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Will you get the covid vaccine ?

I know you screwed up by taking it and are trying to cope, but let's be real: you're wrong and you are looking for any possible excuse so that you don't have to face the harsh truth. The level of cope is off the charts here. Wake up.

There is an enormous collection of evidence that is right there in front of your nose. Go read the studies. It's so easy to understand now if you open your mind.

At a minimum understand that the autopsies show the spike protein in organs, and there is NO NUCLEOCAPSID PROTEIN, which means this is not from the virus. It means the spike is from the "vaccine". You injected yourself with genetic agent, and it makes your body produce permanent spike proteins. Instead of denying this, you need to be seeking solutions.
tests in autopsys are PRE vax... ;) show spike protein all over body. and yes even those at the time before vax the tests looked for the spike protein/mrna aswell as cultural/living virus found in brains. there is no nucleocapsid shell test is there? also there won't be able to see the capsid shell after virus is longer viable(ie 3 weeks after infection).. I do keep an open mind and do watch both sides. (extremes on both sides forsure answer is usually in the middle). more vax=less excess deaths ESP when correct for age. this is worldwide country to country comparisons and state to state even.. point is if afraid of vax you DEF should be afraid of catching covid. I agree for many people the case to keep getting vax is not like it used to be(30-40% protection from inception for 4 months isn't alot for some people, for some people decreasing odds by 1/3 is GREAT). since omicron it also appears vax isn't great at preventing long covid either(other than ~35% that won't catch it). may decrease odds of long covid 50% IF you catch other studies so no difference if u catch. Still 8-11X less likely to land in hospital if faxed (so obv not harming people THAT much or they would end up in hospital more often)
tests in autopsys are PRE vax... ;) show spike protein all over body. and yes even those at the time before vax the tests looked for the spike protein/mrna aswell as cultural/living virus found in brains. there is no nucleocapsid shell test is there? also there won't be able to see the capsid shell after virus is longer viable(ie 3 weeks after infection).. I do keep an open mind and do watch both sides. (extremes on both sides forsure answer is usually in the middle). more vax=less excess deaths ESP when correct for age. this is worldwide country to country comparisons and state to state even.. point is if afraid of vax you DEF should be afraid of catching covid. I agree for many people the case to keep getting vax is not like it used to be(30-40% protection from inception for 4 months isn't alot for some people, for some people decreasing odds by 1/3 is GREAT). since omicron it also appears vax isn't great at preventing long covid either(other than ~35% that won't catch it). may decrease odds of long covid 50% IF you catch other studies so no difference if u catch. Still 8-11X less likely to land in hospital if faxed (so obv not harming people THAT much or they would end up in hospital more often)
The very most important note I have made from all this Covid information and research to date is that it would appear that they should have released the vaccine at a much lower dose and closer intervals. This would have sheltered and possible prevented half of these issues. EXAMPLE - instead of Pfizer or Moderna releasing at either of their doses (I think one was double the other), they should have just said we have enough for all and get yours at say 10 mcgs every 60 days, etc... That was their biggest mistake if we operate on the assumption that this whole debacle was not to commit genocide and future population control. No I do not want to believe any of that. But also we must consider with all the risky scientific pieces in place, IT WOULD ONLY TAKE ONE MAN TO DO ALL OF THIS AND NOT DIFFERENT THAN A BAG OF POPCORN AND THE MOVIE 12 MONKEYS.... And still this would NOT release the co-fenders from INHERENT STRICT LIABILITY and COMPLICIY LIABILITY....! Sadly there is not enough money in the world to make up for this best case scenario as EVEN IF this is only "HUMAN ERROR" and a primary inception and forward debacle...

1. I suspect a LOT of folks went to hospital that would have never ultimately matured to extreme levels of infection symtoms.
2. They called EVERY ADMITTANCE Covid, which is conspicuous within itself, but in the US I suspect that was a simple financial incentive to keep private hospitals from turning uninsured away. Either way US hospitals lost in comparison to western Roman-like availability of exotic insurance covered procedures which they would have made more $$ for. They also rely on these in order to fund our "Ghost socialism" medical system.
3. I do suspect they went to crazy on the DUKENUKEM hospice intibate, sedate, terminate protocol.. Unfortunately. I wont go there tho. But I would suggest they should have utilized "coughing coaches" and held WARD-LEVEL clinics all day. And they failed GROSSLY in their refusal to accept treatments like Ivermectin and other effective management protocols.!
4. But I don't think these these autopsied biopsies are pre-vax. The point is they are looking at both and YES they are saying now they can test for the presence of the spike protein without covid nucleus.
5. I was unaware the time frame of the ability to see and detect the "Shell". No one has really qualified this data yet mainstream I suspect either. I would imagine it depends on whether the infection is working overtime and persisting. _co-morbidities., etc..
6. There remains lack of clarity I suspect as to whether the spikes are simply landing in these places, or being generated there. I suspect its both. The idea of an adrenal gland producing spikes is kinds scary indicative of modification of DNA.?!?
7. Have you reviewed what the woman is saying about inutero ativity to fetus and sex organs?
8. The deaths are occurring daily and noteworthy as they even affect the athletically fit. This could either mean that cardio activity is peaking SPike Effects to dangerous facets, OR that there are 10'xs as many couch riders dying at young ages.
9. Too much suspicion created by always first calling "cardiac arrest" without ever telling what they found.
10. These clots appear massive, pervasive in action, look like tree braches when removed from pulmonary system, and notably the "Hard rubber texture" is an indication that they are NEVER LEAVING ON THEIR OWN and not going to break off easily. They simply MUST be triggering the body to simply freak out and shut down due to lack of blood flow or more. HOW ANY PEOPLE HAVE THEM THAT DON'T or WON'T KNOW TILL DEATH IN NEXT 5 YEARS?!?! This Definitely could explain all the increases in BLOOD PRESSURE in otherwise perviously healthy people now with stats like 185/110.. Not good. AND NO ONE KNOWS the full and complete damage from Covid OR Vaccine. And I cant help but suspect the results and effect of either are indeed different and not good either way. This will be a huge point of contention as this continues to unfold.

But backing up this thread entitled as "Will you get the Covid vax" or whatever the titles is - should be examined and created objectively if we are going to identify a culprit and catch it... So the question IMHO should be treated as more like "How is Covid going to affect you, and with/or without the vax". At that time we can get objectivity from both side and find out just how many are dying from Covid Alone, and how many are dying from Vax Effects (and they are)..

One sad point is that they will argue till the cows come home that people are getting covid and argue that to be the primary offender regardless of vaccine. The rebuttle will be why the hell did you give the vax WHILE LYING about the efficacy in terms of viral contraction prevention capacity. That in itself has not defense. So there is a serious problem. Children APPREARED unaffected early on. But at the same time they have clear arteries and could take longer to manifest clot identification due to younger. There is the potential matter of Genetics/eugenic application with or without malice from either side. And there are the UNKNOWNs as to WHY some people get affected so badly and why some cant seem to stabilize in these spike effects.

Still the bottom line is SHAME ON EVERYONE in places of power minimally for allowing this to occur, and shame on those that would venture the "Gain of function" avenue. And THERE SOULD BE HELL TO PAY. So why dont we know by know what happend. And why is there not some SHEDDER ASS ON THE TABLE. Be it one man or an entire competing counties government. NOT EXCLUDING OUR OWN if found GUILTY...

And this is all nothing more than a big ol FUCK YOU TO HUMANITY as far as I can tell as we travel down the path to unsustainability. And believe me we are there and it have nothing to do with "available square footage per capita" either. But it does have to do with technology, currency systems, and the ability to support this platform from all vectors ranging from food affordability to Micro Social landscape as functional "life-space"... And when you examine all that, and you then attempt to resolve naturally via tossing everyone out unto the country side with a govt issue hunting rifle, you might even find it has exactly to do with population as the natural food sources would be killed off in precisely ONE OPEN SEASON...
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FACT - Everyone I meet today who is struck with serious covid INVARIABLY states to be vaccinated, if not "FULLY".

FACT - I simple do not meet anyone unvaxxed complaning how they are dying and so much wish they had rolled up their sleeve when they had the chance.

So smoke on those along with DEEZ NUTZ to all you self righteous NAZI ARM JABBERS out there. I mean it got the the point that they almost literally formed vaccine possies running around trapping and pinning fellow humans like animals.. And that thing they pulled up north pinning those kids without their parents knowledge. If someone did that to my kid, Its a good chance I would be serving time right now if captured alive.

But more on the track I was headed...

Hell, Tyson foods cant even properly dispose of all the damn chicken carcasses from their plants without issue and on the verge of an environmental collapse from a pollution standpoint as one tiny mention of proof. But enjoy those chickens grown up in 2 weeks flat via chemical platforms that make GH, STEROIDS, and ANTIBIOTICS look like childs-play compared to all the shit they put in them. And I suspect that shit is horizontally transferrable and mutable. TRANSLATED, YOU'll BE SORRRR EEEYYYYY.... EAT UP...

So is there MOTIVE to Control Population?? YOU BET YOUR ASS...

Is there a smoking gun?? I sure hope not....

Oddly, COVID IS FUKKING EVERYWHERE RIGHT NOW. I cant seem to catch it again yet. Or have I???. What is it doing to me right fucking now.?!?

Have they examined any living and tore up covid patients with full body level scans yet? MRI or PET? Where are these results?? Shit if you are going to poison yerself with Gadolinium for MRI, you might as well scope your whole body. And if you are going to put gamma particles in your ass for PET Scan, surely there is a machine big enough/effective enuff - somewhere - to capture all the data at once.. WHY IS THIS NOT BEING DONE??

So the bottom line is they don't want us to know. And NOT EVEN at the practicing physician level even??1!?!?!?? They just tell those assholes what to think, say, and do. In short, docs appear to have become little more than MESO BOARD PARROTS... L........... O.............. L..................

And why the fuck are people like me the only mutherfukkers in the world attempting to actually use their brain right now.. Thats so fucked up because mine is about good for use as a dart board for beer cans.
Which is not good news under any light.. Buncha sheep ass mutherfukkers just running around Over-Romanized or half dead zombies in a stupor till they fully turn and activate to steal kill and destroy mode... And then you have another mass shooting. Hell I'm surprised we have not had a second coming of JIM JONES yet.. ASSHOLES...
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tests in autopsys are PRE vax... ;) show spike protein all over body. and yes even those at the time before vax the tests looked for the spike protein/mrna aswell as cultural/living virus found in brains. there is no nucleocapsid shell test is there? also there won't be able to see the capsid shell after virus is longer viable(ie 3 weeks after infection).. I do keep an open mind and do watch both sides. (extremes on both sides forsure answer is usually in the middle). more vax=less excess deaths ESP when correct for age. this is worldwide country to country comparisons and state to state even.. point is if afraid of vax you DEF should be afraid of catching covid. I agree for many people the case to keep getting vax is not like it used to be(30-40% protection from inception for 4 months isn't alot for some people, for some people decreasing odds by 1/3 is GREAT). since omicron it also appears vax isn't great at preventing long covid either(other than ~35% that won't catch it). may decrease odds of long covid 50% IF you catch other studies so no difference if u catch. Still 8-11X less likely to land in hospital if faxed (so obv not harming people THAT much or they would end up in hospital more often)
Dude, you're wrong. All the numbers are fake. Etc. Go read substack. Go read. Read read read. Here's a few of many substacks that I like. These people know. I don't have to educate you on a bodybuilding forum. Go read.


@Inspired - I was perusing a few of your references(FATSTAX :p) there and noteworthy see the looming ban on NMN. We truly live in a cunt world now don't we.. As if anyone could ever afford the gram a day it takes for it to work/ if its the SUPP I am thinking off. Has the FDA given reason for the BAN yet? Or is it just because it works and they are acting as dietary supplement-assassins-for-profit as usual.??..

So then the moral of the story is that pioneering thinkers, doers and players go out and make NEW SHIT HAPPEN, and then the US Govt STEALS IT...?? Its that how this works?


Caveat - I am not discounting the lethality of the Covid virus in any way and only speculate that the truth is there is no stopping it.. I refuse to be a conspiorist of that magnitude and how could the damn govt's of the world be that evil - RIGHT? There simply must be a reason for all this... I mean just throw us a bone already. I would be willing to believe that a malevolent ET force is lining up in orbit to come down and eat us all if not for contaminating us with Covid.. GIMMIE SOMETHING TO WORK WITH!!!! I'm having a stroke over hea alreadyyyy eeeaaeaaahhaaaaa.
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81% of covid deaths are people who are over the age of 65yo.

If they are trumpers or anti-vax, I encourage them to not be vaccinated.
I'm sure everyone here recalls the COVID BRAIN FOG. I was just thinking aloud to myself and a buddy the other day stated "I am not so sure if everyone has not sustained mental damage from Covid.

But it makes you wonder... WHAT IF the brain fog never cleared and we all just got used to it...

And I do agree there seems to be all kinds of CRAZY SIGN out there in the world today and you really see it on the streets and in traffic for one big one..
You know I just wanted to add I think IT SHOULD NOT BE FORGOTTEN that Covid is basically PRIMARILY a NEUROLOGICAL DISEASE. Meaning an "Electrical disease". As the very first thing we knew is that the virus shot straight up our olfactory nerves into our brains and was small enough to reside in, and affect our neurological system. The body's electrical system MUST BE considered a primary ESSENTIAL system as without proper neurological electrical signal encoding, all of the proceeding effects we are experiencing are possibly a result thereof... These are just thoughts of obvious rhetoric and emitted by a MAD-MAN. For the sake of science and the love of God and Humanity.

What I a saying is perhaps there is nothing like a healthy SHOCK from time to time.

What I am saying is that perhaps the disease, and many more, could be electrically nullified via electronic pulse wave intervals of unknown frequency FORM, modulation, amplitude, and type...


Who knows what a little "signal correction and boosting or blocking" could do for medical science. And a "VIRUS" which is also touted to be a ROBOT in some circles, would require a POWER SOURCE. Hell you never know, it might even be able to be controlled via proposed electrical modulation.. Who knows.... IS THERE ANYONE HERE. HELLLLLOOOWWWWWWW///WWW//WW//W////////

Now STOP making my dig up dirt from my own freaky past. It's disturbing to ME..

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I got the covid shot to be able to go back to school and I regret it. I got heart palpitations and all sorts of heart issues like myocarditis. So crazy they wanted me to get a second and third shot! My brother almost died from pericarditis! I think the covid vaccines are a form of population control
I got the covid shot to be able to go back to school and I regret it. I got heart palpitations and all sorts of heart issues like myocarditis. So crazy they wanted me to get a second and third shot! My brother almost died from pericarditis! I think the covid vaccines are a form of population control
Mark of the Beast is what o call it .
I got the covid shot to be able to go back to school and I regret it. I got heart palpitations and all sorts of heart issues like myocarditis. So crazy they wanted me to get a second and third shot! My brother almost died from pericarditis! I think the covid vaccines are a form of population control
Welcome to the difference between AWAKE and WOKE...

I only chimed back in here for now to exclaim we are now coming down with our Third round of Covid in my household. None vaccinated. I have never seen my wife this laid out. She is Reptilian and normally just hibernates for three days and pops up fine. She had to go deeper this time but started coming back awake after 3 days.

its trying to lock in on me now and I stll test neg. but I can tell its pecking away. So I just consume more alcohol to combat.

One daughter brought it home a week ago. The second just circumbed to my wife's infection yesterday and popping POS..

So unvaccinated we are now untold ALPHA before diagnosable but we lost smell and that one dragged on a bit. We skipped delta due to alpha immunity. We got Omicron in Jan 2022.. And not we are getting this current cunt killer whatever it is..

On the one hand its not good to stack vaccinations on top of infections you are going to get regardless. But on the other, you really have to wonder if there is something we don't know that justifies the use of this nasty "Vaccine".

Personally I believe the vax is just a quick route to death if you are susceptible. ANd that Covid is a first round genetic "round up". Essentially you are stacking 3-5 additional exposures on what we are apparently going to catch regardless. But still you have to wonder. Perhaps the only vax survivors are the ones that will live through the next great release..
Further I am only putting this out here for now for thought and feedback from those with experience. But I am highly suspicious that covid is responsible for some really serious TOOTH DAMAGE now occurring. And I just don't believe you can fairly correlated it to "Stress Grinding", or not brushing teeth due to psychological induced Covid mental states..

And that is FUKING CRAZY considering insurance is a bitch with dental care and most people dont have it not to mention that there is no telling what the teeth, and tooth root/nerve/CNS system may actually do in the body. Anyone ever seen those scientist that call tooth roots "circuit breakers' of the body and chart out and map the results of which teeth have damage..?? Its interesting.. Ask an I will hunt it down..
Check this one out. Whats far out is that I have been testing every 2 days cause I knew it was coming to me. But i did not pop until a long nasty night last night. Benedryl every 5 hours. This thing has my sinuses on fire. Arthritis in fingers too. And muscle pain the forarms just unscrewing water bottle tops and light stuff. It also acts like it wants to get down to lungs.. It is far more potent that the "like a bad seasonal Sinus I see out there"

This test just now filled in so fast that it stole the red ink from the control group...! So that's alpha, skipped delta, Omicron last Jan of 22, and now this Arturus or whatever stupid ass name they have on it.

Notably I was suffering light symptoms and hints for 3 days prior to popping pos.

Its really starting to make me wonder are us purebloods just going to have to bit the bullet sooner or later and take a chance on the vax. I am starting to have a feeling that you either survive the vax or not. And it the vax dont get ya, the covid will...
Check this one out. Whats far out is that I have been testing every 2 days cause I knew it was coming to me. But i did not pop until a long nasty night last night. Benedryl every 5 hours. This thing has my sinuses on fire. Arthritis in fingers too. And muscle pain the forarms just unscrewing water bottle tops and light stuff. It also acts like it wants to get down to lungs.. It is far more potent that the "like a bad seasonal Sinus I see out there"

This test just now filled in so fast that it stole the red ink from the control group...! So that's alpha, skipped delta, Omicron last Jan of 22, and now this Arturus or whatever stupid ass name they have on it.

Notably I was suffering light symptoms and hints for 3 days prior to popping pos.

Its really starting to make me wonder are us purebloods just going to have to bit the bullet sooner or later and take a chance on the vax. I am starting to have a feeling that you either survive the vax or not. And it the vax dont get ya, the covid will...
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You have something else wrong with you and your family. Where are you located?


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