will trt be enough to keep me from losing my gains


New Member
I'm currently taking .80 of 200 test cyp twice a week for trt. I'm looking at adding a blast of tren and hgh. my real question, is the trt enough to maintain the gains I make on the blast?
Diet and training will dictate it, TRT could be anything from 100mg-500mg per week depending on who.

Sounds like you'll be right over 300mg, I would guess your gains should be safe.
Well I guess technically I’m at 320mg weekly. Also I’m not very big. At 6’ I’m 190lbs. Also thank you for the responses
Yes, assuming you aren't built like a pro. I've maintained a respectable size since I stopped blasting twice a year about 5 years ago, and that's even with a scaled back routine and alot less protein. Eating at maintenance and 200mg test done the job.
At 6’ I’m 190lbs. Also thank you for the responses
You should easily, easily be able to maintain 190 pounds on 200mg of testosterone for a long, long time. You could maintain that weight on 100mg of testosterone, or, depending upon your natural production, age, dedication to training, and proper diet, on no injection of any testosterone whatsoever.
I'm currently taking .80 of 200 test cyp twice a week for trt. I'm looking at adding a blast of tren and hgh. my real question, is the trt enough to maintain the gains I make on the blast?
So you are taking .8 x 200 = 160 x 2 = 320, and you want to add tren and hgh.

Why tren? Frankly, I think the sides of tren are not worth it unless you are within 3-4 weeks of stepping on stage. Are you?

What is your short term goal?

How is your training?

How is your diet?

Depending upon your goal, maybe we can suggest something better for you than tren.

How old are you?

How has your process been over the past couple of months? What did you weigh two months ago?
So you are taking .8 x 200 = 160 x 2 = 320, and you want to add tren and hgh.

Why tren? Frankly, I think the sides of tren are not worth it unless you are within 3-4 weeks of stepping on stage. Are you?

What is your short term goal?

How is your training?

How is your diet?

Depending upon your goal, maybe we can suggest something better for you than tren.

How old are you?

How has your process been over the past couple of months? What did you weigh two months ago?
My weight has went up about 10 pounds this year. I had a 4th back surgery end of last year. I am not competing. Just would like to add some roundness to my look. I do bodybuilding training three times a week and CrossFit 2x a week.


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Sorry to hear about your back. I hope you are ok now.

You look about like me before I started (about same height and weight).

First things first. Figure out your diet. A bodybuilding diet is not a normal diet. You need to eat for the purpose of making changes in your appearance. It is a different way of doing things. At your size, I would be looking at minimum of 200-250 grams of protein, which is 6-8 eggs and two pounds of meat a day.

Once you get your diet straight, clean, and fill in the carbs enough to gain, then I would forget tren (ugh) and just increase the testosterone to 500 a week, split into two injections of 250 apiece.

I might forget the CrossFit for a few months (you can come back to it) and lift for hypertrophy while on 500mg of testosterone for 12 weeks.

You should end that 12 weeks at 210 or more if you do your diet correctly. Hopefully you can find ways to work major muscles in your legs and back without stressing whatever the issue is that caused the surgery.

When you stop, and the water drops off, you will weigh 200-205 but look radically different, assuming you are consistent on diet and training (bodybuilding training, not CrossFit).
Sorry to hear about your back. I hope you are ok now.

You look about like me before I started (about same height and weight).

First things first. Figure out your diet. A bodybuilding diet is not a normal diet. You need to eat for the purpose of making changes in your appearance. It is a different way of doing things. At your size, I would be looking at minimum of 200-250 grams of protein, which is 6-8 eggs and two pounds of meat a day.

Once you get your diet straight, clean, and fill in the carbs enough to gain, then I would forget tren (ugh) and just increase the testosterone to 500 a week, split into two injections of 250 apiece.

I might forget the CrossFit for a few months (you can come back to it) and lift for hypertrophy while on 500mg of testosterone for 12 weeks.

You should end that 12 weeks at 210 or more if you do your diet correctly. Hopefully you can find ways to work major muscles in your legs and back without stressing whatever the issue is that caused the surgery.

When you stop, and the water drops off, you will weigh 200-205 but look radically different, assuming you are consistent on diet and training (bodybuilding training, not CrossFit).
Thank you