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Will you get the covid vaccine ?

Dis-information, Mis-information, Kiss-informater. ENJOY THE RIDE... But don't try to figure out who is telling the truth and who is covering their ass. Your head my pop off...

"The CDC and FDA announced on Friday that their surveillance system flagged a possible link between the new Pfizer-BioNTech bivalent Covid-19 vaccine and strokes in people aged 65 and over, but said they were continuing to recommend the shots."

I really wonder if the whole "mRNA vaccine danger hubbub" is just one big rouse to make us all not realize that the real issue is that they simply can not stop Covid.... And that it may continue to beat us down until we are DEAD.. I wonder...

Anyone wanna comment on Lisa Marie Presley's untimely death at age 54. ?!?! Another GenX'r off the board.... Is there a formal take of the take yet other than "Cardiac Arrest".. That term is becoming very convenient.. NOTHING TO SEE HERE>..

Or anyone wanna comment on this one.. I guess he must had died of that sudden chest trauma thing perhaps he got hit in practice the day before..

Have a good friend and coworker get the vax to keep her job. Late 30s in great shape, was an avid runner.

Has developed neurological issues a month after. Now progressed to severe pain in one arm and legs, went to doctor and getting a full body mri. She has had nothing but problems ever since, doctor isn't sure but hope mri shows. We're both afraid it's due to the vaccine.
This is an awesome conversation where they discuss the point that when you apply a "genetic vaccine"(mRNA), that there is no telling how the body will respond and how much antigen it will produce, where it will go, etc... AS OPPOSED to a classic vaccine where they know the exact dose of deactivated virus applied even having an understanding as the the metabolic lifespan on said classic vaccines. (A Caveat being the J&J CLASSIC vaccine causing I think i recall the highest rate of heart/health issues IS NOTED?) At least that is what was claimed as it was banned from US use at least for a while. And for that matter WHY IS IT that if you were going to be traveling was the Classic J&J Vaccine specified as required? Or didnt I hear it like that..??..

Shit they even discuss the fact that highly boosted peoples' immune systems are shot...!!!

Many other factor and hot topics ranging from the mRNA was never even proved as anything other than experimental in nature.. discussed here...

View: https://youtu.be/yMyERFBdB4E
I read an article published by THE HILL today..

The article is basically attempting to turn the gun on folks not wanting to get vax'd once more. This would have been my reply but of course they would not let me post it and not a curse word to be found. At least not till I had to bring it here to be heard.. So consider the RED Color font as "meso entertainment ad-ons' .. Go FIGURE... LOL

"Oh Yea -LOL, So lets see what the science says currently. More covid deaths 58% now occur in the vaccinated. The vaccine never worked to keep you from catching covid - Confirmed. You are more likely to catch XXB variant if you are vaccinated. The vaccine is worthless against the latest variant, as well as many others, other than assisting you at catching it. The vaccine contains the dangerous Alpha variant spikes while the latest virus variants in circulation do not for the most part. The vaccine and virus is now confirmed to cause blood clotting. The vaccine and virus are now confirmed to be destroying the immune system with repeated exposure. The VIRUS and VACCINE is now determined to cause long term systemic damage even after the infection is gone. And lets not forget about the COVID TESTICLE SWELLING, the suspicion that it makes its way into female ovarian egg supply, The fact that its now found in breast milk, the fact that it within itself is contagious in the form of "Viral Shedding", that it changes the liver and function of every organ in the body. And most notable appears to have created "excess deaths" in society in the age group 19-59 to the tune of an unignorable 20%. In short the vaccine is just another covid like insult to the body thus adding more stress-load on top of the infections you will catch regardless. But play me another insidious subliminal radio commercial telling me to "do my part and do the right thing". So why is it that anyone vax'd is worried about someone who is not.? Oh yea, they made the wrong decision and insist that you sheeple yourself onto the short bus with them... Sure Iet me get in the car I will be right down there to get mine ASAP.... You "people" pushing this are so crazy that you have no idea what you are even saying and completely discount that the majority of us have a BRAIN still. And God help us all when the vax'd find out what has been done onto them, if indeed all of the above is true. But I'm a bad guy for repeating the above information right? And nothing to see at Pfizer, Moderna, or the CDC or other controlling health authorities around the world as far as their lies and withheld information is concerned.. But somehow I suspect none of us will escape severe injury be it by Virus or Vaccine. And how do I know enough to feel like this is all a legitimate concern? Why would I even believe any of it? Well it just so happens I just had my first small stoke very recently. CANT YOU SEE I CANT EVEN TYPE RIGHT ANY FUCKING MORE !!!! And it was not merited by my otherwise healthy general condition and current conservative life style at all.. So you can pretty much sum up my rebuttal to the publication called THE HILL as - GO TO HELL YOU FUCKING COCKSUKERS!!!...

And what is the Govt's latest best advise? "DON'T CATCH COVID!!"... TRANSLATED - WE ARE ALL FUKKED... SO at least it would appear the govt is starting to get honest with us now that the fear of hospital over-run is THOUGHT to be over.. But the publication known as The Hill says otherwise so apparently we should listen to fake news actors still. No I dont think you are going to get your nose too browned up in Washington's arse on this one @ The Hill. Not even a nice try and the publisher SHOULD BE FIRED over this level of coercive ignorance...

I mean they really think we are all dumb as rocks...!!! RIDICULOUS...
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I am not all of the sudden attempting to hammer this thread home.. BUT I AM all of the sudden seeing evidence after incident after question after documented circumstance manifesting DAILY NOW.

Coincidence? Are people just headlining off a POSSIBLE INTERSECTION OF DATA that may or may not relate.? Or is it the other way around. And funny how the powers that be seem to be indicted more and more as to MINIMALLY withholding important information. And WHAT,,,, Short of SPECULATION and CONTEMPT should we all expect...! REALLY!!!!! Just passing it on...

And lets be clear. I believe that it does not matter if COVID INFECTION or VACCINE SIDE EFFECTS. I dont even care if the producer of this you tube short even pulled every single one of those video clips POST Covid/or not. It simply makes a valid point that there needs to be some honestly, real technical review publication, and a serious response from the proper authorites which should be leading and educating the public and aside from some sick guilt trip to "DO THE RIGHT THING". Thats probably a quote from Logan's Run if I had to guess but I have not seen that flick in some time... Do if we even have anyone in charge capable of doing this thing right..!? There is a REAL PROBLEM that is not being addressed!!!

View: https://youtu.be/IRtYiFcILFg
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Excess deaths continue to increase and raising the alarms. Potentially in BOTH Covid infection AND vaccine issues. But what is the long term toll on WHAT EXACTLY the exposure to this viral spike protein damage on a long term residual effect..! What is the net effect. And can they even stop it. And could you even stop damage already done..?

View: https://youtu.be/OD0na_NZaLM
it is a bit strange they people in the realm of AAS have no issue buying gear from an unknown individual with god knows what in the vial and injecting it but they draw the line at a vaccine.
it is a bit strange they people in the realm of AAS have no issue buying gear from an unknown individual with god knows what in the vial and injecting it but they draw the line at a vaccine.
Strange..? Yes a I agree that it is strange the people will trust complete strangers over the governments of the world. Something is certainly wrong with this picture indeed...:oops:

But your point is taken and I have made it before. You should have seen back in the mid 2000's when folks would buy anything from anyone with just a list and an email address telling them where to send the money.. And the point that people would trust PEOPLE over the BIG MACHINE today is what I call faith in humanity and fellow man and that's a good thing. There are rotten apples too - of course..

Finally and for the record I have received some really shitty test C from pharmacies from time to time, and ranging from solutions so THICK they were like they were made with castor oil and crippled me for a month at a time, to test preparations that crash out of suspension in unopened 1ml vials. And what do you expect when insurance has the current cost of testosterone beat down to about 2 bux per ml......

No "walls of text needed here" - Just Spoon feeding for babies... Clots - immune disorder- young cancers - The works.... Spikes throughout the body. Likely permanent DNA changes continue to generate spikes indefinitely in some folks. The question of it is virus or vax appears clearly discernable now. Just a steady beatdown... CHECK THIS OUT...

View: https://youtu.be/sxKO2XkkoGg?t=195

And here is some baby momma stuff that I have not really reviewed... But what these guys are talking about is just terrible...

someone mentioned about traditional vax being better. even John Campbell is happy they stopped using traditional type vax as they are very evidently more harmful.points it out in alot of videos.

folks just dont get more vax=less excess deaths. waves of excess death follow covid waves, not vax waves. aswell as all cause mortality is still higher for unvaxed, no signal that faxed people were dying WITH covid but from vax.

its all very clear, folks dont want to believe covid is a big deal, so when see excess deaths (gotta be the vax). vax does kill people 100% but 10000X less than even what common flu does(even for carditis)

fact of the matter they have followed groups, every infection increases risk of all cause mortality(not good as would hope it would drop after 1st infection, less likely to die from covid but 5-8X more likely to stroke or heart attack and goes up every infection...

we also know via recent studies, if u remember all the antivax folks scared of spies protein in organs etc, well as it turns out autopsys pre vax show spike protein and mrna all over peoples organs weeks, in fact even cultural virus from peoples brains long after they were no longer contagious. at first medical community was like no this is an error u contaminated the sample, but then ANOTHER study drops showing actually yes the virus can live on neutrons(not a normal respiratory virus) hence loss of taste smell cognitive functions. we know in UK around 4% of the pop has long covid and growing symptoms lasting longer than 8 weeks. 50% of those report symptoms over a year.

anecdotally folks I know that got omicron a second time it was much worse... I have been exposed many times with delta omicron etc and never caught it but am boosted to the tits. same with my bro, NFL games flights never got it.. test aswell as my dad nearly died from it so always test to visit him weekly nearly.

unfortunately Cambell has got off his rocker and used to be good. HE gets so much too wrong (sometimes admits it) or will take down a video as he did when he tried to convince his followers a study said EXACT opposite of what it did because he doesn't understand what he's reading. dr been is far more far and 100% balanced and knows what the f he is talking about. makes things sound worse than they are that any dr could dispute. heck flu causes upwards of 48% of middle aged men to have altered EKG elevated tropic and 10% get carditis from the FLU, of course most are fine, covid is higher obv, and we dont get the flu 2-3 times a year maybe 1 time every 4-5 years and less damaging. will be interested how things shape up over next 18 months. if South America gets a bad RSV flu season in kids thats not a great sign as likely covid is weakening kids immune system...time will tell, maybe was catch up we will see!

here is a good deep dive and he keeps an open mind that things may change etc..but basically comes down to covid is deadly we dont understand it and we knew pre vax it increased heart attacks and strokes, this risk appears to continue after each infection.(prob why BBC u found more damage after reinfection, although acute infection was milder, antibodies linger for a LOONG time and cause damage. ) anyhoo here it is...

edit: also foot clots were known with covid and check ur feet everyday in hospital if have covid even pre vax as was common, my buddy gets constant clots in his foot post covid (unvaxed) he was in and out of hospital because of it.. and of course we know spike protein and m rna get all over your organs from infection, faxed or not. we also know the immunity wanes quickly so no the vax is not continuing to produce spike protein. not to say cant be damage down the line, but keep in mind older people have MORE vax yet are less likely to land in hospital with covid that younger unvaxed. if vax was causing too much harm surely there would be a signal of more per capita of vexed in hospital that just happen to catch covid too.. ya know? always be skeptical of dr drew dr what's his nuts from Oprah.. they know how to make $$ and get clicks... the reason they think its vax spikes being persistent is because they are not up on the fact that infection does this aswell ie tested infection spike proteins not all vax... ie if think vax is bad u dont want a replicating vies giving same spike protein straight into ur Bain (studies show physical changes post infection all pre vax)

View: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-ZI7dwldSR0
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someone mentioned about traditional vax being better. even John Campbell is happy they stopped using traditional type vax as they are very evidently more harmful.points it out in alot of videos.

folks just dont get more vax=less excess deaths. waves of excess death follow covid waves, not vax waves. aswell as all cause mortality is still higher for unvaxed, no signal that faxed people were dying WITH covid but from vax.

its all very clear, folks dont want to believe covid is a big deal, so when see excess deaths (gotta be the vax). vax does kill people 100% but 10000X less than even what common flu does(even for carditis)

fact of the matter they have followed groups, every infection increases risk of all cause mortality(not good as would hope it would drop after 1st infection, less likely to die from covid but 5-8X more likely to stroke or heart attack and goes up every infection...

we also know via recent studies, if u remember all the antivax folks scared of spies protein in organs etc, well as it turns out autopsys pre vax show spike protein and mrna all over peoples organs weeks, in fact even cultural virus from peoples brains long after they were no longer contagious. at first medical community was like no this is an error u contaminated the sample, but then ANOTHER study drops showing actually yes the virus can live on neutrons(not a normal respiratory virus) hence loss of taste smell cognitive functions. we know in UK around 4% of the pop has long covid and growing symptoms lasting longer than 8 weeks. 50% of those report symptoms over a year.

anecdotally folks I know that got omicron a second time it was much worse... I have been exposed many times with delta omicron etc and never caught it but am boosted to the tits. same with my bro, NFL games flights never got it.. test aswell as my dad nearly died from it so always test to visit him weekly nearly.

unfortunately Cambell has got off his rocker and used to be good. HE gets so much too wrong (sometimes admits it) or will take down a video as he did when he tried to convince his followers a study said EXACT opposite of what it did because he doesn't understand what he's reading. dr been is far more far and 100% balanced and knows what the f he is talking about. makes things sound worse than they are that any dr could dispute. heck flu causes upwards of 48% of middle aged men to have altered EKG elevated tropic and 10% get carditis from the FLU, of course most are fine, covid is higher obv, and we dont get the flu 2-3 times a year maybe 1 time every 4-5 years and less damaging. will be interested how things shape up over next 18 months. if South America gets a bad RSV flu season in kids thats not a great sign as likely covid is weakening kids immune system...time will tell, maybe was catch up we will see!

here is a good deep dive and he keeps an open mind that things may change etc..but basically comes down to covid is deadly we dont understand it and we knew pre vax it increased heart attacks and strokes, this risk appears to continue after each infection.(prob why BBC u found more damage after reinfection, although acute infection was milder, antibodies linger for a LOONG time and cause damage. ) anyhoo here it is...

edit: also foot clots were known with covid and check ur feet everyday in hospital if have covid even pre vax as was common, my buddy gets constant clots in his foot post covid (unvaxed) he was in and out of hospital because of it.. and of course we know spike protein and m rna get all over your organs from infection, faxed or not. we also know the immunity wanes quickly so no the vax is not continuing to produce spike protein. not to say cant be damage down the line, but keep in mind older people have MORE vax yet are less likely to land in hospital with covid that younger unvaxed. if vax was causing too much harm surely there would be a signal of more per capita of vexed in hospital that just happen to catch covid too.. ya know? always be skeptical of dr drew dr what's his nuts from Oprah.. they know how to make $$ and get clicks... the reason they think its vax spikes being persistent is because they are not up on the fact that infection does this aswell ie tested infection spike proteins not all vax... ie if think vax is bad u dont want a replicating vies giving same spike protein straight into ur Bain (studies show physical changes post infection all pre vax)

View: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-ZI7dwldSR0

I'll check it out but please tell me he is not going to recite that excess deaths are due to the point that older people got vax'd more and were weaker regardless. If so then why the press to vaccinate the youth. And down to 6 months. ABSURD. Every time I see another young person do the "Covid Keel Over" signified by the backwards fall its just mind boggling how people deny.

I am not wanting to blame shit on vax alone. But if the vax was not going to stop infection, they you are simply stacking intentional infections on the ones you would get in nature anyways. And all to preserve the hospitals' solvency. Not cool.

Regarding drew and anyones opion of him. He has real guests and experts. And in case you missed it, one of those I posted show EXACTLY how to tell if it's Covid damage, or mRNA damage. These "experts" still recite DATA POINTS. But yes anything can be tweaked to serve any purpose. No ifs of buts so it that is correct you can prepare for the legal shitstorm of the millennia to begin...

And to be precise, a sleep apnea condition alone is apparently enough to have a two pronged stroke increase effect. So there is so much.

I do think its working on people with certain genetics. They discuss some folks cant break down RNA properly even. I know a couple guys that got the J&J and did fine and never got any infections. But I also know guys that go no vax at all and still got no infections ever...

The mRNA also appears to be doing what they said it would not and modifying DNA expression, and thruout the body.. For how long and by what mode may remain unclear for a long time.

I am personally worried now I dont think I can sustain many more hits. I know I cant sustain a vaccine my line just has thick blood genetically inclined to clot.. I have no cardio predispositions. Just thick blood.

But also perhaps you can explain why they are still including the original spike protein in vaccine/mRNA when it is not really out there any more..

Not much of this data is being collected correctly either for sure. Call a heart attack covid and cancer not. Next day next case who knows.. Just craziness is all we have STILL.. Etc.. Etc/ That started out calling EVERYTHING COVID. NOw they want to call NOTHING Covid. Nothing is above board.

Let me give it a peek now.. :)

The video is confusing as he uses contortion of tone infection techniques that are confusing. Im skeptical of this presentation already as he states "its difficult to put someone in the ground without a death certificate". But in real practice they were forcing a narrative on the death certificates... I had a CRPN at a Neurologists office the other day sit there and tell me I was more likely to have long term spike damage for being unvaxed as opposed to vaxed. I did not ask her to produce data. Feel free to present souces beyond talk. But I appreciate either.
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@clearheaded I am thinking I am just going to start publishing a suspicious death or cardio events here everyday, which would be simple to hunt down daily. And then track them to see if they ever release the final determined cause. What was it the soccer goalie that went down and they talk about his long surgery and his slowly coming around. But the kid at the soccer camp dead in his sleep. the woman in he bathroom child still in womb dead on the floor. The other kid recently complaining of stomach pain and BAM... the NFL player that should have been up and at em by midnight that night with all the support he got.. But just why was it that soccer goalie had to have surgery again. And btw I think that is the one they took some biopsies to put under the scope and check those Covid and/OR mRNA only indicators. This is only getting deeper by the day and as much as they try to make light of it all and certainly denoted in that vid above.. Its just not easing my concerns. Nor anyone else's for that matter. Perhaps you can expound on why many areas ARE NOT ALLOWING AUTOPSIES...?!??

You know what NONE OF THIS IS OK and simply because of the fact that no one will even own up to where and how this started. With that said anyone taking an experimental "vaccine" for something they wont even take responsibility for in the first place is STILL IN MY OPINION just doubling down on STUPID... That alone is why YOU DONT TAKE THE VACCINE. Case closed on logical reasoning from that standpoint.. And CLEARLY a "Vaccine" that they designed as they tweaked the virus calling it "Gain of Function". the vax was ready it just did not work and they knew it... What does the one guy say? Once you realize the covid was the principle to get you to take the jab that is all you need to know. I also like the expression - "the best part about being a conspiracy theorist is not having myocarditis".. LOL And while I DID have the lighter other version Covid causes with the crazy arrythmias, I do wonder does myocarditis occur in higher rates in vax'd. You can also denote the states currently say you are more likely to catch covid if vax'd (dont even know what to say abou that). And you are more likely to die if you have been vax'd (yes I know that was what that presentation was all about). But honestly I don not like the way that was presented and would have to spend 5-10 runs to comprehend their message. WHY IS THAT. Because they are just putting out STATIC BY INTENT. Else it would have been presented in a more understandable and less contradictory manner. And I just can't help but get this feeling of something as I try to listen to this.. Again the use of tone inflection, grammar delivery, the cadence of the sentences spoken, and their whole methodology employed in the preparation of that vid is nothing short of a very long work to confuse - or at least distract. "the mouth is quicker than the ear....!"... LOL . There can be no other explanation for that. Why do you think that is..? To delay, protect, abundance of caution, i'm just too ignorant to catch the delivery, what????
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someone mentioned about traditional vax being better. even John Campbell is happy they stopped using traditional type vax as they are very evidently more harmful.points it out in alot of videos.

folks just dont get more vax=less excess deaths. waves of excess death follow covid waves, not vax waves. aswell as all cause mortality is still higher for unvaxed, no signal that faxed people were dying WITH covid but from vax.

its all very clear, folks dont want to believe covid is a big deal, so when see excess deaths (gotta be the vax). vax does kill people 100% but 10000X less than even what common flu does(even for carditis)

fact of the matter they have followed groups, every infection increases risk of all cause mortality(not good as would hope it would drop after 1st infection, less likely to die from covid but 5-8X more likely to stroke or heart attack and goes up every infection...

we also know via recent studies, if u remember all the antivax folks scared of spies protein in organs etc, well as it turns out autopsys pre vax show spike protein and mrna all over peoples organs weeks, in fact even cultural virus from peoples brains long after they were no longer contagious. at first medical community was like no this is an error u contaminated the sample, but then ANOTHER study drops showing actually yes the virus can live on neutrons(not a normal respiratory virus) hence loss of taste smell cognitive functions. we know in UK around 4% of the pop has long covid and growing symptoms lasting longer than 8 weeks. 50% of those report symptoms over a year.

anecdotally folks I know that got omicron a second time it was much worse... I have been exposed many times with delta omicron etc and never caught it but am boosted to the tits. same with my bro, NFL games flights never got it.. test aswell as my dad nearly died from it so always test to visit him weekly nearly.

unfortunately Cambell has got off his rocker and used to be good. HE gets so much too wrong (sometimes admits it) or will take down a video as he did when he tried to convince his followers a study said EXACT opposite of what it did because he doesn't understand what he's reading. dr been is far more far and 100% balanced and knows what the f he is talking about. makes things sound worse than they are that any dr could dispute. heck flu causes upwards of 48% of middle aged men to have altered EKG elevated tropic and 10% get carditis from the FLU, of course most are fine, covid is higher obv, and we dont get the flu 2-3 times a year maybe 1 time every 4-5 years and less damaging. will be interested how things shape up over next 18 months. if South America gets a bad RSV flu season in kids thats not a great sign as likely covid is weakening kids immune system...time will tell, maybe was catch up we will see!

here is a good deep dive and he keeps an open mind that things may change etc..but basically comes down to covid is deadly we dont understand it and we knew pre vax it increased heart attacks and strokes, this risk appears to continue after each infection.(prob why BBC u found more damage after reinfection, although acute infection was milder, antibodies linger for a LOONG time and cause damage. ) anyhoo here it is...

edit: also foot clots were known with covid and check ur feet everyday in hospital if have covid even pre vax as was common, my buddy gets constant clots in his foot post covid (unvaxed) he was in and out of hospital because of it.. and of course we know spike protein and m rna get all over your organs from infection, faxed or not. we also know the immunity wanes quickly so no the vax is not continuing to produce spike protein. not to say cant be damage down the line, but keep in mind older people have MORE vax yet are less likely to land in hospital with covid that younger unvaxed. if vax was causing too much harm surely there would be a signal of more per capita of vexed in hospital that just happen to catch covid too.. ya know? always be skeptical of dr drew dr what's his nuts from Oprah.. they know how to make $$ and get clicks... the reason they think its vax spikes being persistent is because they are not up on the fact that infection does this aswell ie tested infection spike proteins not all vax... ie if think vax is bad u dont want a replicating vies giving same spike protein straight into ur Bain (studies show physical changes post infection all pre vax)

View: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-ZI7dwldSR0

I know you screwed up by taking it and are trying to cope, but let's be real: you're wrong and you are looking for any possible excuse so that you don't have to face the harsh truth. The level of cope is off the charts here. Wake up.

There is an enormous collection of evidence that is right there in front of your nose. Go read the studies. It's so easy to understand now if you open your mind.

At a minimum understand that the autopsies show the spike protein in organs, and there is NO NUCLEOCAPSID PROTEIN, which means this is not from the virus. It means the spike is from the "vaccine". You injected yourself with genetic agent, and it makes your body produce permanent spike proteins. Instead of denying this, you need to be seeking solutions.

