WKM's working sources for free gear behind the scenes

You know us "melenials", we are fucks like that. Bahaha. No I'm not a troll well i dont want to be, really id like to get along despite our differences, but like sjw beta leftists, a majority only respect the opinions inline with their own. It is also hard to sit by while someone is masturbating to his "brutal ownage" of someone who supposedly scammed and not laugh and have a desire to ridicule them for their insanity. Seriously, i worry about the mental health of many of you.
Idk how asking for free gear is a scam btw, a misuse of status sure but it's not much of a scam unless he doesn't intend to provide a review. I guess his explanation as to why gear for reviews isn't acceptable here could be considered dishonest and thus a scam, unless he truly believes that. Otherwise, he is just wrong but being wrong isn't a scam. It's just being wrong. I know, I know. Rational thought. Crucify me.
Your wrong.
Either your blind or stupid or your just here to argue
You some how missed all this huh, 188lb Hercules?
But your right! Attempting to scam free gear and run a review wouldnt be a scam at all to regular paying customers who arent aware of HOW XnoobX got his gear?
Love your logic
Now sit down. Grown ups are talking
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Welcome back and enjoy the show.
I hope they promoted you in the group to make some money off the gear?! You have put in a lot of jerk work.
I suggested to Millard a while back to remove titles and I wasn't on the WKM system. Seems like he listened at last, I am glad. Obviously that was the foundation for this to work.
Ok I'm gonna step out on a ledge here and point out what everyone else is ignoring or just hasn't said or asked.... how is it Mands was prevy to this going on? How is TP and Mands connected here to expose this guy? I wanna know and think it's important to know....if TP went to Mands on their own then how did they identify him as the one to go to and not Millard himself? I think there is more, a lot more to be explained here other than just noob...I'm not defending him, I just think there's a lot more going on than there's been let on to be
Ok I'm gonna step out on a ledge here and point out what everyone else is ignoring or just hasn't said or asked.... how is it Mands was prevy to this going on? How is TP and Mands connected here to expose this guy? I wanna know and think it's important to know....if TP went to Mands on their own then how did they identify him as the one to go to and not Millard himself? I think there is more, a lot more to be explained here other than just noob...I'm not defending him, I just think there's a lot more going on than there's been let on to be

Ripped warned TP that there would likely be potential scammers and to report it.

TP told mands about xnoob and mands suggested he bait the hook to see who else they could reel in.

That's what i've gathered.

Edit: Clarification.
Ripped warned TP that there would likely be potential scammers and to report it.

TP told mands about it xnoob and mands suggested he bait the hook to see who else they could reel in.

That's what i've gathered.

Edit: Clarification.
That's right bro I saw that other handle in TP thread and warned him turned out he was already having someone try to strong arm him for a cycle .
What I gather is that this bullshit is getting old and I don't care anymore.

If you want drama, join a fucking theatre troupe. Can we get back to not having nothing but ragey, cliquey, Days-of-Our-Lives bullshit threads where people validate their inadequacies?

People do shady shit. Moving on...
Certainly a case could be made. It is not currently. Of course, this would required strict definitions and criteria. I'm not a fan of bans broadly based on "shady shit" members do to help sources and/or to enrich themselves. I am a fan of public disclosure, preferably voluntary but involuntary if necessary, of evidence of such behavior that is not in the best interests of consumers.
It's not as effective as you would think mainly because scammers happen to use the same IP ranges used by non-scammers in many cases. Not everyone posts from a static IP address. Many scammers tend to use VPNs and TORs. Also, members who use popular VPNs and TORs may actually end up using some of the same IPs. Banning TOR/VPN ips may help but it would also hurt legitimate members who use these services.
Appreciate your response.
Cant say i like it but i respect it. You have an amazing tolerance for BS but i think that tolerance and willingness to mostly stay out of over regulating the board is also your best atrribute. Good and bad. Unfortunately these low lives like XnoobX again and again can reinvent themselves to do more harm with little to no actual recourse. Weve seen this with serial trolls as well.
What I gather is that this bullshit is getting old and I don't care anymore.

If you want drama, join a fucking theatre troupe. Can we get back to not having nothing but ragey, cliquey, Days-of-Our-Lives bullshit threads where people validate their inadequacies?

People do shady shit. Moving on...

Dude! Holy fuck, you never stop whining!

I don't think meso is the forum for you. Try ProMuscle. You'll fit right in there.
Dude! Holy fuck, you never stop whining!

I don't think meso is the forum for you. Try ProMuscle. You'll fit right in there.

No, I think I'll stay here. It was a perfectly good forum when you were away.

Every post you've made re. "your whining" was me saying STFU with your stupid drama.

Am I complaining about your dumb, grade school drama? Absolutely.