vague, and they only sort of align with the first post you made on the forum back in 2014. You blamed it on a botched surgery back in 2014 but now you think your problems are related to a trip you took to Asia two years later?

Regardless, it sounds highly likely you have rheumatoid arthritis based on what you've posted, aside from the arm thing. A rheumatologist will be a lot more helpful than a steroid forum, fella.
Yes I do believe I have some sort of rheumatoid arthritis, the problem is it doesn’t show up in tests. One doctor has described this as seronegative rheumatism. This means I have all the symptoms of rheumatoid arthritis but no markers in the blood to show what it is. At some point it will likely show up if I keep getting tested every six months, but until then they can't treat me.

This might be why I never healed well from my botched surgery originally in 2014.

A few years later in 2018 things went really bad for me, I will spear you the details, but the SAMRS helped me get back enough to function. I then was just really careful about what I did. But no matter how careful I am something always gets me. Like putting my hands in a massager totally messed them up. I try to be careful, but it’s hard to avoid everything.

In this particular case a doctor did dry needling on my knee tendon to address the arthrofibrosis and then it was several unfortunate events that led to me being in the wheelchair. After dry needling you need to wait three weeks before you do anything strenuous. I made it through the three-week period, I thought I was in the clear, then I did a pretty decent physical therapy routine at six-weeks. After which my knee was sore, so I wore my knee brace. Unfortunately, this happened to be the day that the Velcro broke on the knee brace. I have gone through about 12 knee braces, they work until they don’t. I didn’t realize it until my knee started hurting really bad and I looked down and saw the Velcro was undone.

It was too late, I knew what had happened.
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One doctor has described this as seronegative rheumatism. This means I have all the symptoms of rheumatoid arthritis but no markers in the blood to show what it is. At some point it will likely show up if I keep getting tested every six months, but until then they can treat me.

Again, doesn't really make sense. Blood tests are only one way to diagnose RA, and a large proportion of those diagnosed with RA fall into the seronegative bracket. Seropositive is just easier to diagnose because it's flagged in blood work.

If you display all of the symptoms of RA yet fall into the seronegative category, which clearly you do because the doctor said as much, they'd x-ray/ultrasound to look for patterns of bone and cartilage deterioration. They'd also need to rule out other diseases like gout or something. This is why I would suggest a rheumatologist, if you haven't already seen one, because they'd be better equipped to firmly diagnose and subsequently treat than a PCP or other half assed specialist.

All in all, no... Deca isn't a treatment for RA but it is a treatment for the resulting catabolism of RA. But, you could just go on TRT to check that box if it's needed... Which I'd also suggest you see a doctor for since it's not going to be real helpful to hide things from them if you want them to help long term.
Eman, you seem pretty aggressive in your responses, insinuating I would be lying I think? Or that I am hiding things from my doctors, which has not even been addressed, so not sure why you went there. Trust me I have been through the ringer with doctors, my medical records at this point are over 2000 pages. I know Deca is not a treatment for RA, I will always have to be careful to not get into this situation again. What I need is for my knee to heal enough so I can do PT so I can walk again. That is the only thing I care about right now.
Deca won’t do any good.

But I don’t think you want that answer. So go ahead and blast that shit away and find out for yourself.
Eman, you seem pretty aggressive in your responses, insinuating I would be lying I think?

I don't mean to come off as aggressive, not my intent. And no, I'm not insinuating you're lying - just that some of your posts didn't really make sense but moreso from a lack of context or just a very unusual treatment by your doctor's, or lack thereof really.

Or that I am hiding things from my doctors, which has not even been addressed, so not sure why you went there.

I didn't suggest that. I said that if you decided to go the TRT route that I'd suggest you go through a doctor so that they'd be apprised of that information. If you went with the deca, I'd suggest the same. It doesn't really matter to me whether you do or don't, just my suggestion that you do for your own well being. I do think that could potentially be helpful for you in this situation, and that's pretty easy to be treated for or at least obtained yourself if you want to self treat.

What I need is for my knee to heal enough so I can do PT so I can walk again. That is the only thing I care about right now.

Best of luck man!
It’s not unusual treatment by doctors, if you have something that’s hard to diagnose you’re in for a nightmare. People go to doctors all the time complaining of problems and if the doctor can’t find out exactly what it is a just send you away. It’s extremely common, they have documentaries and shows dedicated to this exact theme.

My own cousin was going to the doctor for 18 months complaining of pain, they ran a few tests, couldn’t find the problem, and continuously sent her away. They told her it was just in her head at one point. 18 months after she first started complaining they figured out she has colon cancer now she’s likely to die.

If my tendon was torn, that would be one thing, but that’s not the case, is just extremely weak. I brought several family members to doctors appointments with me because nobody could understand why I can’t get any help, now they understand.

Doctors don’t want to deal with things that are hard to figure out, or pain in the ass, just like every other person.

Just wait to you have a problem that isn’t routine and you’ll know exactly what I go through.
Only pain deca ever helped me with was shoulder pain!
Does nothing for my knees, lower back ,wrists…
Maybe research TB500 and BPC and do some sort of elimination diet.
I'd go with normal doses of GH. It's not instant and will be a while before the full benefits kick in.

Also acute phases of tb500/bpc-17 ... you can't take these all the time but you can take them for a couple weeks and then wait a month before doing it again.

Deca may help with joint lubrication etc but it's impact to connective tissues isn't that strong. It is there but probably mostly due to raising IGF-1. The main effect is simply increased fluid retention in the joints and you can pretty much reach the maximum effect there at 50-100mg a week.
It’s not unusual treatment by doctors, if you have something that’s hard to diagnose you’re in for a nightmare.
What did your MRI show?

If your tendon "gave out" they are going to be able to see that big as shit on an MRI. It pretty much had to tear if you are confined to a wheelchair as even incredibly weak tendons which are still attached will easily support you with a cane (See also: my own experiences with knee injuries).

If the tendons are all just degenerative then you might look into docs who specialize in inflammatory disorders.

If your doctor didn't do an MRI but instead just did "needling" you might want to stop visiting witchdoctors and find a real one.