Will Deca Give Me Relief?

The MRI doesn’t show anything wrong, but if you physically look at my knee you can see a dent in my kneecap. I can’t really explain why that is, but my guess is because the tendon has shrunk in size and has caused a concave look to my knee.

I’ve been to nearly every type of doctor that is for a condition like mine and nobody knows what to do with me. Kaiser gave up and sent me to a pain management class, which was a joke. Basically, a six week class that teaches you about nutrition, stretching, light weight training, the importance of sleep, and meditation.

I know I will deal with these problems my whole life… I can’t open up a jar, I have a hard time lifting my arms, but what I can’t deal with this being in a wheelchair. I’m sure everyone understands being in a wheelchair sucks, but you really have no idea how bad it is until you’re actually in one. It’s 100 times worse than whatever you think it is.

Being that I have a hard to figure out case, I tried to get into UCSF and they rejected me as I don’t have a diagnosis. I tried other University hospitals and got the same response. Without a direct diagnosis they will not see me. Unfortunately, your standard rheumatoid clinic doesn’t have what it takes to figure out what I have. So it’s a catch 22, I can’t get into the good places that may be actually able to help me because the entry-level practices can’t diagnose me.

I also have another appointment for an entry-level rheumatoid clinic in September, which I scheduled a month ago. So for them to see a new patient I have to wait three months. And I know once I'm in nothing will become of it, because that’s what always happens.

If I can just get to the point where my knee has enough strength to do the physical therapy I know I can walk again, I just want to get there…
The MRI doesn’t show anything wrong, but if you physically look at my knee you can see a dent in my kneecap. I can’t really explain why that is, but my guess is because the tendon has shrunk in size and has caused a concave look to my knee.
Wish I knew what to tell you there... All I can really think of is somesort of degenerative genetic disorder but I would think such a thing would be causing problems for more than a single knee.

Nerve damage is always a possibility as well.
I need some direction. I’m currently 47 years old, and after a trip to Asia in 2016 the tendons all over my body are becoming extremely week. I’m assuming some sort of hard to detect autoimmune disease. I basically get hurt very easily and then I never heal.

No one can figure out what’s going on… The medical industry has pretty much given up on me. No doctor will help me without the direct diagnosis. Trust me I have seen a lot! I get a lot of sympathy but no help.

The tendon of my left knee ultimately gave out two months ago, and I am now in a wheelchair as I can’t put any weight on it. This is the second time this has happened to me. The first time was in 2018, where I spent six months in a wheelchair before somebody on this forum recommended SARMS, I took it, and I couldn’t believe within two weeks I was walking again!

I tried SARMS again immediately, but this time to no avail. I almost got there, but it wore off. My body gets use to things that work and then they don’t work so good anymore :(

So to make a long story short, I’m looking to try Deca. When I read what Deca can do, it’s like the exact thing I’m looking for. I’m a little scared of erectile dysfunction, though, as it’s the only thing left on me that still hundred percent works. This would be especially bad as my girlfriend is hot! Sometimes I shocked she has stayed with me…

So I’m hoping someone here can recommend a way for me to do Deca without the negative side effect.

I’m not trying to become ripped. I just want to be able to walk again. If I could use my right arm again too, that would also be a great bonus! But the not walking thing is completely unbearable.

I’ve done plenty of research, and to do Deca, you have to do all this other stuff too:
  • Deca
  • Testosterone
  • Cabergoline
  • Proviron
  • HCG
  • Arimidex
  • Nolvadex

That seems like a hefty list just to do Deca!

Some people do one thing and not others, so I was hoping anybody be able to simplify what is needed, which things I shouldn’t mix together, as you may not need one thing if doing another. But I don’t know the answer to that. And a low dose stack just for healing that will also have the best chance to keep me safe from erectile dysfunction?

I just can’t take this anymore any direction would be highly appreciated!

1) you received any vaccine prior to going to Asia? While in Asia?
2) you took fluoroquinolone antibiotics?
Hgh is the only drug that can help u along with some test. I would use 5 iu a day for 6 months then drop it to 2 iu for long term. I would even throw in 100 mg deca in there.
Also before u even try hgh or steriods take a 4 week run of prednisone see if your symptoms go away that would answer alot of questions
Deca to me is almost feels like implanting gallon jugs of milk into my ass and chest then letting the milk slowly spread throughout my veins and limbs. Hopefully that analogy comes across the right way
I need some direction. I’m currently 47 years old, and after a trip to Asia in 2016 the tendons all over my body are becoming extremely week. I’m assuming some sort of hard to detect autoimmune disease.
You assume? Whats your bloodwork say? It can give indications of an autoimmune disease.

Could you have Lyme disease?

I basically get hurt very easily and then I never heal.

No one can figure out what’s going on… The medical industry has pretty much given up on me. No doctor will help me without the direct diagnosis. Trust me I have seen a lot! I get a lot of sympathy but no help.

The tendon of my left knee ultimately gave out two months ago, and I am now in a wheelchair as I can’t put any weight on it. This is the second time this has happened to me. The first time was in 2018, where I spent six months in a wheelchair before somebody on this forum recommended SARMS, I took it, and I couldn’t believe within two weeks I was walking again!

I tried SARMS again immediately, but this time to no avail. I almost got there, but it wore off. My body gets use to things that work and then they don’t work so good anymore :(

So to make a long story short, I’m looking to try Deca. When I read what Deca can do, it’s like the exact thing I’m looking for. I’m a little scared of erectile dysfunction, though, as it’s the only thing left on me that still hundred percent works. This would be especially bad as my girlfriend is hot! Sometimes I shocked she has stayed with me…

So I’m hoping someone here can recommend a way for me to do Deca without the negative side effect.

I’m not trying to become ripped. I just want to be able to walk again. If I could use my right arm again too, that would also be a great bonus! But the not walking thing is completely unbearable.

I’ve done plenty of research, and to do Deca, you have to do all this other stuff too:
  • Deca
  • Testosterone
  • Cabergoline
  • Proviron
  • HCG
  • Arimidex
  • Nolvadex

That seems like a hefty list just to do Deca!

Some people do one thing and not others, so I was hoping anybody be able to simplify what is needed, which things I shouldn’t mix together, as you may not need one thing if doing another. But I don’t know the answer to that. And a low dose stack just for healing that will also have the best chance to keep me safe from erectile dysfunction?

I just can’t take this anymore any direction would be highly appreciated!