Will RFK Jr Deschedule/Decriminalize Testosterone and HGH?

Will RFK Jr deschedule/decriminalize Testosterone and HGH?

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Please oh great one, reveal to me where I questioned anyone's intelligence to the point that you felt the need to quote me? I won't let the old man in, I'll do a different thing just for whomever the old man may be.

Well, besides your intelligence, actually lack of it writing at a 3rd grade level.

Wanna attack me personally again? I'm game.
Typical left wing nut job reply.
Whenever things don't go the way they wanted, simply resorts to everyone being uneducated.1000055001.webp

I can assure you, ive no need to attack you as a person well more like you do that all by yourself. You must be fuming mad right now watching the imploding Dems.
Ah the best times to come are only days away know.
I think politics is getting in they way of the discussion... somehow these days, political discussion deteriorates into personal attacks.
I don't know how bad his neurocysticercosis was, but if he really had a self resolving one, then he would probably end up having early onset dementia or some other neurological deficit. He will also have memory issues. Any of these issues make him unreliable. The way the incoming admin is also promising everyone everything.. from staunch conservatives to iconoclasts, there's bound to be a lot of promises with little wins particularly for things not involving big finance. Dude wants to tackle chronic illness, big pharma, FDA and food industry, in an admin promising deregulation.. all within 4 years. He has as much odds to suceed as a one legged man in arse kicking contest. Who knows? He may just get in one or 2 good dropkicks... I just hope he doesn't get in the way of our UGL peptides.
a lot of promises were made that are inconsistent with effective governance. it'll be an interesting couple of years.
Typical left wing nut job reply.
Whenever things don't go the way they wanted, simply resorts to everyone being uneducated.View attachment 310209

I can assure you, ive no need to attack you as a person well more like you do that all by yourself. You must be fuming mad right now watching the imploding Dems.
Ah the best times to come are only days away know.
Responding with badly photoshopped pic, exhibit A in intelligence v. cultist.
can honestly say I don't have the stomach for shit that involves putting money in a magazine (do they still sell those anyway?) and hoping some shit arrives in 1-2 months (like Columbia House Records all over again from my childho.....
We actually used birthday cards usually, sent it out and 6 to 8 weeks later would receive some of Dan Duchaine's (RIP) finest Ttoykko Sustanon, complete with a picture of a dog on the label. Then getting pins became the problem ....
a lot of promises were made that are inconsistent with effective governance. it'll be an interesting couple of years.
To be fair, with regards to promises, neither side will be able to tell the difference.

Well done with a simple statement and NOT upping the rhetoric-level.

I voted for Trump 3x (never really proudly...but shit, I didn't see a valid alternative any time).

Some of you fucks voted for Hilary, Joe, and/or Kamala.

Yet here we are on a bodybuilding/steroid/peptide/harm reduction board. Surely all of us fucks can all find common ground and realize I'm not out to deport every foreigner and you're (probably) not looking to turn my son into a girl..lol

Let's all just pretend for a second we might actually 'like' one another IRL (and still be able to respectfully disagree). Then again, I've been able to talk politics with the meanest old hags AND the most left wing nut jobs face to face my entire adult life (and they still talk to me afterwards...I think thats a good thing, right?? Lol).

Either way, I'm certain if we put our minds to it, we can keep a productive dialogue on any topic (without being moderated and having our asses kicked off for not being able to talk politics)

Go us! Lol
Either way, I'm certain if we put our minds to it, we can keep a productive dialogue on any topic (without being moderated and having our asses kicked off for not being able to talk politics)

Go us! Lol
Well said . I still gotta get out of this thread really, I deal with confrontation in a way that I'm not always proud of after the fact, and am not looking to be banned for voicing my opinion as a Republican. Yep, read that right, registered Republican. Anyway, kudos to you sir taking the higher ground.
Tell us your routine Pot, you just met Kettle so spill it.
He's an anti vaxxer with a past of claiming worms ate his brain, plus his voice thing is an act if one watches enough video of him speaking. Just being an anti vaxxer courtesy of Jenny fuckin McCarthy should clue anyone in to his real agenda - line his pockets due to his (used to be) well respected name and disappear. Best part of that faker is his wife, whom mysteriously will not be seen in public with him. Gotta watch Curb Your Enthusiasm if you want to see her for some reason. Embarrassed perhaps?
I don't really care to argue with you because it's a waste of time. I find especially when it comes to politics. Some people lock their opinions into something and will not change no matter what evidence is provided. It's a very limiting mindset and very lacking of critical thinking. It makes people feel good though because they band with others who think the same things and feel righteous and correct.

Sure, you can go out and pick mistakes and negative things about any person and you can just completely focus on those to convince yourself of what you want to believe. I've already posted A link to some very simple, straightforward reading that show the good things that he's done throughout his life. If you don't want to learn about the totality of the man, then there's nothing I can do about that.

I can understand disliking someone or disagreeing with their views but I find it incredibly childish when someone decides that a person is completely awful and a moron just because they disagree with him. Even people I dislike and disagree with I'm willing to see the aspects of them that are good and recognize good respectable things they've done. Everyone is a mixed bag and even people I don't like have redeeming qualities and respectable achievements.

Hopefully you can mentally mature one day and see things more realistically and clearly. It's a much better way to go through the world.
I don't really care to argue with you because it's a waste of time. I find especially when it comes to politics. Some people lock their opinions into something and will not change no matter what evidence is provided. It's a very limiting mindset and very lacking of critical thinking.....

Hopefully you can mentally mature one day and see things more realistically and clearly. It's a much better way to go through the world
Where's the link? Without personal attacks if possible. Disagreement with you doesn't constitute a "lack of critical thinking" nor is a sign of "mental immaturity" or "not seeing things realistically or clearly", actually it's the opposite. I've found that most people that do not wish to debate me, then rather than list facts merely insult me are all the same. It's like having a battle of wits with an unarmed man, and I refuse to stoop to that level. I can back every word that I say with facts, not Facebook news or T-shirt slogans, and certainly not with badly photoshopped "facts". January 10 will show something, if one doesn't know the significance of that date I suggest getting off of social media and read some news. I will also state this - the single most impactful action by the upcoming administration that has any bearing at all with the subject of this forum will be a pardon of whomever killed Jeffery Epstein in Brooklyn Fed lockup, who may or may not have been his roommate during the overnight lockdown. If one doesn't know why that's the single most impactful action regarding the PED community I strongly suggest news and facts - not T shirt slogans and rhetoric tossed about in circles of like thinking subjects.
@milkbone I think everything's going to be just fine and I'm not worried about the future. I'm going to spend a good part of the weekend outside being with my lady, dogs, friends, and just enjoying life. Things are good and I think they're going to continue being good.

I hope you have a great and productive weekend!
@milkbone I think everything's going to be just fine and I'm not worried about the future. I'm going to spend a good part of the weekend outside being with my lady, dogs, friends, and just enjoying life. Things are good and I think they're going to continue being good.

I hope you have a great and productive weekend!
Same to you sir, enjoy the weekend! Gonna be good weather here, hopefully for you as well!
Where's the link? Without personal attacks if possible. Disagreement with you doesn't constitute a "lack of critical thinking" nor is a sign of "mental immaturity" or "not seeing things realistically or clearly", actually it's the opposite. I've found that most people that do not wish to debate me, then rather than list facts merely insult me are all the same. It's like having a battle of wits with an unarmed man, and I refuse to stoop to that level. I can back every word that I say with facts, not Facebook news or T-shirt slogans, and certainly not with badly photoshopped "facts". January 10 will show something, if one doesn't know the significance of that date I suggest getting off of social media and read some news. I will also state this - the single most impactful action by the upcoming administration that has any bearing at all with the subject of this forum will be a pardon of whomever killed Jeffery Epstein in Brooklyn Fed lockup, who may or may not have been his roommate during the overnight lockdown. If one doesn't know why that's the single most impactful action regarding the PED community I strongly suggest news and facts - not T shirt slogans and rhetoric tossed about in circles of like thinking subjects.
So I think the thing makes it so hard for us all to just come together and "chat" is that the media has driven such a massive, not-so-subtle agenda that is designed to create rage and clicks.

I honestly have no idea what you're referencing with regards to Epstein or January 10, or how it relates to PEDs...maybe something related to his alleged friendship with Trump? (I honestly barely scan the headlines these days, never mind not clicking on them).

It's good Epstein is dead. Was his death part of some sordid cover up? Almost assuredly.

Anyone with any legitimate provable connection to the sick shit Epstein did should rot in hell...or rot on Earth first. However, implications based on hatred and the hidden agendas of their (the medias's) ow are not proof of wrong doing (anymore than implications that Ghoul is a fat incel in his basement...which is what many people on here have come to imagine him as because he had the gall to talk scientifically about GLPs...not trying to conflate two very different subjects here but we are good at letting boogymen get in our heads...lol)

Constant biased insinuations with no actual journalistic integrity made me tune out the media long ago.

I don't get mad when someone bashes Trump (just as I don't get mad when someone tries to praise whatever Democrat is being propped up as the anti-Trump). We've let that become the dichotomy with which we view America now (Team Trump or anti-Trump...and fuck, I'm not on either Team). I do make it clear to people who i voted for (with the same reasoning I mention the sources I purchase from...not to shill, but solely in the interest of full disclosure).

Sorry for the soliloquy. I was hoping I would end by making some dramatic Braveheart-esque point but I failed sooooo.....
free freedom GIF
So I think the thing makes it so hard for us all to just come together and "chat" is that the media has driven such a massive, not-so-subtle agenda that is designed to create rage and clicks.

I honestly have no idea what you're referencing with regards to Epstein or January 10, or how it relates to PEDs...maybe something related to his alleged friendship with Trump? (I honestly barely scan the headlines these days, never mind not clicking on them).

It's good Epstein is dead. Was his death part of some sordid cover up? Almost assuredly.

Anyone with any legitimate provable connection to the sick shit Epstein did should rot in hell...or rot on Earth first. However, implications based on hatred and the hidden agendas of their (the medias's) ow are not proof of wrong doing (anymore than implications that Ghoul is a fat incel in his basement...which is what many people on here have come to imagine him as because he had the gall to talk scientifically about GLPs...not trying to conflate two very different subjects here but we are good at letting boogymen get in our heads...lol)

Constant biased insinuations with no actual journalistic integrity made me tune out the media long ago.

I don't get mad when someone bashes Trump (just as I don't get mad when someone tries to praise whatever Democrat is being propped up as the anti-Trump). We've let that become the dichotomy with which we view America now (Team Trump or anti-Trump...and fuck, I'm not on either Team). I do make it clear to people who i voted for (with the same reasoning I mention the sources I purchase from...not to shill, but solely in the interest of full disclosure).

Sorry for the soliloquy. I was hoping I would end by making some dramatic Braveheart-esque point but I failed sooooo.....
free freedom GIF
Human beings are biased. Nothing to do with the media. The media is trying to make money. These days, news doesn't sell. There's nothing people haven't heard before. The recipe is to report the news, then get people on some ideological divide, usually political, to duke out their opinions ala sports channels. Sport channels have long had these punditry battles on shows that have survived the test of time, and now 24 hour news cycles want to cash in.
Basically, media houses need to sell opinions in order to survive. The amount of newspapers closing down is staggering, not because people have stopped reading the news, but because they cannot do the type of back and forth opinion slinging in news papers like they can on TV.
And then there's social media. A cesspool of confirmation bias, where marketing algorithms have been programmed to direct us to whatever we want to see/hear. It will get to a point where the truth is whatever we want it to be. Either that or we become 100% cynical and not believe anything. Neither of these situations are pleasant
I can’t imagine supporting any of these people.
id be willing to bet any $ amount that the person in the top pic can bench more than the person in the bottom pic
I’ve seen rfk benching and it was 105lbs with a spotter
At the end of the day there is no greater way to judge a person’s character and mettle than good ‘ol bench press lol